How to Write Test Cases: Sample Template with Examples

11/10/2023 0 By indiafreenotes

A test case is a series of actions performed to validate a specific feature or functionality within a software application. It encompasses test steps, associated test data, preconditions, and postconditions designed for a particular test scenario aimed at verifying a specific requirement. These test cases incorporate specific variables or conditions, enabling a testing engineer to compare anticipated outcomes with actual results, thereby ascertaining if the software product aligns with the customer’s requirements.

Test Scenario Vs. Test Case

Aspect Test Scenario Test Case
Definition High-level description of a functionality. Detailed set of actions to verify a requirement.
Focus Broad overview of what needs to be tested. Highly specific, focusing on a single condition.
Level of Detail Less detailed. Highly detailed, specifying steps and data.
Scope Encompasses multiple test cases. Addresses a specific condition or variation.
Objective Validates a specific functionality. Verifies a precise condition or functionality.
Example “User login and checkout process.” “Enter valid username and password.”

The format of Standard Test Cases

Test Case ID Test Case Description Test Steps Expected Result Preconditions Postconditions
TC_001 User Login Validation 1. Open the application Login page is displayed None None
2. Enter valid username and password User is logged in User is registered User is logged in
3. Click ‘Login’ button Dashboard page is displayed User is logged in Dashboard page is displayed
TC_002 Invalid Password 1. Open the application Login page is displayed None None
2. Enter valid username and invalid password Error message is displayed (Invalid Password) User is registered Error message is displayed
3. Click ‘Login’ button Login page is displayed with fields cleared User is not logged in Login page is displayed
TC_003 User Registration 1. Open the registration page Registration form is displayed None None
2. Enter valid details in all fields User is registered successfully None User is registered
3. Click ‘Submit’ button Confirmation message is displayed Registration form is complete Confirmation message is displayed

How to Write Test Cases in Manual Testing

Writing test cases in a tabular format is a common practice in manual testing. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to write test cases in a table:

  • Test Case ID:

Assign a unique identifier to each test case. This helps in tracking and referencing test cases.

  • Test Case Description:

Provide a concise and descriptive title or description of the test case. This should clearly indicate what aspect of the application is being tested.

  • Test Steps:

Outline the specific steps that need to be followed to execute the test. Each step should be clear, specific, and actionable.

  • Expected Result:

Define the expected outcome or result that should be observed after executing each step. This serves as a benchmark for evaluation.

  • Preconditions:

Specify any necessary conditions or prerequisites that must be met before the test case can be executed.

  • Postconditions:

Indicate any conditions or states that will exist after the test case is executed. This is especially relevant for tests that have a lasting impact on the system.

Here’s an example of how a set of test cases can be organized in a table:

Test Case ID Test Case Description Test Steps Expected Result Preconditions Postconditions
TC_001 User Login Validity Check 1. Open the login page. Login page is displayed. User is registered None
2. Enter valid username and password. User credentials are accepted. User is registered User is logged in
TC_002 Invalid Password Check 1. Open the login page. Login page is displayed. User is registered None
2. Enter valid username and invalid password. Error message is displayed (Invalid Password). User is registered User is not logged in
3. Click ‘Login’ button. User remains on the login page. User is registered User is not logged in
TC_003 Successful Registration 1. Open the registration page. Registration form is displayed. None None
2. Enter valid details in all fields. User is successfully registered. None User is registered
3. Click ‘Submit’ button. Confirmation message is displayed. Registration form is complete

Best Practice for writing good Test Case.

  • Clear and Concise Language:

Use clear and straightforward language to ensure that the test case is easily understood by all stakeholders.

  • Specific and Detailed Steps:

Provide step-by-step instructions that are specific and detailed. Each step should be actionable and unambiguous.

  • Focus on One Aspect:

Each test case should focus on testing one specific functionality or requirement. Avoid combining multiple scenarios in one test case.

  • Verify One Expected Outcome:

Each test case should have one expected outcome or result. Avoid including multiple expected outcomes in a single test case.

  • Include Preconditions and Postconditions:

Clearly specify any conditions or states that must be in place before and after executing the test case.

  • Avoid Assumptions:

Clearly document any assumptions made during the creation of the test case. Avoid relying on implicit assumptions.

  • Use Meaningful Test Case Names:

Provide a descriptive and meaningful title for each test case to easily identify its purpose.

  • Prioritize Test Cases:

Start with high-priority test cases that cover critical functionalities. This ensures that the most important aspects are tested first.

  • Verify Input Data:

Include specific input data or conditions that need to be set up for the test case. This ensures consistent and replicable testing.

  • Verify Negative Scenarios:

Include test cases to verify how the system handles invalid inputs, error conditions, and boundary cases.

  • Organize Test Cases:

Group test cases logically, based on modules, functionalities, or features. This helps in better organization and management.

  • Document Dependencies:

Clearly state any dependencies on external factors, such as specific configurations, data sets, or hardware.

  • Keep Test Cases Independent:

Ensure that each test case is independent and does not rely on the outcome of other test cases.

  • Review and Validate:

Conduct thorough reviews of test cases to identify any errors, ambiguities, or missing details.

  • Maintain Version Control:

Keep track of changes to test cases and maintain version control to track updates and revisions.

  • Provide Additional Information (if needed):

Include any supplementary information, such as screenshots, sample data, or expected results, to enhance clarity.

  • Document Test Case Status and Results:

After execution, document the actual results and mark the test case as pass, fail, or pending.

Test Case Management Tools

Test case management tools are essential for organizing, documenting, and tracking test cases throughout the software testing process. Here are some popular test case management tools:

  • TestRail:

TestRail is a comprehensive test case management tool that allows teams to efficiently organize and manage test cases, track testing progress, and generate detailed reports. It integrates well with various test automation and issue tracking tools.

  • qTest:

qTest is a robust test management platform that offers features for test planning, execution, and reporting. It also facilitates integration with popular development and CI/CD tools.

  • Zephyr:

Zephyr is a widely used test case management tool that integrates seamlessly with Jira, making it an excellent choice for teams utilizing the Jira issue tracking system.

  • TestLink:

TestLink is an open-source test management tool that provides features for test case organization, version control, and reporting. It supports integration with bug tracking systems.

  • PractiTest:

PractiTest is a cloud-based test management platform that offers a comprehensive suite of features, including test case management, requirements management, and integrations with various tools.

  • Xray:

Xray is a popular test management app for Jira that provides end-to-end test management capabilities. It supports both manual and automated testing, and seamlessly integrates with Jira.

  • Test Collab:

Test Collab is a web-based test case management tool that offers features for test planning, execution, and reporting. It also supports integration with popular bug tracking tools.

  • Kualitee:

Kualitee is a cloud-based test management tool that provides features for test case management, defect tracking, and test execution. It offers integration with various popular tools.

  • PractiTest:

PractiTest is a comprehensive test management platform that offers features for test case organization, requirements management, and integrations with various tools.

  • TestLodge:

TestLodge is a simple and intuitive test case management tool that allows teams to organize and execute test cases. It also provides basic reporting capabilities.

  • Helix ALM:

Helix ALM (formerly TestTrack) is a comprehensive application lifecycle management tool that includes test case management along with requirements, issue, and source code management.

  • Testpad:

Testpad is a lightweight, user-friendly test case management tool that focuses on simplicity and collaboration. It’s suitable for small to medium-sized teams.

Before choosing a test case management tool, it’s important to consider factors like team size, budget, integration capabilities, and specific requirements of your testing process. Additionally, many tools offer free trials or limited versions, allowing you to evaluate their suitability for your team’s needs.

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