Job Redesign Meaning, Process, Benefits

Job redesign tailor’s employee positions to an organization’s current functions and needs.  During times of change, job redesign ensures that organizational needs are filled by proficient employees.  Job redesign can involve something as simple as adding a single job function, or it can be as complex as completely overhauling the position.

Job redesign can also involve the addition of new tasks to provide employees with variety and challenges.  This can contribute to increased employee satisfaction in workplace experience.  The process can also be purposed to holistically balance the tasks and abilities of a group of employees.

Restructuring the elements including tasks, duties and responsibilities of a specific job in order to make it more encouraging and inspiring for the employees or workers is known as job redesigning. The process includes revising, analyzing, altering, reforming and reshuffling the job-related content and dimensions to increase the variety of assignments and functions to motivate employees and make them feel as an important asset of the organization. The main objective of conducting job redesigning is to place the right person at the right job and get the maximum output while increasing their level of satisfaction.


  • Revising the Job Content: Job redesigning process involves recollecting and revising job-related information to determine the inconsistency between person and the job.
  • Analyzing Job-related Information: Once the job analyst is through with recollecting and revising the job content, analyzing the discrepancies is the next step. It is done to determine the hindrances in performing job-related tasks and duties and investigate why an employee is not able to deliver the expected output.
  • Altering the Job Elements: The next step is to amend the job elements. It may include cut back on extra responsibilities or addition of more functions and a higher degree of accountability. The basic aim of altering the job content is to design a job in such a manner that encourages employees to work harder and perform better.
  • Reformation of Job Description and Specification: After altering the job elements, a job analyst needs to reform the job description and specification in order to make sure that the worker placed at a particular place is able to deliver what is expected of him.
  • Reshuffling the Job-related Tasks and Duties: Next is to reallocation of new or altered tasks and functions to employees. It may be done by rotating, enriching, enlarging and engineering the job. The idea is to motivate the performers while increasing their satisfaction level.


  • Creates the best match between an employee’s abilities/experience and a position
  • Establishes lean organizational efficiency
  • Increases employee productivity and workplace satisfaction
  • Increases employee retention
  • Enhances the Quality of Work-Life: Job redesigning motivates the employees and enhances the quality of their work life. It increases their on-the-job productivity and encourages them to perform better.
  • Increases Organization’s and Employees’ Productivity: Altering their job functions and duties makes employees much comfortable and adds to their satisfaction level. The unambiguous job responsibilities and tasks motivate them to work harder and give their best output. Not only this, it also results in increased productivity of an organization.
  • Brings the Sense of Belongingness in Employees: Redesigning job and allowing employees to do what they are good at creates a sense of belongingness in them towards the organization. It is an effective strategy to retain the talent in the organization and encouraging them to carry out their responsibilities in a better fashion.
  • Creates a Right Person-Job Fit: Job Redesigning plays an important role in creating a right person-job fit while harnessing the full potential of employees. It helps organization as well as employees in achieving their targets or goals.

Job redesign is an important part of optimizing an organization’s workforce, especially if:

  • There has been a major shift in an organization’s use of technology.
  • Employees are being transferred from one department to another.
  • Employees are taking on additional job functions after organizational or departmental right-sizing.

In situations like those described above, the following process is most effective:

  • Competency mapping of current employee functions
  • Functional analysis of new employee functions
  • Gap analysis of current and new employee functions
  • Reassign job functions elsewhere, as necessary
  • Identification of custom training to bridge the employee’s transition

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