Key Management Personnel, Significant influence
10/09/2022 1 By indiafreenotesKey Managerial Personnel (KMP) or Key Management Personnel refers to the employees of a company who are vested with the most important roles and functionalities. They are the first point of contact between the company and its stakeholders and are responsible for the formulation of strategies and its implementation. The Companies Act mandates certain classes of companies to include such personnel in its ranks. This article looks at this designation which holds a significant place in the Companies Act of 2013.
The definition of Key Managerial Personnel has been made more elaborate in the Companies Act of 2013 as the 1956 Act restricted its scope to a Managing Director, Whole Time Director and Manager. The current definition of the term provides for the inclusion of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Manager, the Managing Director, the Company Secretary, the Whole-Time Director, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and such other officers as may be prescribed. For the purpose of this Act, a Key Managerial Personnel (KMP) is considered as an “Officer and an “Officer who is in default”.
It may be noted that companies are prohibited from appointing or employing a Managing Director and a Manager at the same time. Also, no individuals should be appointed or reappointed as the Managing Director, Manager, Whole-Time Director or Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of a Company for a term exceeding five years at a time, and no reappointments are allowed earlier than one year before the expiry of its term (conditions are subject to additional clauses).
Key management personnel are those people having authority and responsibility for planning, directing, and controlling the activities of an entity, either directly or indirectly. This designation typically includes the following positions:
- Board of directors
- Chief executive officer, chief operating officer, and chief financial officer
- Vice presidents
An entity shall disclose key management personnel compensation in total and for each of the following categories
(a) Short-term employee benefits
(b) Post-employment benefits
(c) Other long-term benefits;
(d) Termination benefits
(e) share-based payment.
Compensation includes all employee benefits as defined in Ind AS 19 Employee Benefits including share based payments to employees as per Ind AS 102. Employee benefits are all forms of consideration paid, payable or provided by the entity, or on behalf of the entity, in exchange for services rendered to the entity. It also includes such consideration paid on behalf of a parent of the entity in respect of the entity.
If an entity obtains key management personnel services from another entity (the ‘management entity’) [See related party definition point (b) (viii)] in such case, the entity should disclose the amount of fees/compensation paid to the management entity. Generally, the reporting entity pays agreed amount to the management entity and in return management entity pays to its employees i.e., who managed the reporting entity. The details of payment by the management entity to its employees/directors are not required to be disclosed in the reporting entity financial statements.
According to section 203(1) read with Rule 8 of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 the following companies are mandated to appoint a Whole-time KMP:
- Every Listed Company
- Public Companies having paid-up share capital of 10 Crore rupees or more.
- Public Companies Having paid-up share of 5 Crore rupees or more.
- Companies having paid-up share capital of 10 Crore rupees or more are mandated to appoint a Company Secretary.
Roles and Responsibilities of Key Managerial Personnel
The Management function of implementing important decisions comes under the responsibilities of Key Managerial Personnel. Here are some of the main Roles and Responsibilities of KMP:
As per Section 170 of the Act, the details of Securities held by the Key Managerial Personnel in the company or its holding, subsidiary, a subsidiary of the company or associated companies should be disclosed and recorded in the registrar of the Books.
KMP has a right to be heard in the meetings of the Audit Committee while considering the Auditor’s Report; however they do not have the right to vote.
According to Section 189(2), Key Managerial Personnel should disclose to the company, within 30 days of appointment, relating to their concern or interest in the other associations, which are required to be included in the register.
Procedure of Appointment of KMP
- The appointment of key managerial personnel is prescribed under Section 203 of the Act. Every member of managerial personnel is appointed through a resolution adopted by the Board with terms and conditions of appointment and remuneration.
- A member of managerial personnel can hold the position in one company at a given time. However a member of managerial personnel of a company can be a member of managerial personnel of its subsidiary company.
- In case of vacancy the Board has the responsibility of filling up within six months from the date of such vacancy.
- If the company or its Board tries to violate the provision of appointment of managerial personnel, then the company has to suffer from penalty. The company shall be punishable with fine of rupees one lakh which may extend up to rupees five lakh.
- Every Director and other key managerial personnel shall also be punishable with a fine of Rs.50, 000. If the contravention is continuing, then they would be charged with Rs. 1000 per day after the first offense.
Officer in default
According to section 2(60) of the Act, an ‘officer who is in default ‘shall be liable for any penalty or punishment by way of imprisonment or fine. The officers may include:
Key Managerial Personnel
Whole-Time director’.
Any person who is responsible for maintenance, filing or distributing records or accounts.
Any Director who is aware of the activities taking place is in contravention of the law or the provisions and yet indulges in or participates in it.
Maintenance of Register:
Every Company falling under this provision is required to maintain a register comprising particulars of its Directors and KMPs, which is to be placed at the registered office of the Company. The documents should include the details of securities held by each of them in the company or its holding, subsidiary, subsidiary of a company’s holding company or associate companies. Further requirements of its contents have been mentioned in Rule 17 of the Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014.
Significant influence
Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee, but is not control of those policies.
IND-AS 28 defines significant influence as under:
Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee but is not control or joint control of those policies.
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