Skills set for NGO
Community Organizing
- Group dynamics
- Community integration
- Problem identification
- Community investigation
- Facilitation
- Mobilization
- Communication
- Role playing
- Objectivity, monitoring and evaluation
Participatory Action Research
- Identification of research problem
- Identification of different research tools
- Data gathering
- Analysis of data
- Consultation with the community and validation of data
- Drawing of conclusions
- Making of recommendations
Business Skills
- Planning
- Participatory (circular) management
- Accounting and bookkeeping
- Marketing and purchasing
- Negotiation
- Monitoring and record keeping
- Technical skill in micro-computers
- Organizing cooperatives/credit unions
- Handling labour problems
- Understanding legal aspects.
Documentation, Dissemination of Information
- Small group formation
- Clarification of values and vision
- Group dynamics
- Different kinds of media production
- Communication skills and visual aids
- Conscientization /Senticizing skills
- Advocacy
- Networking and linkages
Training Methods
- Use of cultural forms
- Use of media
- On-the-job training – participant observation
- Workshop organization
- Group dynamics
- Practice-Theory/Action-reflection
- Exposure programme
- Group discussion and synthesis, brain-storming
- Self-learning kits and modules
Technology Training: Appropriate Technologies
- Agriculture, fishing, post-harvest technology, energy, housing, health, sanitation, handicrafts, food technology.
Human Resource Management in NGO
Human Resources can be to the efficient running of their organization. Contrary to popular belief, HR is not just a department that fills out forms and signs off on sick-leave. There is so much more to it, in fact, when HR does a good job, they act like the glue that keeps the company together. NGOs are no different. The reason for this is because just like any other business, one of their main resources is provided by humans. And as such this valuable resources needs to be managed accordingly. Thanks to some major problems faced by NGOs, HR is more important now than it has ever been in the past.
Expert recruiting
Remove some of the pressure when filling positions, get your HR team on the case. Most Human Resources individuals have extensive experience in recruiting and employer branding. They will also be able to implement many automated processes which should remove erroneous applicants and attract more of the top talent. If you have a smooth process and an excellent employer brand you’ll start to see more skilled workers apply for vacancies.
Training and Development
A lot of the time most managers are too busy to properly train or develop their staff. It’s just a simple fact and an unfortunate consequence of the “doing less with more” mentality. More and more these days, the responsibility of training and development seems to lie with the HR department. A good HR professional will be well equipped to deal with career management and organising skills training for an NGO. If NGOs offer a great training program, they will see more of the top talent and fewer resignations.
We mentioned before that a great HR team acts as the glue of an organization, and that’s usually true. In the sense that they ensure a smooth operation and that the overall corporate culture is well organized. Some people will thrive in chaos, but most don’t. The HR department will ensure proper on-boarding, off-boarding and operations within a company. HR are there to ensure new employees are made to feel welcome and are shown how things work, who people are, the general vibe etc.
This is another part of the glue, a positive HR person can have a tremendous impact on the motivation of an organization. Motivation can be hard to come by in a regular company, let alone an NGO. NGOs need to keep their people engaged, involved and motivated and the best way to do that is with an effective HR team.
Addressing the human needs
All employees have what’s called human needs, and NGOs need to effectively address those needs if they are going to retain their staff. An enlightened HR manager knows just what it takes to keep someone on board and happy they need to keep the humanity in HR. This is simple enough to do so long as you address the basic human needs, which are: the need to be appreciated, the need to belong and the need to feel like you’re making a meaningful contribution. If an NGO addresses these needs, it will help solve the problem of staff retention.
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