Working of Constituent Committees

20/04/2024 0 By indiafreenotes

Constituent Assembly of India, tasked with drafting the Constitution for the newly independent nation, structured its work through several committees. These committees addressed specific areas of governance and constitutional matters, ensuring that the Constitution covered all aspects of law and society comprehensively. Each committee focused on particular themes, and their thorough deliberations formed the bedrock of the Indian Constitution.

Major Committees of the Constituent Assembly

Drafting Committee

  • Role:

The most prominent of all committees, the Drafting Committee was responsible for drafting the actual text of the Constitution. It synthesized the recommendations from other committees and debates in the Assembly into a coherent draft document.

  • Chair:

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was the Chairman of this committee, and his legal acumen and vision were pivotal in shaping the Constitution.

  • Members:

It included six other members, who were legal and constitutional experts.

  • Outcome:

The committee prepared several drafts; the final draft was submitted in November 1949, which, after debates and modifications, was adopted on January 26, 1950.

Union Powers Committee

  • Role:

This committee determined the powers to be vested in the Union government, delineating the areas of jurisdiction between the Union and the provinces (states).

  • Chair:

Jawaharlal Nehru led this committee, reflecting his influential role in shaping modern India.

  • Outcome:

Their recommendations helped frame the central aspects of governance and the federal structure of India.

Union Constitution Committee

  • Role:

Tasked with outlining the actual structure of the Union government, including the executive, legislature, and the judiciary.

  • Chair:

Also chaired by Jawaharlal Nehru.

  • Outcome:

The ideas from this committee were instrumental in forming the institutional structures of the Indian state.

Provincial Constitution Committee

  • Role:

Focused on the powers and constitution of the individual states within the Union of India.

  • Chair:

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, who later became India’s first Home Minister, chaired this committee.

  • Outcome:

It laid down the framework for state governance that would balance state autonomy with central oversight.

Advisory Committee on Fundamental Rights, Minorities and Tribal and Excluded Areas

  • Role:

One of the most critical committees, it dealt with the formulation of fundamental rights, provisions for minorities, and the administration of tribal and excluded areas.

  • Chair:

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.

  • Sub-Committees:

It included several sub-committees focusing on specific aspects, such as the Fundamental Rights Sub-Committee, the Minorities Sub-Committee, and the North-East Frontier Tribal Areas and Assam Excluded & Partially Excluded Areas Sub-Committee.

  • Outcome:

Played a key role in ensuring the Constitution protected individual rights and catered to the diverse demographic composition of the country.

Committee on the Functions of the Constituent Assembly

  • Role:

This committee outlined how the Constituent Assembly would function in terms of procedural aspects.

  • Chair:

Dr. Rajendra Prasad, who also served as the President of the Constituent Assembly.

  • Outcome:

Ensured smooth proceedings and decision-making processes within the Assembly.

Importance of the Committees

The committee system allowed for specialized debate and consideration of each aspect of governance and social welfare, which was crucial given the diverse and complex nature of Indian society. Their deliberations helped in addressing various viewpoints and integrating different perspectives into the unified document of the Constitution. Each committee contributed to a part of the Constitution, making it a detailed and inclusive document. The effectiveness of these committees lay in their ability to bring together diverse political and ideological adversaries in agreement on a shared vision for the nation’s future.