Secular Values in Management
- Profits: Business is done for profit for the organization by which it can survive and develop. This profit should be justified in context of service and development of society.
- Productivity: Business value emphasis on productivity through which an organization serve the society. It doesn’t make any difference on the basis of caste, religion or any other difference of customer.
- Goodwill and Reputation: Goodwill is the important things for the business people. All the customer of any society should be satisfying from the services of any organization. It makes an organization a real unit of service oriented industry.
- Strategy and Achievement: All the professionals of an organization have their strategy for achieving their goal and objective to serve the society and make profit again for the development.
- Responsibility: Business people and organization are equally responsible to the whole society for the safe development and harmony.
Characteristics of Secular Values
- Focus on factual realities: In secular value system approach the facts of life are the major source of inspiration and not the religious way.
- It treats the person on the basis of actuality.
- Secular values focus on scientific facts.
- These values believe in equality: it emphasis that there is no superior or inferior caste; in the same way there is no superior or inferior religion. All human beings are equal and should be treated in the same manner.
Spiritual Values in Management
Ego–Lessness: Spiritual persons have a concept of unity of all life they don’t have a sense of separate or individual existence where they feel egoistic. They see themselves in all and all themselves. They don’t have greed, anger, jealousy or any other such bad feelings, which made differences. Ego is the cause of all the evils.
Self-fulfilment: spiritual persons should have a feeling of self-completeness. They should have no personal desire or goal where they seek anything anybody. They should not deficit driven personality.
Universal or Unconditional love: Spirituality loves all the human being. It is concern for the sharing, caring and giving out their humanness to others their conduct and behaviour are guided by the ethics of love. They don’t have any fear from anyone and nobody has any fear from them. This is called the great spiritual value of ‘Abhaya’.
Complete freedom: Spiritual people are free from all human limitations or personal attachments. They have overcome all dualities conflicts and suffering of life. So, they are living a blissful life from heart and soul.
Characteristics of Spiritual Values
Wisdom and Skills: Any act performed by a person must follow an approach of wisdom which has always support of spirituality and is automatically get reflected in the skills. Every soul has a potential of God in it than all the skills he practice and exhibits get reflected in his deeds. With this belief he would enjoy his life more purposefully.
Consciousness: The spiritual value for managers suggest on having a higher level of consciousness, which means that a manager must be aware of positive and negative effects of his action and decisions undertaken, which are consciously performed.
Spiritual values in terms of divine qualities: There are number of divine qualities which are present in an individual and can be termed as spiritual values e.g. respect for self, respect for god, belief in giving than grabbing, enjoying satisfaction to maximum level. All these factors present the divine qualities.
Spiritual values in terms of Inspiration. High level of inspiration can be achieved through any of the source of life. Purification in terms of vale means purification of heart, feelings and expression. Inspiration can be achieved through God or may be form of any living or non-living objects.
Karma Yoga: to be able to perform one’s responsibility and duties properly, is a major source of inspiration.
Strong belief in Religion: the way we behave is the reflection of our religion on a broader level. People being different follow different religion, respect different god that leads to a moral strength in them. As has rightly been said, ‘belief in religion is a mirror of our spiritual values’.
Control over Mind: it is another important features in terms of our spiritual values. So right from the childhood one must be taught to keep a control and balance over mind also helps in proper usage of pure energy and resources. Aim is to attain a state of pure mind
Balance between Need, Wants and Demand: the most important factor in terms of spiritual value is to maintain a balance between need wants and demand. The most satisfied person is the one who has a clear idea about his expectations from life and accordingly identifies what are his need, wants and demands are.
Difference between secular and spiritual values in management
- In secular management, there are no spiritual values employed while on spiritual values of management there are spiritual procedures lain in order to manage any institution.
- On secular values in management there is no reference to any supreme being while on spiritual values there is reference to a supreme being.
- On spiritual values there is reference to a spiritual book whereas on secular there is no reference from any book.
- On secular values the leader can be selected from anywhere while on spiritual the leader must be one of the spiritual believers.