IHRM Objectives Set 2

  1. Pay increases linked to inflation are given to all employees regardless of their performance in which country
  • Australia
  • Thailand
  • Japan
  • United States

  1. Unions that include workers who have a common skill are
  • Craft unions
  • industry unions
  • craft guilds
  • trades unions

  1. Industrial relations in Japan and Singapore is characterised by
  • a ‘them and us’ attitude
  • militant unions
  • Cooperation and employee identification with the company and its objectives
  • a feeling of exploitation and insecurity

  1. When building employees working near a Chinese restaurant were paid an allowance because the cooking aromas made them hungry it was called
  • hardship allowance
  • stress pay
  • Danger pay
  • dim sim allowance

  1. When implementing industrial relations practices overseas an Australian head office should ensure coordination so that
  • policies are the same as in Australia
  • Practices adhere to and reinforce strategic HRM philosophies and policies and are in harmony with the desired corporate culture
  • all employees belong to key trade unions in the industry
  • concessions are made in each country so that operations can run smoothly
  1. What percentage of the Chinese labour market are illiterate?
  • 15 %
  • 23 %
  • 32 %
  • 44 %

  1. Foreign enterprises in China face HR challenges in all of the following areas except
  • recruitment and selection
  • performance appraisals
  • compensation and benefits
  • Human resource planning

  1. Chinese enterprises rely heavily on which method of selection
  • personality testing
  • assessment centres
  • Interviews
  • psychological testing

  1. A situation where an employee is guaranteed a job for their entire working life is known as
  • Lifelong employment
  • organisational loyalty
  • employee commitment
  • job security

  1. Unions that only represent the interests of employees working for a single employer or enterprise are
  • Trade unions
  • craft unions
  • Enterprise Unions
  • industry unions

True/False Questions

  1. Differing national cultures have no impact on strategic business objectives, corporate culture and the way companies operate.


  1. The development of the global marketplace and global organisations has been influenced by work force mobility.


  1. There is no difference between domestic and international HRM.


4. When a person from one culture communicates with a person from another culture they are engaging in cross-cultural communications.


5. Chinese and Japanese negotiators use silence in their business meetings and negotiations.


6. Establishing and maintaining ethical standards in an international business setting can be difficult because of the different views of what is right and wrong, a moral duty and an obligation.


7. According to the 1997 United Nations World Development Report, 15 % of all companies in industrialised countries have to pay bribes to win and retain business.


8. The sharing of a set of moral values so that expectations of regular and honest behaviour are created leads to the development of trust.


9. Effective managers use one consistent style of management in all situations.


10. All countries have anti-discrimination laws and have legislation in place to ensure that they are enforced.  


11. Companies that operate internationally find that transplanting an existing performance appraisal system from head office is very effective.


12. It may be necessary to use different criteria from that used at head office to evaluate expatriate performance.


13. When an organisation enters the international training and development area the HR manager must consider issues of ethnocentricity.


14. National culture does not have any impact on compensation strategies.


15. US company Lincoln Electric found that its incentive program based on the belief that all employees would be willing to work harder to increase their incomes was highly successful in the United States, Canada and Australia but a failure in Germany because of employee attitudes towards risk taking.


16. Unions have considerable economic and political clout in Hong Kong and Taiwan.


17. Performance appraisal in China focuses on performance, skill achievements and merit.


18. In Japan, a seniority system exists, where the length of time that an employee has worked with an organisation is given recognition and priority for promotions and salary increases.


19. Unions that only represent the interests of employees working for a single employer or enterprise are industry unions.


20. In international business, the underlying impact of culture is evident in the way people interact with and manage others.


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