The Life Cycle of Insurance Products

06/08/2020 0 By indiafreenotes

Product Conception

Like other products and services, insurance product life-cycle management begins when a company comes up with an idea for a new life and annuity product and develops a concept for it. Companies determine the target market, using their store of data to anticipate customer needs and how the proposed product might fit those needs. Because the insurance market is so segmented, life and annuity products generally are tailored to specific ranges. A policy that emphasizes its ability to cover the cost of higher education, for example, would be conceived as being geared toward parents at the age when research shows they begin worrying about paying for those costs. The policies might be rolled out in test markets as a proof-of-concept exercise to show there’s enough potential in the idea to move forward.

Managing Growth

Once an insurance company determines that a new life or annuity policy is viable, it looks to develop sales via an aggressive marketing campaign and continued refinement of the product to meet demonstrated needs. By collecting the data from its existing customer base, it can determine the demand factors and target its marketing more efficiently. If it’s an affordable policy designed as an introduction to life insurance for college-aged students, a company might seek to market on campuses. If it’s an annuity with a similar strategy of introducing new customers to the market, a company also might target customers just under the usual age range for such products. As the target market becomes more familiar with the products, sales can be expected to rise.

Reaching Maturity

Insurance is a competitive business, and competitive advantages tend not to linger. As other agencies see a new product from a rival company is gaining traction, they can be expected to develop something similar to market to their own customers. This crowds the market and leads to both costs and innovative pressures. One agency might elect to offer introductory policies at a lower cost, while others may add elements to their offerings that are difficult for others to match. Growth slows or stops as more and more of the target market commits to a policy, and marketing strategies may become more focused on getting customers to switch providers rather than introducing them to the concept.

Decline Phase

As the market changes and the providers increase, the popularity of a policy will decline. As the initial group of customers ages out of the target market, insurance companies may find that the next group has different needs and expectations that require a new product to serve them. This serves as a signal for an agency to focus on changing the existing products to meet these needs or developing new offerings to better serve the market.

Client Management

Both life and annuity needs change over time, and an insurance agency must be conscious of remaining on top of the differing needs of its customers to ensure that their business relationship doesn’t end when the clients’ need for that particular policy does. A young couple with two young children, for example, has different life insurance needs than a couple pondering retirement whose children are grown. The former likely will be more concerned with the affordability and the amount of coverage, making sure that the family is protected if something happens to either part of the couple. The latter may instead be focused on tax advantages, ease of passing the money down to heirs or accessing some of the funds to help maintain their lifestyle.

Examples of Product Life Cycles

Many brands that were American icons have dwindled and died. Better management of product life cycles might have saved some of them, or perhaps their time had just come. Some examples:

Oldsmobile began producing cars in 1897 but the brand was killed off in 2004. Its gas-guzzling muscle-car image lost its appeal, General Motors decided.

Woolworth’s had a store in just about every small town and city in America until it shuttered its stores in 1997. It was the era of Walmart and other big-box stores.

Border’s bookstore chain closed down in 2011. It couldn’t survive the internet age.

To cite an established and still-thriving industry, television program distribution has related products in all stages of the product life cycle. As of 2019, flat-screen TVs are in the mature phase, programming-on-demand is in the growth stage, DVDs are in decline, and the videocassette is extinct.

Many of the most successful products on earth are suspended in the mature stage for as long as possible, undergoing minor updates and redesigns to keep them differentiated. Examples include Apple computers and iPhones, Ford’s best-selling trucks, and Starbucks’ coffee all of which undergo minor changes accompanied by marketing efforts—are designed to keep them feeling unique and special in the eyes of consumers.