RM1 Fundamentals of Retail Management Bangalore University BBA 5th Semester NEP Notes

Unit 1 [Book]
Definition, Functions and Types of Retail VIEW
Retail ownership:
Independent Retailer VIEW
Retail Chain Stores VIEW
Franchising VIEW
Leased Departmental stores VIEW
Vertical Marketing system VIEW
Consumer Co-operatives VIEW
Forms of Retail Business Ownership VIEW
Indian Retail Scenario VIEW
Factors influencing retail business in India VIEW
Ethical Issues in Retailing VIEW
International perspective in retail business VIEW
FDI in Indian Organized Retail Sector VIEW
Extra Topics
Retail Theories VIEW
Wheel of Retailing VIEW
Retail Life cycle VIEW


Unit 2 [Book]
Buying Decision Process and its Implication on Retailing VIEW
Influence of Group and Individual Factors on Retailing VIEW
Customer Shopping Behaviour in Retailing VIEW
Customer Service VIEW
Customer Satisfaction VIEW
Retail Planning Process VIEW
Factors to Consider in Preparing a Retail Business Plan, Implementation, Risk Analysis VIEW


Unit 3 [Book]
Business Models in Retailing VIEW
Classification of Retailing Formats VIEW
Operational Stages in Retailing VIEW
Factors influencing Location of stores VIEW
Stores Designing VIEW
Space Planning VIEW
Inventory Management VIEW
Merchandising Management VIEW VIEW
Selection and optimization of Retail Workforce VIEW
Retail Accounting and Cash Management VIEW
Extra Topic
Market Area Analysis, Trade Area Analysis, Rating Plan method, Site Evaluation VIEW
Stores Layout VIEW
Visual Merchandising VIEW
Category Management VIEW


Unit 4 [Book]
Introduction, Product VIEW
Decisions related to Selection of Goods (Merchandise Management) VIEW
Retail Product Assortment and Display VIEW
New product launch VIEW
PLC in Retailing VIEW
Pricing, influencing factors approaches to pricing price sensitivity VIEW
Value pricing VIEW
Markdown pricing VIEW
Retail Place VIEW
Retail Supply Channel VIEW
Retail Logistics VIEW
Computerized Replenishment System VIEW
Corporate Replenishment Policies VIEW
Retail Promotion, Setting objectives, Communication effects VIEW
Promotional mix. VIEW
Retail Distribution: In Store and Online Store VIEW
Factors influencing Retail Distribution VIEW
Human Resource Management in Retailing VIEW
Selection and Optimization of work force in Retailing VIEW
Extra Topic
Decisions Related to Delivery of Service VIEW
Price Sensitivity VIEW
SCM Principles VIEW


Unit 5 [Book]
Non-Store Retailing (E-Retailing) VIEW
The Impact of Information Technology in Retailing VIEW
Integrated Systems and Networking VIEW
Bar Coding VIEW
Electronic Article Surveillance and VIEW
Electronic Shelf Labels VIEW
Customer Database Management System in Retailing VIEW
Legal Aspects in Retailing VIEW
Social Issues in Retailing VIEW
Artificial Intelligence in Retailing VIEW
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