Principles of Effective Business Communication

Everything you need to know about the principles of effective communication. The effectiveness of a system is measured in terms of its objective achievement.

Therefore, the effective communication system is one which achieved its objectives. Communication is effective where there are no barriers to communication.

The message should be clear and complete. The communication should always be consistent with the objectives, policies and programmes of the enterprise. Communication is effective when the workers are receptive to it and are able to give relevant feedback.

The chief purpose of communication is the exchange of ideas among various people working in the organization. The process of communication should be helpful in an effective exchange of information. The remedies for the removal of barriers in communication also point towards effective communication.

A sender, however, should have the knowledge of some special facts which he can use in a particular situation to make communication effective. These special facts are known as ‘Principles of Effective Communication’.

An effective communication system is based on the following principles:

  1. Principle of Clarity in Ideas

First of all it should be clear in the mind of the sender as to what he wants to say. According to Terry the principle of effective communication is ‘first to fully inform oneself.’ The clearer the thought the more effective is the communication.

  1. Principle of Appropriate Language

According to this principle, the communication should always be in a simple language. Ideas should be clear and be devoid of any doubt. Technical words and words having various meanings should be used to the minimum.

3. Principle of Attention

The purpose of communication is that the receiver of information should clearly understand its meaning. It means merely transferring information is not communication and it is important that the receiver should understand it. This is possible only when the receiver takes interest in the message and listens to it attentively.

  1. Principle of Consistency

According to this principle, communication system should maintain consistency in the objectives of the enterprise, its procedures and processes. It means communication should be in accordance with the policies laid down for it.

  1. Principle of Adequacy

The information sent to the receiver should be sufficient and complete in every respect. Information more than the need or less than the need is harmful. In the context of business incomplete information is dangerous. The sufficiency of information depends on the ability of the receiver. If the receiver happens to be capable more information can be given with the help of a few words. On the contrary, in case of a less capable receiver more details are needed.

  1. Principle of Proper Time

The messages should reach the receiver whenever they are needed. Late messages are meaningless and the utility of communication is ended. Hence, the message should be sent before the actual need keeping in mind the time required for communication.

  1. Principle of Informality

Formal communication has a prominent place among the channels of communication but informal communication is not less important. There are some problems which cannot be solved with formal communication but informal communication does succeed in solving them. Therefore, informal communication should also be given recognition in the organization.

  1. Principle of Feedback

It is essential for the sender of the message that he should know about the success of the message. It means that he should see whether the receiver has understood the message or not. Feedback is easily obtained in a face to face communication with the help of the facial reactions of the receiver. In the written communication the sender can get the feedback by using appropriate means.

  1. Principle of Integration

Communication should be able to introduce all the employees in the enterprise with its objectives so that all the employees move unitedly towards the goal.

  1. Principle of Consultation

The suggestions of all the persons concerned should be invited while making plans for communication. The obvious benefit of such a move will be that all those who are invited while making plans for communication and taken into confidence will contribute to the success of the communication system. Planning for communication aims at determining as to when, how and through what medium communication is to be done among people working at different levels.

  1. Principle of Flexibility

Communication system should be able to absorb the changes in the organization. A communication system that cannot absorb changes according to the need becomes meaningless.

  1. Principle of Economy

Communication system should not be unnecessarily costly. As far as possible unnecessary messages should be reduced to the minimum to make communication economical. No single employee should be burdened with the work of communication.

  1. Principle of Proper Medium

In order to make communication effective it is necessary not only to have clarity of ideas, consistency and completeness but also to make a proper choice of medium. For example- the managers should make use of oral communication for individual communication and written communication for policy matters.

Effective communication means communication free from barriers. Though ideal communication free from all barriers is seldom achieved, communicators should acquire communication skills and enhance effectiveness of their communication.

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