Financial Accounting

Unit 1 introduction to IFRS {Book}

Need for IFRS: Features of IFRS VIEW
Applicability of IFRS, Beneficiaries of Convergence with IFRS VIEW


Unit 2 Accounting for Hire Purchase {Book}
Meaning of Hire Purchase, Installment Purchase System VIEW
Hire Purchase, Installment Purchase System; Legal provisions VIEW
Calculation of interest: VIEW
when rate of interest and cash price is given
when cash price and total amount payable is given
when rate of interest and installments amount are given but cash price is not given
Calculation of cash price under annuity method VIEW
Journal Entries and Ledger Accounts in the books of Hire Purchaser and Hire Vendor (Asset Accrual Method only). VIEW


Unit 3 Royalty Accounts {Book}
Royalty Accounts Introduction, Meaning VIEW
Technical terms:  Royalty, Landlord, Tenant, Minimum rent, Short Workings, Recoupment within the life of a lease VIEW
Recoupment of short working under; fixed period; floating Period VIEW VIEW
Treatment of strike, stoppage of work and sub-lease VIEW
Accounting treatment in the books of lessee(tenant): when royalty is less than minimum rent, When royalty is equal to minimum rent, when the right of recoupment is lost VIEW
When minimum rent account method is followed VIEW
Passing journal entries and Preparation of Ledger Accounts VIEW
Royalty account, Landlord account, Short workings account VIEW
Minimum rent when minimum rent account is followed in the books of lessee only VIEW


Unit 4 Sale of the Partnership Firm {Book}
Introduction, Need for conversion VIEW VIEW
Meaning of purchase consideration, Methods of calculating purchase consideration, Net payment method, Net asset method VIEW
Passing of journal entries and preparation of ledger accounts in the books of vendor VIEW VIEW
Treatment of certain items:
Dissolution expenses VIEW
Unrecorded assets and liabilities VIEW
Assets and liabilities not taken over by the purchasing company VIEW
Contingent liabilities VIEW VIEW
Non- assumption of trade liabilities in the books of purchasing company VIEW
Passing of incorporation entries, Treatment of security premium VIEW
Fresh issue of shares and debentures to meet working capital VIEW VIEW
issue of shares debentures to meet working capital VIEW VIEW
Preparation of Balance Sheet as per ‘Companies Act’ 2013 under Vertical format VIEW


Unit 5 Accounting for Joint Ventures {Book}
Accounting for Joint Ventures Introduction Meaning Objectives VIEW
Distinction between joint venture and consignment VIEW
Distinction between joint venture and partnership VIEW
Maintenance of accounts in the books of co-venturers VIEW
Maintaining separate books for Joint Venture VIEW

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