Income Tax I

Unit 1 Introduction to Income Tax {Book}
Brief history of Indian Income Tax VIEW
Legal Framework:
Types of taxes VIEW
Cannons of taxation VIEW
Assessment, Assessment year, Income, Agricultural income, Assesses, Person, Casual income VIEW
Previous year including exception VIEW
Gross total income, Total income VIEW
Scheme of taxation VIEW
Meaning and Classification of Capital and Revenue VIEW


Unit 2 Residential Status {Book}
Residential status of an Individual’s, Determination of Residential status VIEW
Incidence of tax-problems on computation of Gross total Income VIEW


Unit 3 Exempted incomes {Book}
Introduction, exempted incomes U/S 10. Only in the hands of individuals VIEW


Unit 4 Income from Salary {Book}
Meaning, definitions, basis of charge, Advance salary, Arrears of salary, encashment of earned leave VIEW
All allowances VIEW
Perquisites VIEW
Profits in lieu of salary VIEW
Provident fund VIEW
Gratuity VIEW VIEW
Commutation of pension VIEW
Deductions from salary U/S 16 VIEW
Problems on computation of Salary income VIEW


Unit 5 Income from House property {Book}
Income from House property VIEW
Basis of charge VIEW
Deemed owners, Composite rent VIEW
Exempted income from house property VIEW
Annual value VIEW
Determination of Annual value, treatment of unrealized rent, loss due to Vacancy, Deductions from Annual value U/S 24 VIEW
Problems on computation of income from house property VIEW


Business Regulations

Unit 1 Introduction to Business Laws {Book}
Introduction, Nature of Law, Meaning and Definition of Business Laws VIEW
Scope and Sources of Business Laws VIEW
Types of Business Law VIEW
Difference between Law and ethics VIEW
Case precedent: Meaning of plaintiff, Defendant, Petitioner, respondents, Public prosecutors, Advocate General, Solicitor general of India, Judicial Magistrate of First class, Civil Judge, Sessions (criminal court judge), Metropolitan magistrate, Economic offences. VIEW
Constitutional provisional relating to business affairs VIEW VIEW
Difference between Civil cases and Criminal cases VIEW


Unit 2 Contract Laws {Book}
Indian Contract Act, 1872 VIEW
Essentials of a valid contract VIEW
Classification of contracts VIEW
Remedies for breach of contract. VIEW VIEW
Termination and Discharge of Contract VIEW
Indemnity VIEW
Guarantee VIEW
Bailment and Pledge VIEW
Law of Agency VIEW
Indian Sale of Goods Act, 1930 VIEW
Essentials of contract of sale VIEW
Conditions and Warrantees VIEW VIEW
Rights and Duties of buyer VIEW
Rights of an unpaid Seller VIEW


Unit 3 Consumer Protection Act, (COPRA) 2019 {Book}
Consumer Protection Act, (COPRA) 2019, Objective of the Act VIEW
Important terms: Complaint, Consumer, Consumer dispute, consumer rights, defect, Deficiency, direct selling, E-commerce, Electronics Service providers, HARM, injury, Misleading advertisement, product liability
Restrictive trade practice, Service unfair trade practice (UTP) VIEW
Consumer dispute redressal forums District forum, State commission and National commission. Jurisdiction offences and penalties under the ACT VIEW

Extra Topic

The Competition Act, 2002 VIEW
Objectives, Features of Competition Act, 2002 VIEW
Offences and Penalties under the Act Competition Act, 2002 VIEW
Competition Commission of India VIEW
Consumer Protection Act, 1986 VIEW
Consumer VIEW
Consumer dispute VIEW
Defect, deficiency, unfair trade practices and services under the Protection Act, 1986 VIEW
Rights of the consumer under the Protection Act, 1986 VIEW
Consumer Redressal Agencies: District Forum, State Commission, National Commission VIEW


Unit 4 Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) 2016 {Book}
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) 2016 Introduction, Rationale and Objectives VIEW
Need for Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code: Social, Legal, Economic and Financial Perspectives VIEW
Authorities and Enforcement Mechanism in IBC 2016 VIEW
Role of Adjudicating Authorities, Appellate Authorities VIEW
Insolvency of Individuals and Partnership firms VIEW


Unit 5 {Book}
Intellectual Property Right:
Introduction and the need for intellectual property right (IPR) VIEW
Kinds of Intellectual Property Rights:
Patent VIEW
Copyright VIEW
Trade Mark, Design VIEW
Geographical Indication VIEW
Plant Varieties and Layout Design VIEW
IPR in India VIEW
IPR in abroad VIEW
Major International Instruments concerning Intellectual Property Rights VIEW
Information Technology Act, 2000:
Information Technology Act, 2000: Objective of the Act VIEW
Meaning of Cyber Law VIEW
Cyberspace, Digital Signature VIEW
Private key, Public key VIEW
Encryption VIEW
Digital Signature certificate VIEW
Cyber Crimes: Meaning and Types, VIEW
Cyber Crimes Offences and Penalties VIEW
Information Technology (Amendment 2018) special provisions relating to online gaming, provision of adequate safeguards against dangerous gaming resources and online material that disturbs the cultural values and ethos. VIEW


E-Business & Computerized Accounting

Unit 1 E-Business {Book}
Introduction, e-Commerce Definition VIEW
History of e-commerce VIEW
Difference between e-Commerce and e-Business VIEW
e-Commerce v/s Traditional Commerce VIEW
Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities of e-Commerce VIEW
Challenges of e-Commerce VIEW
E-Commerce Business models; B2G, C2G VIEW
Types of e-commerce Business Revenue Models VIEW


Unit 2 e-Payments Mechanisms {Book}
e-Payment requirements, Meaning, and Importance VIEW
App based e-payment systems VIEW
M-Wallet Payments VIEW
Card based payment Credit card, Debit card and Different types of cards VIEW VIEW
Net Banking VIEW
M-Banking VIEW
Cheque Truncation System (CTS) VIEW
Payment through BiT-Coin (Not accepted in INDIA)
Cybercrimes in e-payments VIEW
Risks and Protection in e-payments VIEW
cyber laws and cyber police stations VIEW
Digital signature usage and Legal provisions VIEW
E-payment in Paperless society, Significance VIEW VIEW


Unit 3 Introduction of Tally and SAP {Book}
Meaning of Tally software, Features, Advantages VIEW
Required Hardware of Tally software VIEW
Introduction to SAP Meaning, features, configuration advantages and limitations VIEW
SAP in finance, SAP in Marketing, SAP in HR


Unit 4 Gateway of Tally {Book}


Unit 5 Reports in Tally {Book}


Costing Methods

Unit 1 Job and Batch Costing {Book}

Job Costing: Meaning, prerequisites, Job costing procedures, Features, objectives, applications, advantages and disadvantages of Job costing VIEW
Batch Costing Meaning, Advantages, Disadvantages VIEW
Determination of economic Batch Quantity VIEW
Comparison between Job and Batch Costing VIEW


Unit 2 Process costing {Book}
Introduction, meaning and definition, Features of Process Costing VIEW
Comparison between Job costing and Process Costing VIEW
Applications, Advantages and Disadvantages of Process Costing VIEW
Treatment of normal loss, Abnormal loss and Abnormal gain VIEW
Rejects and Rectification – Joint and by-products costing problems under reverse cost method VIEW


Unit 3 Contract Costing {Book}
Meaning, Features, Applications of Contract costing VIEW
Similarities and Dissimilarities between Job and Contract costing VIEW
Procedure of Contract costing VIEW
Profit on incomplete contracts VIEW


Unit 4 Operating Costing {Book}
Introduction, Meaning and application of Operating Costing VIEW
Power house costing or Boiler house costing VIEW
Canteen or Hotel costing VIEW
Hospital costing and Transport Costing, Problems VIEW


Unit 5 Output Costing {Book}
One Operation (Unit or Output) Costing VIEW
Collection of Costs VIEW
Tenders or Quotations VIEW
Treatment of Scrap VIEW
Production Account VIEW
Difference between a Production Account and a Cost Sheet VIEW

Advanced Corporate Accounting

Unit 1 Holding Company Accounts {Book}
Introduction Meaning of Holding Company VIEW
Introduction Meaning of Subsidiary Company VIEW
Steps, Pre-Acquisition Profits, Post Acquisition Profits VIEW
Minority Interest VIEW
Cost of Control or Capital Reserve VIEW VIEW
Unrealized Profit, Mutual Indebtedness VIEW
Preparation of Consolidated Balance Sheet (As per AS21) under vertical format VIEW


Unit 2 Mergers and Acquisition of Companies {Book}
Meaning of Amalgamation and Acquisition VIEW
Types of Amalgamation, Amalgamation in the Nature of Merger & Purchase VIEW
Methods of Purchase Consideration VIEW
Calculation of Purchase Consideration (Ind AS 103) VIEW
Net Asset Method VIEW
Net Payment Method VIEW
Accounting for Amalgamation VIEW
Entries and Ledger Accounts in the Books of Transferor Company and Transferee Company VIEW
Preparation of new Balance sheet. (Vertical Format) (Excluding External Reconstruction) VIEW


Unit 3 Internal Reconstruction {Book}
Internal Reconstruction Meaning, Objective, Procedure VIEW
Form of Reduction VIEW
Passing of Journal Entries for Internal Reconstruction VIEW
Preparation of Reconstruction accounts VIEW
Preparation of Balance Sheet after Reconstruction (Vertical Format) VIEW


Unit 4 Liquidation of Companies {Book}
Liquidation of Companies Meaning, Types of Liquidation VIEW VIEW VIEW
Order of Payment VIEW
Calculation of Liquidator’s Remuneration VIEW
Preparation of Liquidators Final Statement of Account VIEW


Unit 5 Recent Developments in Accounting & Accounting Standard’s {Book}
Meaning, Definitions, Characteristics, Functions and Importance of Human Resource Accounting VIEW
Meaning, Definitions, Characteristics, Functions and Importance of Environmental Accounting VIEW
Meaning, Definitions, Characteristics, Functions and Importance of Sustainability accounting VIEW
Meaning, Definitions, Characteristics, Functions and Importance of Forensic accounting VIEW
Meaning, Definitions, Characteristics, Functions and Importance of Public expenditure accounting VIEW
Meaning, Definitions, Characteristics, Functions and Importance of Social Responsibility Accounting VIEW


Depositories in Stock Market

In India, a Depository Participant (DP) is described as an Agent of the depository. They are the intermediaries between the depository and the investors. The relationship between the DPs and the depository is governed by an agreement made between the two under the Depositories Act. In a strictly legal sense, a DP is an entity who is registered as such with SEBI under the sub section 1A of Section 12 of the SEBI Act. As per the provisions of this Act, a DP can offer depository-related services only after obtaining a certificate of registration from SEBI. As of 2012, there were 288 DPs of NSDL and 563 DPs of CDSL registered with SEBI.

SEBI (D&P) Regulations, 1996 prescribe a minimum net worth of Rs. 50 lakh for stockbrokers, R&T agents and non-banking finance companies (NBFC), for granting them a certificate of registration to act as DPs. If a stockbroker seeks to act as a DP in more than one depository, he should comply with the specified net worth criterion separately for each such depository. No minimum net worth criterion has been prescribed for other categories of DPs; however, depositories can fix a higher net worth criterion for their DPs.

Basics of Depository

Depository is an institution or a kind of organization which holds securities with it in De-Mat form, in which trading is done among shares, debentures, mutual funds, derivatives, F&O and commodities. The intermediaries perform their actions in variety of securities at Depository on behalf of their clients. These intermediaries are known as Depositories Participants (DPs). Fundamentally, there are two sorts of depositories in India. One is the National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) and the other is the Central Depository Service (India) Limited (CDSL). Every Depository Participant (DP) needs to be registered under this Depository before it begins its operation or trade in the market.

Demat Account Opening

A demat account is opened on the same lines as that of a Bank Account. Prescribed Account opening forms are available with the DP, needs to be filled in. Standard Agreements are to be signed by the Client and the DP, which details the rights and obligations of both parties. Along with the form the client requires to attach Photographs of Account holder, attested copies of proof of residence and proof of identity needs to be submitted along with the account opening form.

In case of Corporate clients, additional attachments required are true copy of the resolution for Demat a/c opening along with signatories to operate the account and true copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association is to be attached.

Services provided by Depository

  • Dematerialisation (usually known as demat) is converting physical certificates of Securities to electronic form
  • Rematerialisation, known as remat, is reverse of demat, i.e. getting physical certificates from the electronic securities
  • Transfer of securities, change of beneficial ownership
  • Settlement of trades done on exchange connected to the Depository
  • Pledging and Unpledging of Securities for loan against shares
  • Corporate action benefits directly transfer to the Demat and Bank account of customer

No. of Depository in the country

Currently there are two depositories operational in India.

  • National Securities Depository Ltd. – NSDL – Having 2 crores Demat A/c as on 30-06-2020
  • Central Depository Services Ltd. – CDSL – Having 2.3 crores Demat A/c as on 30-06-2020

Depositories Act 1996

The definition of depositories under the Depositories Act, 1996 is that a “depository” is a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956. It would be granted a certificate of registration under Section 12 subsection (1A) of Securities and Exchange Board of India Act (SEBI), 1992. Hence the Depository becomes an organization like a central bank.  The main role of Depositories is to dematerialize the securities which mean converting the securities from physical form to electronic form and enabling transactions in electronic form. The depository needs to obtain a certificate of commencement of business from SEBI. At present two Depositories are functioning in India:

  • National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL)
  • Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL)

Depository Participant (DP)

The Depository Participant is the link between the owner of the securities and the depositors. He is deemed to be an agent of the depository. Accordingly, he is authorized to offer depository services to investors. As per SEBI regulations and Depository Act, a depository cannot interact directly with beneficial owners. He has to deal with its agents called Depository Participant. Neither can the investors directly approach the depository for any services. They have to interact through the DP.

Services provided by a depository

The following services are provided by a depositor through a DP:

  1. Opening a Demat Account

The first step is to open a Demat Account. Demat Account is the short form for Dematerialisation Account. It is the process of holding investments like mutual funds, shares, bonds, government securities, etc. It does away with the hassles of maintenance of physical documents.

  1. Dematerialization

This process is the conversion of physical shares to electronic shares. When a shareholder uses this facility, the Company takes back the physical shares through the depository system and equal numbers of shares are credited into the shareholder’s account.

  1. Rematerialization

This is the exact opposite of Dematerialization. Here physical securities are issued in place of securities in electronic form. 

  1. Other services

Pledging Dematerialized shares

Dematerialized shares can be pledged. After the loan is repaid a request can be made through one’s DP to close the pledge through a standard format.

Initial Public Offerings

Public offer credits can be directly received into the Demat account.

Receipt of cash/non-cash benefits

When rights or bonus or dividend is announced by any corporate event for a particular security, the depository will give the details of all the clients having electronic holdings to the registrar as on that date. The registrar will then calculate the benefits due to all the shareholders.

Stock lending and borrowing

Securities in the Demat form can be easily lent/ borrowed. Instructions are to be given to DP through a standard format (which is available with DP).

Transmission of securities

In case there is a need for transmission of securities due to death, lunacy, bankruptcy, insolvency, or by any other lawful means, it is possible through the depository system. The claimant will have to fill in a transmission request form supported by valid documents.

Freezing Account with DP

If at any time one wishes that no transaction should be effected in one’s account, one may advise one’s DP accordingly. DP will freeze the account of the investor until further instructions.

Dematerialization process

  1. Appointing DP

The investor chooses a DP of his choice and opens an account with him.  The process will be just like opening an account with a bank. The Investor gets an identification number called Client ID. This is just like the bank account number. This no is the reference point for all transactions with DP. Every investor with the help of a DP has to agree with a depository to get his holding dematerialized. This step is necessary whether an investor already has securities or securities are yet to be issued in a fresh issue.

  1. “Demat” Request

The investor makes an application to DP’s in a form called Dematerialisation Request Form is known as DRF.  This form is provided by the DP, the investor hands over his share certificates after cancelling them in writing. The certificates are then surrendered to get dematerialized for Demat. The DP will accept certificates registered only in the investor’s name.

  1. Verification and confirmation by Registrar

The depository electronically intimates the issuer or its Registrar of the dematerialization request. The issuer or the Registrar has to verify the security certificates. He also has to verify that the DRF has been made by the person recorded as a member in its Register of Members. Once the Registrar is satisfied, it dematerializes the scrip and updates its record. The Registrar then authorizes electronic credit for that security in the investor’s favour and informs the depository of the same.

  1. Crediting the Client’s Account

The investor’s account is credited by DP with the number of shares dematerialized. After this, the investor holds the securities in electronic form. The investor gets the information in the form of a statement.  However, in case, there is a rejection then such credit is not given.

Features of the Depository System in India

  1. Securities in dematerialized form

The depository model is more or less similar to holding funds in bank accounts. Transfer of ownership of securities is done through simple account transfer. This method is simpler and avoids cumbersome paperwork.

  1. Fungibility

Fungibility means an asset can be interchanged with another asset of a similar type. The dematerialized securities are not identified by share certificate numbers. Hence all securities which are in the same class can be interchanged.

  1. Registered and beneficial owner

There are two types of ownership of securities. One is a registered owner and the other is a beneficial owner. For all the dematerialized securities, NSDL is the registered owner but ownership rights, duties and liabilities are with beneficial owners.

  1. Easy transferability of shares

The transfer takes place freely through the electronic system and dispenses the procedural formalities related to paperwork.

  1. No stamp duty

For the transfer of physical shares, then the stamp duty of 0.5% is payable on the market value of the shares. However, there is no such duty on the electronic form.

  1. No risk

Physical certificates have issues like loss in transit, theft, bad deliveries, etc. There is hardly any risk involved in the electronic system as compared to physical certificates.

Private placements of Shares

Private placement, the issue is placed directly with a few selected small number of investors. This is also known as non-public offering. Typical investors include large banks, mutual funds, insurance companies and pension funds. The private placement does not have to be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Private placements are much cheaper than IPOs. However, this method cannot be used for large issues because a small group of investors will have limited risk appetite. Also, these issues are not traded in the secondary market, as opposed to IPO securities, which once listed are traded in the secondary market. This makes it difficult for investors to liquidate these securities.

The term private placement refers to the sale of securities to a small number of private investors to raise capital. These private investors include mutual fund investors, banks, insurance companies and etc. Private placements are different from public issue since in the latter one the shares are sold in the open market to anyone willing to buy them whereas in private placements of shares the shares are sold to specific investors.

Private placement is a method of raising capital in which securities are sold directly to a selected group of investors rather than through a public offering. This targeted approach allows companies to raise funds from a specific set of investors, often institutions or high-net-worth individuals, without the need for public registration. Private placements are regulated by securities laws, and the process involves meticulous planning, compliance, and negotiations between issuers and investors.

Private placement is a valuable tool for companies seeking to raise capital efficiently while maintaining a degree of confidentiality. It provides flexibility in structuring deals, selecting investors, and tailoring terms to meet specific needs. While private placements may not be suitable for all companies, they offer a strategic avenue for raising capital, attracting strategic partners, and fueling growth in a controlled and efficient manner. Companies considering private placements should carefully assess their capital needs, regulatory obligations, and strategic goals before engaging in this form of capital raising.

Features of Private Placement:

  1. Limited Investor Pool:

Private placements involve a restricted number of investors. This targeted approach allows issuers to negotiate terms with a select group, often chosen based on their strategic alignment with the company’s goals.

  1. Exemption from Public Registration:

Unlike public offerings, private placements are exempt from the rigorous public registration process. This exemption is provided under various securities regulations, such as Regulation D in the United States or the SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) guidelines in India.

  1. Negotiable Terms:

Issuers and investors have more flexibility in negotiating the terms of the private placement. This includes aspects such as pricing, the structure of securities, and any covenants or conditions attached to the investment.

  1. Diverse Securities:

Private placements can involve a variety of securities, including equity, debt, convertible securities, or preferred shares. The choice of security depends on the company’s capital needs and the preferences of investors.

  1. Customized Agreements:

The terms and conditions of private placement agreements are often customized to suit the specific needs of both parties. This flexibility allows for tailoring the investment structure to align with the company’s strategy.

  1. Confidentiality:

Private placements offer a level of confidentiality that is not present in public offerings. Companies can raise capital without disclosing sensitive information to competitors or the broader market.

Regulatory Framework for Private Placement:

While private placements offer flexibility, they are subject to regulatory oversight to protect the interests of investors. The regulatory framework varies by jurisdiction, but common elements:

  1. Accredited Investors:

Many jurisdictions restrict private placements to accredited investors, who are deemed to have the financial sophistication to understand and assess the risks associated with these investments.

  1. Exemptions from Registration:

Private placements are exempt from the full registration requirements that public offerings must undergo. However, issuers must comply with specific regulations governing private placements.

  1. Disclosure Requirements:

While private placements provide confidentiality, issuers are still required to provide certain disclosures to investors. These disclosures may include financial statements, risk factors, and other relevant information.

  1. Limited Marketing and Solicitation:

The solicitation of investors in a private placement is limited compared to public offerings. Issuers must be cautious in their approach to avoid violating regulations related to marketing and advertising.

  1. Resale Restrictions:

Investors in private placements may face restrictions on selling their securities in the secondary market. These restrictions help maintain the private nature of the placement.

Advantages of Private Placement:

  1. Efficiency and Speed:

Private placements are generally faster and more cost-effective than public offerings. The absence of extensive regulatory reviews and public registration processes accelerates the capital-raising timeline.

  1. Selective Investor Engagement:

Issuers can choose investors strategically, targeting those with industry expertise, strategic alignment, or specific financial capabilities.

  1. Flexibility in Terms:

The negotiated nature of private placements allows issuers to tailor terms and conditions to meet the specific needs and goals of both the company and investors.

  1. Confidentiality:

Private placements offer a level of confidentiality, allowing companies to raise capital without divulging sensitive information to the public.

  1. Strategic Alignment:

By selectively choosing investors, companies can attract strategic partners who bring not just capital but also industry knowledge, networks, and expertise.

  1. Lower Costs:

The costs associated with private placements are generally lower than those of public offerings due to reduced regulatory requirements and marketing expenses.

Challenges and Considerations:

  1. Limited Capital:

Private placements may not be suitable for companies seeking significant amounts of capital, as the investor pool is restricted.

  1. illiquidity for Investors:

Investors in private placements may face challenges in selling their securities, as these transactions are often subject to restrictions.

  1. Regulatory Compliance:

Companies must navigate complex regulatory requirements to ensure compliance with securities laws. Failure to comply can result in legal consequences.

  1. Market Perception:

Companies choosing private placements may miss out on the visibility and market perception that comes with a public offering.

  1. Negotiation Complexity:

Negotiating terms with a select group of investors can be complex, requiring skilled negotiation and legal expertise to strike a mutually beneficial deal.

Provisions as per Companies Act

(1) A company may, subject to the provisions of this section, make a private placement of securities.

(2)  A private placement shall be made only to a select group of persons who have been identified by the Board (herein referred to as “identified persons”), whose number shall not exceed fifty or such higher number as may be prescribed [excluding the qualified institutional buyers and employees of the company being offered securities under a scheme of employees stock option in terms of provisions of clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 62], in a financial year subject to such conditions as may be prescribed.

(3) A company making private placement shall issue private placement offer and application in such form and manner as may be prescribed to identified persons, whose names and addresses are recorded by the company in such manner as may be prescribed.

Statutory Provisions for Private Placement of Securities:

Private Placement of Securities is covered under Section 42 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Rules, 2014Private Placement is defined as any offer or invitation to subscribe or issue of securities to a select group of persons by a company (other than by way of public offer) through Private Placement Offer-cum-Application.

To whom can a Private Placement offer be made:

Private Placement Offer can be made to a prospective investor or any person who intends to invest a specific amount of funds in the Company against issue of securities. Offer to subscribe for the securities of a Company under Private Placement cannot be made to more than 200 persons in a Financial Year. If a company, listed or unlisted, makes an offer to allot or invites subscription, or allots, or enters into an agreement to allot, securities to more than the prescribed number of persons, same shall be deemed to be an offer to the public.


No advertisements, media marketing or distribution channels or agents to be used by the company to inform the public at large about such an issue.


Following procedure should be followed by the Company intending to issue securities under Private Placement:

  • Calling for the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company to offer securities on Private Placement Basis.
  • Passing of Board Resolution for issue of shares under Private Placement to specified persons and calling for Extra-Ordinary General Meeting of the Company to take members approval.
  • Filing form MGT-14- Board Resolution for issue of shares under Private Placement.
  • Issuing notices to the shareholders for Extra-Ordinary General Meeting of the Company as per timelines or with shorter consents.
  • Passing Special Resolution in the Shareholders meeting for issue and allotment of shares under Private Placement.
  • Sending Offer cum Application Letters in form PAS-4 to identified persons within 30 days of recording the names of the identified persons. Such Offer cum Application Letters can be sent in electronic mode (emails) or by post.
  • Receiving allotment amount in a separate bank account within the offer period as mentioned in the Offer cum Application Letter.
  • The Company shall allot shares to the applicants who has subscribed for the same through application letter and deposited the subscription amount within the offer period.
  • After Closure of Offer Period call a Board Meeting and pass Resolution for Allotment of Securities to the entitled subscribers.
  • Filing of return of allotment in Form PAS-3 within 15 days from the date of the allotment i.e. After passing Board Resolution for allotment
  • Make sure the securities are allotted within 60 days of the receipt of Application amount by the Company.
  • Stamp Duty on allotment shall be paid @ 0.10% through channels as available in respective states. e.g. In Mumbai it can be paid to ESBTR or GRASS MAHAKOSH site
  • The Company will be allowed to utilize the money raised through Private Placement only after Return of Allotment in Form PAS-3 is filed with the Registrar of Companies.
  • Record of Private Placement should be maintained by the Company in prescribed Form PAS-5.
  • The Company should update its Registrar of Members in a proper manner upon completion of allotment.

Difference between Salary and Wages


Salary is a fixed regular payment, typically paid on a monthly basis, for the performance of work or services. Unlike wages, which are often calculated on an hourly or weekly basis, salaries provide employees with a consistent and predetermined amount of compensation, regardless of the number of hours worked.


  1. Base Salary:

The core, fixed amount of money paid to an employee on a regular basis, forming the foundation of the overall salary. Reflects the employee’s role, responsibilities, and experience.

  1. Bonuses:

Additional monetary rewards provided to employees, often based on performance, company profits, or specific achievements. Motivates employees and aligns their efforts with organizational goals.

  1. Allowances:

Supplementary payments intended to cover specific expenses or costs related to the job, such as housing, transportation, or meals. Addresses the financial impact of job-related requirements.

  1. Benefits:

Non-monetary compensation, including healthcare, retirement plans, and other perks, provided to enhance employees’ overall well-being. Contributes to employee satisfaction and work-life balance.

  1. Overtime Pay:

Additional compensation for hours worked beyond the standard workweek, often calculated at a higher rate than the regular hourly pay. Compensates employees for extra effort and time invested in work.

  1. PerformanceBased Incentives:

Variable payments linked to individual or team performance, encouraging employees to achieve specific goals or targets. Aligns compensation with results and fosters a performance-driven culture.

  1. Profit Sharing:

Sharing company profits with employees, providing them with a stake in the organization’s financial success. Aligns the interests of employees with the overall success of the business.

  1. Commissions:

Payments based on sales or revenue generated by an employee, common in roles with direct sales responsibilities. Rewards employees for their contribution to revenue generation.

  1. Retirement Benefits:

Contributions made by the employer to retirement plans, such as 401(k) or pension schemes. Supports employees in building financial security for their post-work years.

  • Stock Options:

The right to purchase company stock at a predetermined price, offering employees a share in the company’s ownership. Aligns employees’ interests with the company’s long-term success.

  • Education and Training Support:

Financial assistance provided by the employer for the education and skill development of employees. Promotes continuous learning and professional growth.

  • Health and Wellness Programs:

Initiatives and benefits aimed at promoting employees’ physical and mental well-being. Enhances employee health, productivity, and job satisfaction.

  • Vacation and Leave Benefits:

Paid time off from work, including vacation days, holidays, and other types of leave. Supports work-life balance and employee well-being.

  • Severance Pay:

Compensation provided to employees upon termination of employment, often based on factors like length of service. Offers financial support during transitions and provides a safety net for employees.

  • Other Perquisites (Perks):

Additional benefits or privileges provided to employees, such as company cars, memberships, or flexible work arrangements. Enhances the overall employment experience and contributes to employee satisfaction.


Wages refer to the compensation paid to an employee for the hours worked or services rendered, often calculated on an hourly, daily, or weekly basis. Unlike salaries, which provide a fixed amount irrespective of hours worked, wages are directly tied to the time spent on the job.


  1. Hourly Rate:

The amount paid for each hour worked by an employee. Forms the basic unit for calculating wages based on time.

  1. Overtime Pay:

Additional compensation provided for hours worked beyond the standard workweek or regular working hours. Compensates employees for extra effort and time beyond the standard working hours.

  1. Piece-Rate Pay:

Compensation based on the number of units produced or tasks completed. Directly links pay to productivity and output.

  1. Commission:

A percentage of sales or revenue earned by an employee, common in sales roles. Rewards employees based on their contribution to generating business.

  1. Tips and Gratuities:

Additional payments received by employees, often in service industries, as a form of appreciation from customers. Augments income and is often based on customer satisfaction.

  1. Holiday Pay:

Compensation for hours worked on recognized holidays. Encourages employees to work during holiday periods and compensates for the disruption to personal time.

  1. Shift Differentials:

Additional pay for working shifts that fall outside regular daytime hours. Compensates for inconveniences associated with non-standard working hours.

  1. Bonuses (Variable):

Additional payments beyond regular wages, often tied to performance, project completion, or other achievements. Acts as an incentive and recognition for exceptional contributions.

  1. Piecework Bonuses:

Additional payments for meeting or exceeding production targets in piecework arrangements.  Motivates employees to achieve or surpass production goals.

  • Travel Allowances:

Compensation for work-related travel expenses, such as mileage or transportation costs. Addresses additional costs incurred while traveling for work.

  • Uniform or Tool Allowances:

Payments provided to cover the cost of uniforms, tools, or equipment required for the job. Supports employees in meeting job-specific requirements.

  • Incentive Pay:

Additional compensation tied to achieving specific targets, often related to productivity or efficiency. Encourages employees to meet or exceed performance expectations.

  • Danger Pay:

Additional compensation for employees working in hazardous conditions or environments. Recognizes the risks associated with certain jobs.

  • Call-out Pay:

Compensation for employees called in to work outside their regular schedule, often applicable to on-call positions. Compensates for the inconvenience of being available on short notice.

  • Benefits (Limited):

Some wage-related benefits, such as health insurance or retirement contributions, may be provided, but to a lesser extent compared to salary packages. Enhances the overall compensation package, albeit on a more limited scale compared to salaried positions.

Difference between Salary and Wages

Basis of Comparison



Payment Frequency Monthly Hourly or Weekly
Consistency Fixed, stable Variable, fluctuates
Calculation Basis Annual rate / 12 Hourly rate x Hours worked
Overtime Compensation Typically included Paid separately
Employment Level Often for salaried employees Common for hourly workers
Work Hours Impact Irrelevant to pay Directly affects earnings
Benefits Often includes benefits Limited or no benefits
Professional Positions Common for white-collar jobs Common for blue-collar jobs
Skill-Based Reflects skills and qualifications Often skill-independent
Administrative Work Common for managerial roles Common for administrative roles
Unionization Less common for unionized jobs Common in unionized settings
Job Complexity Reflects job responsibilities May not directly reflect complexity
Job Stability Generally perceived as stable Can be influenced by job market
Performance Impact Less direct impact on pay Directly impacts pay through hours
Perception in Society Often associated with higher status May not carry the same status

Basis for Compensation Fixation

Compensation refers to compensating any damage, loss or mental harassments, wages or salaries as reward for physical and/or mental efforts to perform any agreed task or job. But the concept of equity in remunerating any work or task has forced us to perceive wages and salaries as compensation, because people work efficiently only when they are paid according to their worth or feel satisfied with the remunerations. Besides basic salaries or wages, companies are forced to view the benefits and services to justify the positional and esteem needs of employees and to provide adequate cushion for inflations. Though the cost of human resources is estimated at between 2% to 20% of the operating cost (depending upon the type of industry), to retain the employees or to avoid job-hopping, some of the industries are even forced to adopt varying scales and benefits.

Compensation is the reward that the employees receive in return for the work performed and services rendered by them to the organization. Compensation includes monetary payments like bonuses, profit sharing, overtime pay, recognition rewards and sales commission, etc., as well as non­monetary perks like a company-paid car, company-paid housing and stock opportunities and so on.

Apart from the basic financial pay the employees receive paid vacations, sick leave, holidays and medical insurance, maternity leave, free travel facility, retirement benefits, etc., and these are called benefits.

The Fixation or determination of compensation involves considering various factors and elements to arrive at a fair and competitive remuneration package for employees. The basis for compensation fixation may vary across industries, organizations, and job roles. The Combination of these factors, tailored to the specific needs and priorities of the organization, forms the basis for the fixation of compensation. Organizations often develop a comprehensive compensation strategy that integrates these elements to attract, retain, and motivate a talented and satisfied workforce.

  • Market Conditions:

Aligning compensation with prevailing market rates for similar positions in the industry or geographic location. Ensures competitiveness in attracting and retaining talent.

  • Job Evaluation:

Systematically assessing the relative value of different jobs within the organization based on factors like skills, responsibilities, and complexity. Establishes internal equity and aids in determining appropriate compensation levels.

  • Industry Standards:

Considering compensation benchmarks and practices established within a specific industry. Helps organizations stay competitive and in line with industry norms.

  • Organization’s Financial Health:

Evaluating the financial capacity of the organization to sustain and afford the proposed compensation structure. Ensures that compensation is aligned with the organization’s financial resources.

  • Employee Performance:

Linking compensation to individual or team performance, often through performance appraisals and merit-based systems. Rewards and motivates high-performing employees, fostering a performance-driven culture.

  • Cost of Living:

Adjusting compensation based on the cost of living in a particular region or country. Accounts for variations in living expenses and ensures fair compensation.

  • Skill and Experience:

Recognizing the level of skills and experience possessed by an employee. Differentiates between entry-level and experienced employees, reflecting their contributions.

  • Legal Compliance:

Ensuring compliance with local, state, and national labor laws and regulations related to minimum wage, overtime, and other compensation standards. Mitigates legal risks and ensures ethical employment practices.

  • Union Agreements:

Adhering to terms negotiated and agreed upon in collective bargaining agreements with labor unions. Reflects the terms and conditions established through negotiations with employee representatives.

  • Market Positioning:

Positioning the organization’s compensation strategy relative to competitors in the talent market. Influences the organization’s attractiveness to potential employees and helps in talent acquisition.

  • Employee Benefits:

Including non-monetary benefits, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and other perks, in the overall compensation package. Enhances the total rewards offered to employees, contributing to their overall well-being.

  • Job Complexity and Risk:

Recognizing the complexity and level of risk associated with specific job roles. Reflects the nature of the job and the skills required, influencing compensation levels.

  • Retention and Succession Planning:

Considering the organization’s long-term talent strategy, including the retention of key employees and planning for future leadership needs. Aligns compensation with strategic workforce planning goals.

  • Employee Value Proposition (EVP):

Evaluating the overall value proposition offered to employees beyond monetary compensation, including career development opportunities, work-life balance, and organizational culture. Considers factors that contribute to employee satisfaction and engagement.

  • Global Considerations:

Adapting compensation practices to account for variations in economic conditions, cultural norms, and legal requirements in different countries for multinational organizations. Ensures consistency and compliance across diverse geographic locations.

Effect of Various Labour Laws on Wages

Labour laws play a pivotal role in shaping the employment landscape and influencing wage structures within a country. These laws are designed to regulate the relationship between employers and employees, ensuring fair treatment, safe working conditions, and just compensation. The impact of labour laws on wages is multifaceted, encompassing aspects such as minimum wage regulations, overtime pay, equal pay for equal work, and various other provisions aimed at protecting workers’ rights. Labour laws wield substantial influence over wage structures, seeking to establish a balance between the interests of employers and the rights of workers. While these laws are crafted with the intention of promoting fairness, equity, and worker protection, their impact is subject to various challenges. Striking the right balance between regulation and flexibility, addressing regional disparities, and adapting to evolving workforce dynamics are ongoing challenges for policymakers and businesses alike. Nevertheless, a well-crafted and effectively enforced legal framework is essential for fostering a work environment where wages are just, working conditions are safe, and the rights of workers are upheld.

Minimum Wage Regulations:

Intended Benefits:

  • Fair Compensation:

Minimum wage laws are enacted to ensure that workers receive a baseline level of compensation deemed necessary for a decent standard of living. This promotes economic justice by preventing the exploitation of vulnerable workers.

  • Poverty Alleviation:

Setting a minimum wage helps lift workers out of poverty, providing them with the means to cover essential living expenses. This has broader societal implications, contributing to poverty reduction.


  • Impact on Small Businesses:

Critics argue that higher minimum wages can impose financial burdens on small businesses, potentially leading to job cuts or increased prices for goods and services.

  • Regional Disparities:

Minimum wage regulations may not adequately account for regional variations in living costs, creating challenges in finding a one-size-fits-all solution that addresses the diverse economic landscapes within a country.

Equal Pay for Equal Work:

Intended Benefits:

  • Gender Pay Equity:

Labour laws promoting equal pay for equal work aim to eliminate gender-based wage disparities. This contributes to gender equality in the workplace, fostering a fair and inclusive environment.

  • Fair Treatment:

The principle of equal pay extends to all forms of discrimination, ensuring that employees are not subjected to wage disparities based on race, ethnicity, or other protected characteristics.


  • Data Accuracy and Transparency:

Implementing equal pay measures requires accurate and transparent data on employees’ roles, responsibilities, and compensation. Some organizations may face challenges in collecting and disclosing this information.

  • Subjectivity in Job Evaluation:

Determining what constitutes “equal work” can be subjective, and variations in job roles may complicate efforts to ensure equal pay. Standardizing job evaluation methodologies is a complex task.

Overtime Pay and Working Hours:

Intended Benefits:

  • Fair Compensation for Extra Effort:

Overtime pay regulations are intended to compensate employees for working beyond standard hours. This ensures that employees are fairly rewarded for their additional efforts.

  • Limiting Exploitative Practices:

Labour laws prescribing limits on working hours and overtime seek to prevent exploitative practices and promote a healthy work-life balance. This contributes to employee well-being and job satisfaction.


  • Operational Constraints:

Industries with fluctuating workloads may face challenges in accommodating strict working hour regulations. Flexibility in working hours may be crucial for certain sectors.

  • Compliance Monitoring:

Ensuring compliance with overtime regulations requires effective monitoring mechanisms, which can be resource-intensive for regulatory authorities.

Collective Bargaining and Trade Union Laws:

Intended Benefits:

  • Negotiating Power for Workers:

Collective bargaining laws empower workers to negotiate wages and working conditions collectively. This enhances their bargaining power, leading to more equitable agreements with employers.

  • Labour Market Stability:

By providing a structured framework for negotiations, collective bargaining laws contribute to labour market stability, reducing the likelihood of widespread strikes or industrial unrest.


  • Power Imbalances:

In situations where there is a significant power imbalance between employers and workers, collective bargaining may be challenging. This is particularly relevant in industries with limited unionization.

  • Potential for Disruption:

While collective bargaining aims for mutually beneficial agreements, disputes can arise, leading to work stoppages and disruptions that impact both workers and employers.

Social Security and Benefits:

Intended Benefits:

  • Worker Well-being:

Labour laws pertaining to social security and benefits, such as healthcare, retirement plans, and disability insurance, aim to enhance the overall well-being of workers.

  • Attracting and Retaining Talent:

Competitive benefit packages can attract skilled workers and contribute to employee retention. Labour laws often prescribe minimum standards for these benefits.


  • Financial Strain on Employers:

Mandating certain benefits can place a financial burden on employers, especially smaller businesses. Striking a balance between worker welfare and business viability is crucial.

  • Changing Workforce Dynamics:

The rise of the gig economy and non-traditional employment arrangements poses challenges in adapting social security and benefit regulations to accommodate diverse work structures.

Child Labour and Forced Labour Laws:

Intended Benefits:

  • Protecting Vulnerable Populations:

Laws prohibiting child labour and forced labour are designed to protect vulnerable populations from exploitation. These regulations prioritize the well-being of children and individuals subjected to coercion.

  • Ethical Business Practices:

Compliance with child labour and forced labour laws is integral to promoting ethical business practices. Organizations adhering to these regulations contribute to global efforts against human rights abuses.


  • Enforcement and Monitoring:

Effectively enforcing laws against child labour and forced labour requires robust monitoring systems, especially in industries where such practices may be prevalent.

  • Global Supply Chain Complexity:

Addressing child labour and forced labour becomes complex in global supply chains, where products may pass through multiple jurisdictions with varying regulations and enforcement capacities.

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