One important step in creating a workplace that values diversity is training for supervisors and managers, as well as training for all employees. The other benefit of diversity training is that it may help reduce claims of discrimination or harassment.
Despite the unfavorable consequences inherent in the provision of multicultural supervision, supervisors who demonstrate multicultural competence in supervision may be able to mitigate the negative effects of cultural differences on supervision processes and outcomes. In particular, supervisors who demonstrate interest in supervisee cultural background, maintain a positive attitude towards cultural differences, openly discuss cultural differences in supervision, and convey warmth and support are capable of building a strong supervisory relationship with supervisees of a different race, gender, or sexual orientation.
Mentoring programs can be of great help in bringing on nontraditional workers within a company. These mentoring relationships should be promoted as a voluntary arrangement, in which the mentee can identify her own preferred mentor. Once the pairing is in place, suggest ways in which the mentor can develop the relationship, and be clear about the goals the company desires from the arrangement, such as the identification of particular talents.
Diversity Training
Both supervisors and employees benefit greatly from specific diversity training in a workplace setting. This training should ideally explain the company’s policy on diversity and its aims in diversifying its workforce. It should also make employees think about viewing workplace issues from a number of different points of view. The course should contain specific information about the different cultures represented in the workforce. It should also confront stereotypes that individual workers may hold and should promote respectful discussion of issues surrounding diversity.
Flexible Schedules
Nine-to-five hours don’t always work best for employees with children or other domestic responsibilities. Instituting flextime or other solutions, such as telecommuting and job sharing, can help those workers be as productive as possible by allowing them to manage their other responsibilities efficiently.
Conflict Resolution
Just as managers may need help in adapting to a diverse workforce, so other employees may have to be prepared to see their colleagues in a new light. This may take longer for some workers than for others. For those who have difficulties in adapting to diversity, make sure that you have explained your expectations as a manager clearly and, if conflicts do arise, have a clear framework for conflict resolution explicit in your employee handbook.
Disability Accommodation
Managers supervising a diverse workforce must be prepared to manage disability needs in a sensitive and appropriate manner. It’s hard to predict disability accommodations ahead of time, as they will vary with each employee situation. Instead of viewing a disability accommodation as a disruption to the workplace, view it as an opportunity to allow that worker to contribute his unique talents fully to the company.
- It encourages a diversity of ideas and perspectives.
- Diversity recognizes, values, and respects differences.
- It helps the organization attract and retain high-quality employees.
- It promotes fairness and allows everyone to contribute to goals and to share in success.
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