Primary Market and Secondary Market

Primary Market

primary market, securities are created for the first time for investors to purchase. New securities are issued in this market through a stock exchange, enabling the government as well as companies to raise capital.

For a transaction taking place in this market, there are three entities involved. It would include a company, investors, and an underwriter. A company issues security in a primary market as an initial public offering (IPO), and the sale price of such new issue is determined by a concerned underwriter, which may or may not be a financial institution. An underwriter also facilitates and monitors the new issue offering. Investors purchase the newly issued securities in the primary market. Such a market is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).

The entity which issues securities may be looking to expand its operations, fund other business targets or increase its physical presence among others. Primary market example of securities issued includes notes, bills, government bonds or corporate bonds as well as stocks of companies.

Functions of Primary Market

  • New issue offer

The primary market organises offer of a new issue which had not been traded on any other exchange earlier. Due to this reason, it is also called a New Issue Market. Organising new issue offers involves a detailed assessment of project viability, among other factors. The financial arrangements for the purpose include considerations of promoters’ equity, liquidity ratio, debt-equity ratio and requirement of foreign exchange.

  • Underwriting services

Underwriting is an essential aspect while offering a new issue. An underwriter’s role in a primary marketplace includes purchasing unsold shares if it cannot manage to sell the required number of shares to the public. A financial institution may act as an underwriter, earning a commission on underwriting.

Investors rely on underwriters for determining whether undertaking the risk would be worth its returns. It may so thus happen that an underwriter ends up buying all the IPO issue, and subsequently selling it to investors.

  • Distribution of new issue

A new issue is also distributed in a primary marketing sphere. Such distribution is initiated with a new prospectus issue. It invites the public at large to buy a new issue and provides detailed information on the company, issue, and involved underwriters.

Types of Primary Market Issuance

After the issuance of securities, investors can purchase such securities in various ways. There are 5 types of primary market issues.

  • Public issue

Public issue is the most common method of issuing securities of a company to the public at large. It is mainly done via Initial Public Offering (IPO) resulting in companies raising funds from the capital market. These securities are listed in the stock exchanges for trading.

A privately held company converts into a publicly-traded company when its shares are offered to the public initially through IPO. Such public offer allows a company to raise funds for expansion of business, improving infrastructure, and repay its debts, among others. Trading in an open market also increases a company’s liquidity and provides a scope for issuance of more shares in raising further capital for business.

The Securities and Exchange Board of India is the regulatory body that monitors IPO. As per its guidelines, a requisite due enquiry is conducted for a company’s authenticity, and the company is required to mention its necessary details in the prospectus for a public issue.

  • Private placement

When a company offers its securities to a small group of investors, it is called private placement. Such securities may be bonds, stocks or other securities, and the investors can be both individual and institutional.

Private placements are easier to issue than initial public offerings as the regulatory stipulations are significantly less. It also incurs reduced cost and time, and the company can remain private. Such issuance is suitable for start-ups or companies which are in their early stages. The company may place this issuance to an investment bank or a hedge fund or place before ultra-high net worth individuals (HNIs) to raise capital.

  • Preferential issue

A preferential issue is one of the quickest methods available to companies for raising capital. Both listed and unlisted companies can issue shares or convertible securities to a select group of investors. However, the preferential issue is neither a public issue nor a rights issue. The shareholders in possession of preference shares stand to receive the dividend before the ordinary shareholders are paid.

  • Qualified institutional placement

Qualified institutional placement is another kind of private placement where a listed company issues securities in the form of equity shares or partly or wholly convertible debentures apart from such warrants convertible to equity shares and purchased by a Qualified Institutional Buyer (QIB).

QIBs are primarily such investors who have the requisite financial knowledge and expertise to invest in the capital market. Some QIBs are:

  • Foreign Institutional Investors registered with the Securities and Exchange Board of India.
  • Foreign Venture Capital Investors.
  • Alternate Investment Funds.
  • Mutual Funds.
  • Public Financial Institutions.
  • Insurers.
  • Scheduled Commercial Banks.
  • Pension Funds.

Issuance of qualified institutional placement is simpler than preferential allotment as the former does not attract standard procedural regulations like submitting pre-issue filings to SEBI. The process thus becomes much easier and less time-consuming.

  • Rights and bonus issues

Another issuance in the primary market is rights and bonus issue, in which the company issues securities to existing investors by offering them to purchase more securities at a predetermined price (in case of rights issue) or avail allotment of additional free shares (in case of bonus issue).

For rights issues, investors retain the choice of buying stocks at discounted prices within a stipulated period. Rights issue enhances control of existing shareholders of the company, and also there are no costs involved in the issuance of these kinds of shares. For bonus issues, stocks are issued by a company as a gift to its existing shareholders. However, the issuance of bonus shares does not infuse fresh capital.

Secondary Market

The term “secondary market” is also used to refer to the market for any used goods or assets, or an alternative use for an existing product or asset where the customer base is the second market (for example, corn has been traditionally used primarily for food production and feedstock, but a “second” or “third” market has developed for use in ethanol production).

A secondary market is a platform wherein the shares of companies are traded among investors. It means that investors can freely buy and sell shares without the intervention of the issuing company. In these transactions among investors, the issuing company does not participate in income generation, and share valuation is rather based on its performance in the market. Income in this market is thus generated via the sale of the shares from one investor to another.

In the secondary market, securities are sold by and transferred from one investor or speculator to another. It is therefore important that the secondary market be highly liquid (originally, the only way to create this liquidity was for investors and speculators to meet at a fixed place regularly; this is how stock exchanges originated, see History of the Stock Exchange). As a general rule, the greater the number of investors that participate in a given marketplace, and the greater the centralization of that marketplace, the more liquid the market.

Fundamentally, secondary markets mesh the investor’s preference for liquidity (i.e., the investor’s desire not to tie up his or her money for a long period of time, in case the investor needs it to deal with unforeseen circumstances) with the capital user’s preference to be able to use the capital for an extended period of time.

Accurate share price allocates scarce capital more efficiently when new projects are financed through a new primary market offering, but accuracy may also matter in the secondary market because:

1) Price accuracy can reduce the agency costs of management, and make hostile takeover a less risky proposition and thus move capital into the hands of better managers

2) Accurate share price aids the efficient allocation of debt finance whether debt offerings or institutional borrowing.

Functions of Secondary Market

  • A stock exchange provides a platform to investors to enter into a trading transaction of bonds, shares, debentures and such other financial instruments.
  • Transactions can be entered into at any time, and the market allows for active trading so that there can be immediate purchase or selling with little variation in price among different transactions. Also, there is continuity in trading, which increases the liquidity of assets that are traded in this market.
  • Investors find a proper platform, such as an organised exchange to liquidate the holdings. The securities that they hold can be sold in various stock exchanges.
  • A secondary market acts as a medium of determining the pricing of assets in a transaction consistent with the demand and supply. The information about transactions price is within the public domain that enables investors to decide accordingly.
  • It is indicative of a nation’s economy as well, and also serves as a link between savings and investment. As in, savings are mobilised via investments by way of securities.

Different Instruments in the Secondary Market 

The instruments traded in a secondary market consist of fixed income instruments, variable income instruments, and hybrid instruments.

  • Fixed income instruments

Fixed income instruments are primarily debt instruments ensuring a regular form of payment such as interests, and the principal is repaid on maturity. Examples of fixed income securities are debentures, bonds, and preference shares.

Debentures are unsecured debt instruments, i.e., not secured by collateral. Returns generated from debentures are thus dependent on the issuer’s credibility.

As for bonds, they are essentially a contract between two parties, whereby a government or company issues these financial instruments. As investors buy these bonds, it allows the issuing entity to secure a large amount of funds this way. Investors are paid interests at fixed intervals, and the principal is repaid on maturity.

Individuals owning preference shares in a company receive dividends before payment to equity shareholders. If a company faces bankruptcy, preference shareholders have the right to be paid before other shareholders.

  • Variable income instruments

Investment in variable income instruments generates an effective rate of return to the investor, and various market factors determine the quantum of such return. These securities expose investors to higher risks as well as higher rewards. Examples of variable income instruments are equity and derivatives.

Equity shares are instruments that allow a company to raise finance. Also, investors holding equity shares have a claim over net profits of a company along with its assets if it goes into liquidation.

As for derivatives, they are a contractual obligation between two different parties involving pay-off for stipulated performance.

  • Hybrid instruments

Two or more different financial instruments are combined to form hybrid instruments. Convertible debentures serve as an example of hybrid instruments.

Types of Secondary Market

Secondary markets are primarily of two types – Stock exchanges and over-the-counter markets.

  • Stock exchange

Stock exchanges are centralised platforms where securities trading take place, sans any contact between the buyer and the seller. National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) are examples of such platforms.

Transactions in stock exchanges are subjected to stringent regulations in securities trading. A stock exchange itself acts as a guarantor, and the counterparty risk is almost non-existent. Such a safety net is obtained via a higher transaction cost being levied on investments in the form of commission and exchange fees.

  • Over-the-counter (OTC) market

Over-the-counter markets are decentralised, comprising participants engaging in trading among themselves. OTC markets retain higher counterparty risks in the absence of regulatory oversight, with the parties directly dealing with each other. Foreign exchange market (FOREX) is an example of an over-the-counter market.

In an OTC market, there exists tremendous competition in acquiring higher volume. Due to this factor, the securities’ price differs from one seller to another.

Apart from the stock exchange and OTC market, other types of secondary market include auction market and dealer market.

The former is essentially a platform for buyers and sellers to arrive at an understanding of the rate at which the securities are to be traded. The information related to pricing is put out in the public domain, including the bidding price of the offer.

Dealer market is another type of secondary market in which various dealers indicate prices of specific securities for a transaction. Foreign exchange trade and bonds are traded primarily in a dealer market.

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