Business Planning & Entrepreneurial Management University of Mumbai BMS 3rd Sem Notes

Unit 1 Foundations of Entrepreneurship Development: {Book}

Foundations of Entrepreneurship Development:
Concept and Need of Entrepreneurship Development VIEW
Entrepreneurship VIEW
Importance and significance of growth of entrepreneurial activities VIEW
Characteristics and qualities of entrepreneur VIEW
Theories of Entrepreneurship:
Innovation Theory by Schumpeter & Imitating VIEW
Theory of High Achievement by McClelland VIEW
X-Efficiency Theory by Leibenstein VIEW
Theory of Profit by Knight VIEW
Theory of Social change by Everett Hagen VIEW
External Influences on Entrepreneurship Development:  
Socio-Cultural, Political, Economical, Personal VIEW
Role of Entrepreneurial culture in Entrepreneurship Development VIEW


Unit 2 Types & Classification of Entrepreneurs {Book}
Intrapreneur Concept and Development of Intrapreneurship VIEW
Women Entrepreneur Concept VIEW
Development and Problems faced by Women Entrepreneurs VIEW
Development of Women Entrepreneurs with reference to Self Help Group VIEW
Social entrepreneurship Concept VIEW
Development of Social entrepreneurship in India VIEW
Importance and Social responsibility of NGO’s VIEW
Entrepreneurial development Program (EDP) Concept VIEW
Factor influencing Entrepreneurial development Program VIEW
Option available to Entrepreneur (Ancillarisation, BPO, Franchise, M&A) VIEW


Unit 3 Entrepreneur Project Development &Business Plan {Book}
Invention VIEW
Business Idea VIEW
Opportunities through change VIEW
Idea generation: Sources, Development of product /idea VIEW
Environmental scanning and SWOT analysis VIEW VIEW
Creating Entrepreneurial Venture: VIEW
Entrepreneurship Development Cycle VIEW
Business Planning Process: The business plan as an Entrepreneurial tool VIEW
Scope and value of Business plan VIEW
Elements of Business Plan: VIEW
Business Plan Objectives VIEW
Market and Feasibility Analysis VIEW
Marketing Analysis Business plan VIEW
Finance Analysis of Business plan VIEW
Organization & Management, Ownership Analysis of Business plan VIEW


Unit 4 Venture Development {Book}
Steps involved in starting of Venture VIEW
Institutional support to an Entrepreneur VIEW
Venture funding VIEW
Requirements of Capital (Fixed and working) VIEW
Sources of finance VIEW
Problem of Venture set-up and prospects VIEW
Marketing Methods VIEW VIEW
Channel of Marketing VIEW
Marketing Institutions and Assistance VIEW
New trends in entrepreneurship VIEW

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