The Behavioral science is of great importance to a business management, as it deals with science studying behavior. It is the study of sociology and psychology. It is very much concerned with the ways in which people behave. While on the other hand, anthropology which is also included in behavioral sciences involves the study of mankind relating to all aspects. Especially, it deals with human culture and human development.
The concept that a non-discriminatory understanding may be established in order to appraise the factors motivating managers and the employees as well as the desired results may be attained, is closely linked with this phenomenon. Since it addresses the human dimension of work, the behavioral management theory is often called the human relations movement. Thus, behavioral science is of great importance to a business management. A few concepts concerning behavioral science are concisely discussed hereunder.
Main propositions of the behavioral science approach:
- An organization is a socio-technical system
- The interpersonal or group behavior of people in the organization is influenced by a wide range of factors.
- The goals of the organization are to be harmonized with an understanding of the human needs
- Multitude of attitudes, perceptions, and values are prevalent amongst employees and these characterize their behavior and influence their performance
- As a result, some degree of conflict is inevitable in the organization and not necessarily undesirable.
Motivation: Motivation can be defined as to make someone want to achieve something or to make someone willing to work hard in order to do it. It is the act of giving somebody a reason or incentive to do a particular task. Motivation causes a feeling of enthusiasm and interest and commitment. It is to create goal oriented behavior among the employees and managers. It implicates a drive towards an action. A framework originated from the needs is a good starting point with the aim of figuring out how people chose certain behaviors. It is considered to be a key to organizational expansion since a highly motivated subordinate or a manager works more effectively and efficiently than the one who is not. According to Young, “Motivation is the process of arousing action, sustaining the activity in progress and regulating the pattern of activity.” Motivational technique is very much useful to a business management, as it inspires the employees towards working by adding excitement or interest.
Attitude: Attitude is of much value and significance in the attainment of organizational goals. Enhancement of positive attitude is necessary for both managers and the employees. Just as the advancement of an organization rests on a proficient manager, so does the performance of the employees largely depend on the managerial style – which in itself is a reflection of the attitude of a manager. Better the managerial style, more efficient will be the performance of the employees. It is conspicuous in the light of this concept that a management control system is ineffective unless a manager has positive attitude. Positive attitude provides positive results to the entire organization. There is a need for altering the attitude- to make it positive in order to move on the path of success. However, there is almost always a choice as to which attitude should be chosen, that is, positive or negative.
Perception: Perception is a psychological process which lets one interpret the sensory stimulation into meaningful information about the environment. The same world is viewed differently by individuals depending upon their personalities, needs, experience and so on. Similarly, an organizational control system is perceived by a manager and his subordinates in their own ways. We often form our opinions based on what we perceive while it is not necessary at all times that what we perceive is what lies in the reality. The reality may be different from what is perceived. So, the real situation is different from the perceived one and that which is perceived may involve inaccurate information. Hence, the need is to develop perceptual abilities in order to establish positive thinking that may be proven advantageous in the attainment of organizational goals.
Improving Quality and Productivity: Industries are facing the problem of excess supply. This has increased competition to a large extent. Almost every Manager is confronting the same problem of improving the productivity, quality of the goods and services their organisation is providing. Programmes such as business process reengineering, and total Quality Management are being implemented to achieve these ends. Organisational Behaviour helps the Managers to empower their employees, as they are the major forces for implementing this change.
Improving people skills: Organisational Behaviour helps in better management of business as it helps in improving the skills of the people. It provides insight into the skills that the employees can use on the job such as designing jobs and creating effective teams.
Promoting ethical Behaviour: Sometimes the organisations are in a situation of ethical dilemma where they have to define right and wrong. It is Organisational Behaviour which helps an important role by helping the management to create such a woek environment which is ethically healthy and increases work productivity, job satisfaction and organisational citizenship behaviour.
Management Style
A contributor and theorist in the area of Management Style includes:
Likert’s System 1-4T- System 1-4T alternatively known as likert system analysis. The organizational dimensions Likert addresses in his framework seven variable: motivation, communication, interaction, decision making, goal setting, control, and performance. He categorized management styles as follows:
Benevolent: authoritative is similar to the above but allows some upward opportunities for consultation and some delegation. Rewards may be available as well as threats. Productivity is typically fair to good but at the cost of considerable absenteeism and turnover. This environment is best for a weaker version of the Rational Economic Man.
Exploitative: This is a highly task-oriented management style. It is authoritative where power and direction come from the top downwards. Managers employ threats and punishment. Communication is generally poor and teamwork is rare. Individual productivity is generally low to medium. This environment is best for the Rational Economic Man.
Participative: This is a more group-oriented management style. The main aspect is group participation. The result is an increased commitment to the organizations goals. Communication flows more readily up and down the organization. Productivity tends to be higher with lower employee turnover. This environment is best for the Self-Actualizing Man.
Consultative: where goals are set or orders issued after discussion with subordinates, where communication is upwards and downwards and where teamwork is encouraged, at least partially. Some involvement of employees as a motivator. This environment is best for the Social Man.
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