Small businesses use the terms “advertising,” “sales,” “marketing” and “promotions” to refer to their overall selling activities, even though each has a different meaning. Advertising is a specific marketing communication activity that falls under the “promotion” element of the classic marketing mix also known as the Four Ps of product, price, place and promotion. Sales is a broader function that’s involved in all four elements of the marketing mix.
The Marketing Mix
Selling a product or service requires a coordinated effort that takes into account four key marketing areas. You first develop the right product for a specific target audience, using research that can include focus groups, customer surveys and an analysis of your competition. After you know the benefits customers want and you create the optimal product for them, you price your product or service to create the best combination of sales volume and profit margin. The “place” aspect of the marketing mix refers to how and where you distribute what you sell, which can include a retail store, online shopping, catalogs or wholesalers and distributors. The final part of the marketing mix concerns how you promote your product and includes advertising, public relations, social media campaigns, sponsorships and sales promotions. Sales promotions include such marketing tools as rebates, coupons, temporary discounts and buy-one-get-one-free deals.
Advertising is one form of promotion and includes paid messaging. Unlike public relations, which attempts to get newspapers, magazines, broadcasts and websites to talk about your company without paying a fee, advertising lets you control your message by purchasing print space, air time, website banners or outdoor signs with a message you create and display. Even if you have a limited budget, it’s a good idea to divide your promotional efforts into advertising, PR, sponsorship and sales promotions activities.
The word “sales” has different meanings for different businesses and refers to the broad spectrum of planning and personal customer-contact activities you use to generate purchases of your product or service. Sales planning activities span all four elements of the marketing mix, and sales managers should be involved in product development, pricing strategy decisions, distribution discussions and promotional activities. Customer-contact sales activities include tactics such as selling over the phone or in person, direct mail solicitations and customer service. These are both promotional and distribution activities because they not only require salesmanship but also include methods of delivering product to the marketplace. When you use the word “sales” to refer to temporary discounts, one-time liquidations or short-term markdowns on products or services, that falls under the promotions element of the marketing mix.
As your company grows and you assign different people to work on different areas of marketing, such as your online sales pages, print ads, press releases, distribution channels and pricing strategies, bring all your marketing staff members and contractors together to make sure your efforts support one another and avoid clashes. For example, if your website shows that you are an upscale product or service provider, but your advertising staff is running buy-one-get-one-free or senior-discount coupons in local print publications, the conflicting message can damage your brand. Your sales staff needs to know the prices, sale dates, warranties, benefits and other offerings that will appear in your ads before they run. This prevents sales people from making statements on the phone that your advertising later contradicts.
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