- Testing Shows the Presence of Defects:
The primary purpose of testing is to identify defects or discrepancies between actual behavior and expected behavior. Testing does not prove the absence of defects, but rather provides information about their presence.
- Exhaustive Testing is Impractical:
It’s typically impossible to test every possible input, scenario, or condition for a software application. Testing efforts should be focused on high-priority areas, risks, and critical functionalities.
- Early Testing:
Testing activities should commence as early as possible in the software development life cycle. Detecting and addressing defects early in the process is more cost-effective and helps prevent the propagation of issues.
- Defect Clustering:
A small number of modules or functionalities tend to have a disproportionately large number of defects. Identifying and focusing on these critical areas can lead to significant quality improvements.
- Pesticide Paradox:
If the same set of tests is repeatedly used, eventually, it will no longer find new defects. Test cases need to evolve over time to continue effectively identifying defects.
- Testing is Context Dependent:
The appropriate testing techniques, tools, and approaches depend on factors such as the nature of the software, project requirements, industry standards, and the specific needs of the organization.
- Absence of Errors Fallacy:
The absence of reported defects does not necessarily imply that the software is error-free. It’s possible that the testing process may not have been thorough enough, or that certain defects may not have been uncovered.
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