Universal Human values and Professional Ethics Objectives Set 2

16/08/2020 1 By indiafreenotes

Unit 4: Harmony in Nature and Existence

Bracket is the Answer

  1. The participation of the human being in ensuring the role of physical facility in nurture, protection and providing means for the body is called its (Utility value) ___________.

  1. The participation of the human being in ensuring the role of physical facility to help and preserve its utility is called its (Artistic value)____________.

  1. Between every two units there is (Space)________.

  1. When nature is submerged in space we call it (Existence)___________.

  1. Nature is (Limited)_________ and while space is (unlimited)_______ in size.

  1. When something is active or has activity, we call it a (Unit)________.

  1. Space is constant or (Equilibrium)_________ energy.

  1. There are two kinds of realities in existence: (Space)_______ and (units)______.

  1. Material units have the activities of Recognizing)____ and fulfilling ______

  1. Material units are (Temporary)_________ in nature.

  1. Co-existence is when (Nature)_________ is submerged in (space)________.

  1. The first order of nature is (Material order)____________.

  1. The second order of nature is (Plant order)________

  1. The third order of nature is (Animal order)____________.

  1. The fourth order of nature is (Human order)____________.

  1. Parsparta means (Interconnectedness)___________.

  1. Paraspar purakta means (Mutually fulfilling)__________.

  1. Human beings are dependent on the (Material order)________ for soil, minerals and metals.

  1. The natural characteristic of material order (Composition/ decomposition)_________.

  1. The basic activities of plant order are (Recognizing and fulfillment)__________.

  1. Conformance of material order is named as (Constitution conformance)________.

  1. Conformance of plant/ bio order is called (Seed conformance)__________.

  1. Conformance of animal order is (Breed conformance)_____________.

  1. Conformance of human order is (Right value or sanskara conformance)_______.

  1. The cell belongs to (Pranic order)_________ order.

  1. In animals only the activity of (Selection/taste)_________ is predominant.

  1. The activities in human body are (Composition/decomposition)______ and (respiration)______.

  1. (Existence)______ and (growth)________ together are the innateness of the pranic order.

  1. The value or participation of different orders in existence is also referred to

as their (Natural characteristics)_______.

  1. The fundamental characteristic of material order is (Composition/decomposition)_________.

  1. The body of animals and humans belongs to the (Pranic)_______ order.

  1. The natural characteristics/svabhava of a human being are

(Perseverance)_______, (bravery)_______ and (genriosity)_______.

  1. The continuity of a plant species is maintained in nature by (Seed conformance)_______ method.

  1. Human being has (Sanskar)__________ conformance.

  1. The systems in nature are (Cyclic)______ and (mutually fulfilling)________.

  1. (Nature) __________ is equivalent to the natural world, physical world or material world.

  1. There is mutual __________ among the four orders of nature.

  1. The four orders of nature are material order, plant order, _____ order and human



Unit 5: Professional Ethics

  1. The definitiveness of human conduct in terms of values, policies and character is termed as (Ethics)______.

  1. Developing ethical competence in the profession is the only effective way to ensure (Professional ethics)____________.

  1. The term ethics has been taken from the Greek word (ethos) _______ which means character.

  1. (Ethics) _________ are considered the moral standar ds by which people judge behaviour.

  1. (Professional ethics)________ is the implication of(right understanding)_______ in (profession)________.

  1. Comprehensive human goal consists of (samadhan) ________, (samridhi)

________, (abhay) ________, and (seh-astitiva) _________.

  1. Holistic production systems are eco-friendly and (people – friendly) _________.

True and False

1. Harmony of „I‟ with „body‟ is not possible as they have different needs.


2 The body is an instrument of „I‟.


3 The „I‟ is the doer, sear and enjoyer.


4. Sanyam leads to swasthya and swasthya leads to sukh.


5. Value education cannot be rational and has to be based on assumptions.


6. The self is an instrument of the body.


7 Prosperity in the family is one of the comprehensive human goals.


8 Nature has self – regulation.


9 Human conduct is definite.


  1. The course inputs for human values need not be verifiable.


11 The self is the doer, not the body.


12 Understanding human relationships leads to undivided society.


13 There is an inherent struggle and chaos in nature.


14 Competence in professional ethics implies the ability to be fulfilling with human being as well as rest of the nature in profession.


15 We may differ on many things, but what we respect is free enquiry open mindness, and their pursuit of ideas for their own sake.


16 There is an inherent inter connectedness, self-regulation and harmony at all levels of existence and this needs to be discovered by each individual. The whole existence is coexistence. Humans are only a constituent part.


17 Humans are scarcely being governed by their preconditioning and sensory experiences and one is generally very eager to relook at them.


18 We generally evaluate ourselves on the basis of our intentions and others on the basis of their competence.


19 Sanyam is the lack of responsibility in „I‟ towards the body for its nurture, protection and right utilization.


20 Living of human being on the basis of physical facilities is called human consciousness.


21 To be in harmony is happiness.


22 Under evaluation is naturally acceptable in relationship.


23 Body is a material unit while the self is a conscious unit.


24 Working for unlimited wealth lead to a happy life.


25 A human being is nothing but a material body.


  1. Existence is co-existence.


27 Existence in the family is a barrier to harmony in the society.


28 Every human being wants to live with definite conduct.


  1. Value education can be ensured through self-exploration in the human being.


25 Imagination includes Desire, Thought and Expectation.


26 Respect is the need of the body.


27 Fearlessness is one of the comprehensive human goals.


28 The plant order is a co-existence of the self and body too.


29 Corruption is an unethical practice.


30 Prosperity and wealth are equivalent.


31 Right understanding forms the basis of definitiveness of human conduct.


32 The process of self evolution is self exploration.


33 Imaging is the activity of body.


34 „Knowing‟ in „Self‟ means having the „Right understanding‟


  1. Affection is the foundational value in relationship.


41 Ensuring right understanding and feelings in the other is called



42 The feeling of relatedness to all human beings is called Love.


43 Where there is harmony among the parts of the body, it is known as sanyam.


44 Activities of body are continuous.


45 Sukh is ensured by appropriate physico-chemical things.


46 The feeling of acceptance of excellence in the other is called reverence.


47 Akhand samaj is the feeling of being related to every human being.


48 Justice in family means recognizing and working on nine values of relationship.


  1. Education – right living leads to fearlessness

50 Society is the second level of living.


51 Selecting and desiring are the activities of self.


52 Clothing, nourishment are the needs of body.


53 „Bhokta‟ means „doer‟


54 Conformance of plant/ bio order is called “seed conformance”.
