Unit 1 Introduction to Indian Accounting Standards | |
Overview of Accounting Standards | VIEW |
Objectives of Accounting Standards | VIEW |
Benefits and Limitations of Accounting Standards | VIEW |
Process of Formulation of Accounting Standards in India | VIEW |
List of Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) | VIEW |
Need for Convergence Towards Global Standards | VIEW |
International Financial Reporting Standards as Global Standards | VIEW |
Benefits of Convergence with IFRS | VIEW |
Applicability of Ind AS in India | VIEW |
Unit 2 Presentation of Financial Statements | |
Presentation of Financial Statements | VIEW |
Users of Financial statements | VIEW |
Objective of Financial statements | VIEW |
Underlying assumptions | VIEW |
Qualitative characteristics of financial statements | VIEW |
The elements of financial statements | VIEW |
Recognition of the elements of financial statements | VIEW |
Measurement of the elements of financial statements | VIEW |
Concepts of Capital and Capital maintenance | VIEW |
Unit 3 Asset Based Indian Accounting Standards | |
Property, Plant and Equipment (Ind AS 16) | VIEW |
Intangible assets (Ind AS 38) | VIEW |
Impairment of assets (Ind AS 36) | VIEW |
Inventories (Ind AS 2) | VIEW |
Borrowing costs (Ind AS 23) | VIEW |
Investment Property (Ind AS 40) Scope, Definitions, Recognition and Measurement of the above-mentioned Standards | VIEW |
(Simple Problems on Ind AS 16, 38, 36, 2, 23) |
Unit 4 Liability Based Indian Accounting Standards | |
Provisions, Contingent liabilities and contingent assets (Ind AS 37) Scope, provision, Liability, Obligating event, Legal obligation, Constructive obligation, Contingent liability, Contingent asset | VIEW |
Relationship between Provisions and Contingent liability | VIEW |
Recognition of Provisions, Contingent asset and Contingent liability | VIEW |
Measurement and Disclosure of Information in the Financial Statements | VIEW |
Unit 5 Revenue Based Indian Accounting Standards | |
Revenue from contract with customers (Ind AS 115) Contract, Customer, Income, Performance obligation, Revenue, Transaction price, Applicability of Ind AS 115 | VIEW |
Recognition and identifying performance obligation, Determining the transaction price | VIEW |
Disclosure Requirements in Financial Statements (Simple Problems Only) | VIEW |
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