Factors affecting Rural Consumer Behaviour: Social factor, Cultural factors, Technological factors, Lifestyle, Personality

Factors affecting rural consumer behavior are multi-faceted, encompassing social, cultural, technological aspects, lifestyle, and personality. Each of these factors plays a significant role in shaping the purchasing decisions and preferences of rural consumers.

Social Factors:

Social influences include family, friends, education level, and community. The family often plays a critical role in purchase decisions in rural areas, with decisions frequently made collectively. Social status and community acceptance can also influence product choices, driving demand for certain goods that are perceived as status symbols within the community.

  • Family:

Family unit is the primary social context within which consumption patterns are developed and preferences are formed. In rural areas, decisions regarding purchases are often made collectively, with senior family members or heads of households playing a decisive role. The influence of family extends to the types of products purchased, the brands chosen, and the priority of needs based on family values and requirements.

  • Reference Groups:

These include friends, neighbors, and other community members whose opinions and lifestyle choices can influence an individual’s purchase decisions. In rural settings, where communities are closely knit, the impact of reference groups is substantial. People often look to their peers for advice on purchases, and there is a tendency to conform to group norms and expectations, which can dictate the acceptance and success of certain products or brands.

  • Social Roles and Status:

Each individual in a rural community plays multiple roles – as a family member, a professional (e.g., farmer, artisan), and a community member. The expectations associated with these roles can influence purchase behaviors, driving the demand for products that align with the perceived responsibilities and privileges of each role. Additionally, social status, often determined by occupation, land ownership, or family lineage, can influence consumer behavior by dictating spending patterns, priorities, and the types of products deemed suitable or desirable for individuals at different levels of the social hierarchy.

Cultural Factors:

Culture impacts consumer behavior through traditions, beliefs, values, and norms specific to a community. Rural consumers’ choices are deeply rooted in their cultural background, affecting their preferences for specific types of products, colors, designs, and even purchase occasions. Festivals, for example, can significantly drive purchasing behavior, with consumers buying specific items as part of the celebration.

  • Beliefs and Values:

Rural communities often have strong beliefs and values that have been passed down through generations. These can include religious beliefs, attitudes towards family and community, and values related to work and leisure. Such beliefs and values directly impact consumer behavior, influencing what products are bought, how they are used, and even when certain purchases are made, such as during religious or cultural festivals.

  • Customs and Traditions:

Customs and traditions dictate numerous aspects of rural life, including food, clothing, and festivities, which in turn influence consumer preferences and demand for specific products. For instance, traditional festivals may drive the purchase of certain foods, garments, or gifts, creating seasonal spikes in demand that marketers can anticipate and cater to.

  • Language:

Language not only facilitates communication but also reflects and reinforces cultural identity. In rural areas, where dialects and regional languages prevail, understanding and using the local language in marketing communications can significantly enhance a brand’s reach and resonance with the target audience.

  • Art and Symbolism:

Art forms, symbols, and colors that hold particular significance within a culture can influence product design and marketing strategies. Products or packaging that incorporate culturally significant symbols or colors can appeal more to rural consumers by resonating with their cultural identity.

  • Social Practices:

Cultural norms dictate social practices regarding hospitality, gift-giving, and celebrations, among others. These practices influence consumer behavior around certain categories of products, such as food and beverages, household items, and gifts.

Technological Factors:

The penetration of technology, particularly mobile phones and the internet, has started to significantly impact rural consumer behavior. Access to information about products and services, previously limited, has broadened horizons, influencing expectations and demands. However, the level of technological adoption varies widely in rural areas, affecting how quickly these changes take place.

  • Access to Mobile and Internet Technology:

The widespread availability of mobile phones and increasing internet penetration in rural areas have revolutionized access to information. Rural consumers can now research products, compare prices, and make informed purchasing decisions. This access also opens up opportunities for businesses to reach rural consumers directly through digital marketing and e-commerce platforms.

  • Digital Payment Systems:

The growth of mobile banking and digital payment systems has made transactions more convenient and secure, encouraging a shift from cash-based transactions. This shift not only affects purchasing habits but also influences consumer confidence in engaging with online markets and financial services.

  • Agricultural Technologies:

Technological advancements in agriculture, such as improved seeds, fertilizers, irrigation methods, and farming equipment, have significant implications for rural economies. These technologies can increase agricultural productivity, affecting rural incomes and, consequently, consumer purchasing power and patterns.

  • Education and Learning:

Technology has made education more accessible in rural areas through online courses, educational apps, and digital content. This increased access to education can lead to higher literacy rates, changing consumer awareness, expectations, and preferences over time.

  • Healthcare Access:

Telemedicine and mobile health apps are making healthcare more accessible in remote areas. Improved healthcare access can lead to better health outcomes, influencing lifestyle choices and consumer behavior in the long term.

  • Entertainment and Media:

The availability of digital entertainment and social media platforms has exposed rural consumers to new lifestyles, products, and brands, influencing their aspirations and desires. This exposure can shift consumer preferences and demand for products and services previously considered urban-centric.

  • Energy and Infrastructure:

Advances in renewable energy technologies, such as solar power, are transforming rural electrification, impacting everything from household lighting to the use of electronic devices. Improved infrastructure and transportation technologies also enhance access to markets, affecting the distribution and availability of goods.


Rural lifestyle, often centered around agriculture and community activities, influences consumer needs and preferences. This lifestyle impacts the types of products deemed necessary or desirable, such as durable clothing, agricultural tools, and products catering to communal living. Changes in rural lifestyles, due to factors like urban migration or increased education, also reflect changing consumer behavior.

  • Income and Expenditure Patterns:

Rural lifestyles are closely linked to income levels, which are often dependent on agriculture and related activities. Seasonal income fluctuations can affect spending habits, with more spending on essentials during lean periods and discretionary spending during harvest periods.

  • Family Structure and Social Ties:

Joint family systems and strong community ties play a crucial role in rural lifestyles. Decisions about purchases, investments, and even daily activities are often influenced by family and community norms, leading to collective rather than individual consumer behaviors.

  • Education and Awareness:

The level of education influences lifestyle choices, including the importance placed on health, nutrition, education for children, and even entertainment preferences. Increasing literacy rates and access to information through digital media are slowly transforming rural lifestyles, making consumers more aware of their choices and rights.

  • Cultural Traditions and Practices:

Cultural and religious practices significantly impact lifestyle choices in rural areas, influencing food habits, clothing, festivals, and even the types of products consumed. Marketers need to be aware of these traditions to tailor their products and marketing messages effectively.

  • Access to Infrastructure:

The availability of basic infrastructure like roads, electricity, and water supply impacts rural lifestyles by determining access to markets, electronic devices, and the internet. Improvements in infrastructure can lead to changes in living standards and consumer demands.

  • Health and Nutrition:

Awareness and access to healthcare services affect lifestyle choices related to nutrition, hygiene, and health products. Rural consumers are becoming increasingly health-conscious, driving demand for products that promote well-being.

  • Leisure and Entertainment:

Changes in leisure activities, influenced by increased access to television, mobile phones, and the internet, are shifting entertainment consumption patterns. This shift influences spending on data plans, streaming services, and electronic gadgets.

  • Agricultural Practices:

The adoption of new agricultural technologies and practices can change rural lifestyles by freeing up time or increasing income, which in turn affects consumption patterns and demand for a wider range of goods and services.


Individual personality traits drive personal preferences, brand loyalty, and buying motivations. Rural consumers, like their urban counterparts, have unique personalities that influence their purchasing decisions. Traits such as conservatism, openness to change, and risk aversion can all play a part in how rural consumers approach buying products, from everyday goods to technology and luxury items.

  • Selfconcept and Identity:

Many rural consumers make purchasing decisions that reflect their self-concept or how they see themselves. Products that align with their identity, values, and aspirations tend to be more appealing. For instance, owning certain brands or products might be perceived as status symbols or reflect personal values such as sustainability or community support.

  • Risk Aversion:

Rural consumers often exhibit a higher level of risk aversion compared to their urban counterparts. This is due to limited disposable income and a greater reliance on products that offer value for money and durability. They may prefer well-known brands or products with strong word-of-mouth recommendations, viewing them as safer choices.

  • Tradition vs. Modernity:

The conflict between traditional values and modern influences can significantly impact purchasing decisions. Some consumers may prefer products that embody traditional values or are produced locally, while others might be drawn to products that signify modernity and a connection to the wider world.

  • Innovativeness:

Despite stereotypes, there is a segment of rural consumers who are early adopters and open to trying new products. These individuals can influence broader market trends within their communities. Marketers can target these personality types with new product introductions, leveraging their potential to influence others.

  • Social Influence Susceptibility:

The extent to which individuals are influenced by the opinions and behaviors of others can vary. In closely knit rural communities, where social ties are strong, consumers may be more influenced by the choices of their neighbors, friends, and family members, making social proof a powerful marketing tool.

  • Locus of Control:

This refers to individuals’ belief about the extent to which they have control over events that affect them. Those with an internal locus of control believe they have a high degree of control over their lives, including their purchasing decisions. In contrast, those with an external locus of control may believe their decisions are more influenced by external factors, such as luck or fate. Understanding this aspect can help marketers tailor their messages to resonate with either the empowerment or the assurance that consumers seek.

Institutional Support to an Entrepreneur

  1. Central Government Institutions:

The Government Formulated the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises:

Development Act, 2006 and established the National Board for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (NBMSME) and made rules there under in the year 2006. This Board examines the factors affecting promotion and development of MSMEs and reviews policies and programmes from time to time relating to these enterprises, from time to time and makes recommendations to the Government in formulating the policies for the growth of MSMEs.

The Government of India constituted the National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganised Sector (NCEUS) to examine the problems of the enterprises in the unorganized/informal sector. The Commission has made recommendations to provide technical, marketing and credit sup­port to these enterprises.

The various policies and schemes of Government assistance for the development of rural industries insist on the utilisation of local resources and raw materials and locally available manpower. These are translated into action through various agencies, departments, corporations, etc., all coming under the purview of the industries department. All these are primarily concerned with the promotion of small and rural industries.

Some such support measures are being discussed briefly below:

(i) Small Scale Industries Board (SSIB):

It was established in 1954 to provide effective coordination and inter- institutional linkages for the benefit of small scale sector.

It consists of the following members:

  1. Union Industry Minister
  2. State Industry Minister
  3. Selected members of Parliament
  4. Secretaries of department concerned
  5. Eminent experts in the field

(ii) National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD):

NABARD is designated as an apex development bank in the country. This national bank was established in 1982 by a Special Act of the Parliament, with a mandate to uplift rural India by facilitating credit flow in agricul­ture, cottage and village industries, handicrafts and small-scale industries. It is also required to support non-farm sector while promoting other allied economic activities in rural areas. NABARD functions to promote sustainable rural development for attaining prosperity of rural areas in India.

It is basically concerned with “matters concerning policy, as well as planning and operations in the field of credit for agriculture and other economic activities in rural areas in India”. It is worth noting with reference to NABARD that RBI has sold its own stake to the Government of India. Therefore, Government of India holds 99% stake in NABARD.

Role of NABARD:

It is an apex institution which has power to deal with all matters concerning policy, planning as well as operations in giving credit for agriculture and other economic activities in the rural areas.

  1. It is a refinancing agency for those institutions that provide investment and production credit for promoting the several devel­opmental programs for rural development.
  2. It is improving the absorptive capacity of the credit delivery system in India, including monitoring, formulation of rehabilitation schemes, restructuring of credit institutions, and training of personnel.
  3. It co-ordinates the rural credit financing activities of all sorts of institutions engaged in developmental work at the field level while maintaining liaison with Government of India, and State Governments, and also RBI and other national level institutions that are concerned with policy formulation.
  4. It prepares rural credit plans, annually, for all districts in the country.
  5. It also promotes research in rural banking, and the field of agriculture and rural development.

Various services offered by NABARD are:

  1. Attracting youth to rural non-farm sector
  2. District Industries Rural Project (DRIP)
  3. Rural Entrepreneurship Development Programme (REDP).

(iii) Small Industries Development Organisation (SIDO):

It was constituted in 1954 to develop support services for promotion of SSS. Over the years, it has seen its role evolve into an agency for advocacy, hand holding and facilitation for the small industries sector. It has over 60 offices and 21 autonomous bodies under its management.

These autonomous bodies include:

  1. Tool Rooms
  2. Training Institutions
  3. Project-cum-Process Development Centres.

The SIDO provides a wide spectrum of services to the small industries sector.

These include:

  1. Facilities for testing, tool making, training for entrepreneurship development, preparation of project and product profiles, technical and managerial consultancy, assistance for exports, pollution and energy audits etc.
  2. The SIDO provides economic information services and advis­es Government in policy formulation for the promotion and development of SSIs.

Consequent to the increased globalization of the Indian economy, small industries are required to face new challenges. The SIDO has recognised the changed environment and is currently focusing on providing support in the fields of credit, marketing, technology and infrastructure to SSIs. Global trends and national developments have accentuated SIDO’s role as a catalyst of growth of small enterprises in the country.

The Institutions/Centres Administered by SIDO:

The SIDO has promoted the following institutes and centres and is responsible for their management:

  1. Small Industries Service Institutes (SISI):

The institute functions under the Ministry of SSI, Government of India and it provides services such as preparation of project reports, training programmes in different activities, extending technical assistance and offering guidance on Industrial policy of Government of India. It is a pioneer organisation, to develop small scale industries through counselling, consultancy/training. It also assists the industries in marketing the products and acquiring quality standards.

SISI also provides various types of extension services and assistance in setting up of units, promoting and developing product and services by the Small Scale Industries. The small industries service institutes have been set up in state capitals and other places all over the country to provide consultancy and training to small entrepreneurs both existing and prospective. At present the SIDO has been administering 28 SISIs and 30 branch SISIs working in different parts of the country.

  1. Product-cum-Process Development Centres:

These have been promoted to provide specific service to different types of small scale units concentrated in different locations. These centres are responsible for serving as research and development institutions in areas of dense industry clusters, to encourage product design and innovation, to develop new processes and upgrade the existing level of technology, to act as centres of excellence in respective areas and • to provide technical and managerial support services.

III. Regional Training Centres (RTCs):

These centres are located in major cities and are responsible for quality awareness programme among the small units. For this purpose, they are engaged in systematic testing and technical consultancy services. These centres are also responsible for assisting field testing stations which are expected to provide testing services to SSI units.

  1. Establishment of Training Institutes:

The SIDO also controls the affairs of NISIET (Hyderabad), NIESBUD (New Delhi) and integrated training centre (Industries) at Nilokheri. These institutions are responsible for arranging training facility to entrepreneurial trainers.

Main Objectives of SIDO are:

  1. To formulate policy for promotion of SSI
  2. To Provide coordination of policies of state government

iii. To collect and disseminate information

  1. To provide wide range of extension services through allied institutions
  2. To promote facilities for technology up gradation
  3. To offer consultancy services

Various Services Rendered by SIDO:

  1. Entrepreneurship development and Management training.
  2. Efforts for skill development.

iii. Preparation of feasibility reports for different products.

  1. Provision of testing services.
  2. Availability of tool room facilities.

(iv) National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC):

The National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) Ltd. was established by the Government as a Public Sector Company in 1955.

Its main functions are:

  1. To arrange for Supply of machinery and equipment.
  2. To arrange Provision of financial assistance.

iii. To provide Assistance for arrangement of raw materials.

  1. To aid establishment of technology transfer centres.
  2. To make arrangement of marketing assistance.
  3. To ensure priority in government purchase programme

vii. To promote, aid, and foster the growth of micro and small enterprises in the country, generally on a commercial basis

viii. To provides a variety of support services to micro and small enterprises catering to their different requirements in the areas of raw material procurement; product marketing; credit rating; acqui­sition of technologies; adoption of modern management practices, arranging for business partners, ensuring technology transfer pro­grammes through missions, delegations and expositions etc.

The Technical Service Centres (TSCs), established by NSIC are functioning in different parts of the country, providing diverse technical support to the small scale sector.

Some of which are:

Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India:

Entrepreneurship development and training is one of the key elements for the promotion of micro, small and medium enterprises, especially for creation of new enterprises by the first generation entrepreneurs. In order to inculcate the entrepreneurial culture amongst the first generation of entrepreneurs on a regular basis, the Ministry has set up

Three national entrepreneurship development institutes namely:

  1. National Institute for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (NI-MSME) at Hyderabad,
  2. National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD) at NOIDA (Uttar Pradesh)
  3. And Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship (IIE) at Guwahati, as autonomous societies.

These institutes are engaged in developing training modules; undertaking research & training; and providing consultancy services for entrepreneurship development & promotion of MSMEs, including enhancement of their competitiveness.

  1. National Institute for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (NI-MSME):

The National Institute of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises was established with the mission of promoting the growth and development of MSMEs through services in the areas of policy, entrepreneurship, technology, information, education, management and extension. NIMSME has designed specialized and need-based programmes, workshops and seminars in tune with the current developments in policy and the economy.

NIMSME has been providing unstinted support, in terms of offering services like research, consultan­cy, information, training and extension not only to enterprises but also to concerned developmental agencies. It deserves all appreciation for its outstanding work and contribution to MSMEs, the demand for more such institutes in the country is gathering momentum.

  1. National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD):

NIESBUD is an apex body established by Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises. The Government of India for coordinating, training and over­seeing the activities of various institutions/agencies engaged in entrepreneurship development particularly in the area of small industry and small business. Its main activities are to evolve effective training strategies and methodology, standardising model syllabi for training various target groups, formulat­ing scientific selection procedure, developing training aids, manuals and tools, facilitating and supporting Central/State/ Other agencies in organising entrepreneurship development programmes, conducting training programmes for promoters, trainers and entrepreneurs and undertaking research and exchange experiences globally

  1. Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship (IIE):

The Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship (HE) was established in the year 1993 in Guwahati by the erstwhile Ministry of Industry (now the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises), Government of India as an autonomous national institute with an aim to undertake training, research and consultancy activities in small and micro enterprises focusing on entrepreneurship development.

The main objectives of the institute are:

(1) To organize and conduct training for entrepreneurship development,

(2) To evolve strategies & methodologies for different target groups & locations & conduct field tests,

(3) To identify training needs and offer training programmers to Government and non-Government organisations engaged in promoting and supporting entrepreneurship etc.

(v) Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDESI):

It is a Subsidiary of IDBI and was setup as an act of parliament, for ensuring larger flow of financial and non-financial assistance to the small scale sector.

The SIDBI has taken over the outstanding portfolio of the IDBI relating to the small scale sector for promotion, financing and development of the SSI sector and for coordinating the activities of other institutions. It is the principal financial institution for the promotion, financing and development of industry in the small, tiny and cottage sectors and for co-coordinating the functions of the institutions engaged in similar activities.

Over the years SIDBI has striven to fulfill the role enshrined in its charter by formulating and reorienting its policies, gearing up operations and enlarging the pro­file of its promotional and developmental activities aimed at facilitating entrepreneurial entry and strengthening the small scale sector to enable them to meet the emerging challenges.

From being a mere traditional refinancing institution, it has emerged stronger in meeting the varied re­quirements of the SSI sector by exploring new areas and seeding option for the future growth, like launching new financial products and instruments and support service programmes.

It has also devised tailor-made schemes for direct lending to small scale sector so as to supplement the efforts of Primary Lending Institutions (PLIs), which includes:

  1. State Financial Corporation’s (SFCs), State Industrial Development Corporations (SIDCs), Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) both in the public and the private sector. State
  2. Co-operative banks, scheduled urban co-operative banks and regional rural banks SIDBI – Venture Capital Ltd.

iii. SIDBI has also encouraged the growth of the venture capital industry for hi-tech SME units in India by promoting 13 State/regional level funds and setting up an all India Venture Fund.

It provides assistance for:

  1. Setting up of new SSI units, small hotels, hospitals and so on.
  2. Technological up gradation and modernization, expansion and diversification.

iii. Quality up gradation

  1. Development of markets
  2. Development of infrastructure.
  3. Discounting of bills of manufacturer-seller in selling either equipments or components.

(vi) National Board for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (NBMSME):

In pursuance of the MSME Development Act, 2006, the National Board for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises consisting of a total of 47 mem­bers have been constituted. The 20 non-official members on the Board represent industry associations of MSMEs from all over the country while the other 27 members comprise Members of Parliament, Ministers of six State Governments, representatives of RBI, Banks etc.

The main purpose of the board is:

  1. To solve the various issues relating to development of MSMEs
  2. To come out with remedial measures which are undertaken in consultation with the concerned departments/agencies.

(vii) Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC):

The Khadi & Village Industries Commission (KVIC), established under the Khadi and Village Industries Commission Act, 1956, is a statutory organisation engaged in promoting and developing khadi and village in­dustries for providing employment opportunities in rural areas, thereby strengthening the rural economy.

Main reasons for its formation are:

  1. The KVIC has been identified as one of the major organisations in the decentralized sector for generating sustainable rural nonfarm employment opportunities at low per capita investment.
  2. This also helps in checking migration of rural population to urban areas in search of employment opportunities.

iii. New reform programmes are undertaken which aim at revitalizing the khadi sector for enhanced sustainability of khadi; increasing incomes for spinners and weavers; increasing employment; enhancing artisan’s welfare and gradually enabling khadi institutions to stand on their own feet.

(viii) Mahatma Gandhi Institute for Rural Industrialisation (MGIRI):

In order to strengthen the R& D activities in khadi and village industry sectors, a national level institute namely ‘Mahatma Gandhi Institute for Rural Industrialization (MGIRI)’ has been established at Wardha, Maharashtra in association with IIT, Delhi by revamping the erstwhile Jamnalal Bajaj Central Research Institute.

A brief account of these organ­isations is given below:

The national level institute namely Mahatma Gandhi Institute for Rural Industrialization (MGIRI) has been established at Wardha, Maharashtra, to strengthen the R&D activities in khadi and village industry sectors.

The main functions of the Institute are:

To improve the R&D activities under rural industrial sector through encouraging research, extension of R&D, quality control, training and dissemination of technology related information.

(ix) Coir Board:

The Coir Board is a statutory body established under the Coir Industry Act, 1953 for promoting overall development of the coir industry and improving the living conditions of the workers engaged in this traditional industry.

The activities of the board for development of coir industries include:

  1. Undertaking scientific, technological and economic research and development activities
  2. Developing new products & designs and marketing of coir and coir products in India and abroad.

iii. Promoting co-operative organisations among producers of husks, coir fibre, coir yarn and manufacturers of coir products; ensuring remunerative returns to producers and manufacturers,

  1. Promoting two research institutes namely; Central Coir Research Institute (CCRI), Kalavoor, Alleppey, and the Central Institute of Coir Technology (CICT), Bengaluru for undertaking research activities on different aspects of coir industry, which is one of the major agro based rural industries in the country

(x) National Institute for Small Industry Extension Training (NISIET):

The NISIET, since its inception in 1960 by the Government of India, has taken gigantic strides to become the premier institution for:

  1. The promotion, development and modernisation of the SME sector. An autonomous arm of the Ministry of Small Scale Industries (SSI)
  2. The Institute strives to achieve its avowed objectives through a gamut of operations ranging from training, consultancy, research and education, to extension and information services.
  3. State Government Institutions:

The State Governments also execute different promotional and developmental projects and schemes to provide number of supporting incentives for development and promotion of MSMEs in their respective states. These are executed through the State Directorate of Industries, which has District Industries Centres (DICs) under it, for implementing the central/state level schemes.

(i) State Financial Corporation (SFC):

Its main objectives are:

  1. To provide term loans for the acquisition of land, building, plant and machinery.
  2. To promote of self-employment.

iii. To encourage women entrepreneurs

  1. To bring about expansion of industry
  2. To provide seed capital assistance.

(ii) State Small Industries Development Corporation (SSIDC):

The State Small Industries Development Corporations (SSIDC) were set up in various states under the companies’ act 1956, as state government undertakings to cater to the primary developmental needs of the small tiny and village industries in the state/union territories under their juris­diction.

Incorporation under the companies act has provided SSIDCs with greater operational flexibility and wider scope for undertaking a variety of activities for the benefit of the small sector, such as procuring and dis­tributing the scarce raw materials, supplying machinery on hire purchase system, providing assistance for marketing of the products of small-scale industries, constructing industrial estates /sheds, providing allied infrastruc­ture facilities and their maintenance and to extend seed capital assistance on behalf of the state government concerned etc.

SSIDC provides the following important functions:

  1. Procurement and distribution of raw materials.
  2. Supply of machine on hire-purchase basis

iii. Construction of industrial estates.

  1. Providing assistance for marketing of products of SSI.

(iii) Technical Consultancy Organisations (TCOs):

Services of TCOs include:

  1. Preparation of project profiles.
  2. Undertaking industrial potential surveys.

iii. Identification of potential entrepreneurs.

  1. Undertaking market research.
  2. Project supervision and rendering technical and administrative assistance.
  3. Conducting EDPs.

(iv) Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC):

It is engaged in the development of khadi and village industries in rural areas. Main objectives of KVIC are:

  1. To provide employment in rural areas.
  2. To help in skill improvement.

iii. To bring about rural industrialization.

  1. To facilitate transfer of technology.
  2. Non-Government Institutions:

Besides the Central Government and the State Government agencies, there are some Non-Governmental agencies that are also supporting the cause of small scale industries in the country. These agencies include Non- Government organisations and industry associations. They provide a com­mon platform to voice SSI needs and initiate co-operative efforts.

Govern­ment policies have stressed the increasing role of these associations and NGO’s in setting up common facilities and other cooperative ventures in technology, marketing and other support systems. Some of these major associations are as follows:

(I) Indian Council of Small Industries (ICSI):

It was established in 1979 to help tiny, cottage and small industries and artisans of rural areas. Membership of ICSI constitutes about 1500 associations of the decentralized sector.

Main functions of ICSI are:

  1. Information dissemination.
  2. Entrepreneurship development.

iii. Consultancy and managerial support.

  1. Training and research.

(II) Laghu Udyog Bharti (LUB):

Laghu Udyog Bharti (LUB) was founded in 1995 to promote and safe­guard the interest of tiny and small scale industries. It has been given representation on the national and the state level government bodies responsible for the development of SSIs. It is also responsible for undertak­ing entrepreneurial training, providing support for technology up gradation and marketing services.

LUB performs following functions:

  1. Entrepreneurial training.
  2. Technology up gradation.

iii. Marketing services.

(III) India SME Technology Services Ltd.:

India SME Technology Services Ltd. (ISTSL) provides a platform where micro, small and medium enterprises can tap opportunities at the global level for acquisition of new and emerging technology or establish business collaboration.

Their mission is:

To render professional services for technology transfer and attendant support services in order to enhance market competitive­ness of micro, small and medium enterprises and promote sustainable development.

(IV) Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Industries:

A Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for small industries was launched by the Government and the SIDBI set up the Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Small Industries (CGTSI), with a mission

to implement the credit guarantee fund scheme for micro and small enterprise in August 2000 to ensure better flow of credit to micro and small enterprises by minimising the risk perception of banks/ financial institutions in lending without collateral security.

(V) Federation of Associations of Small Industries of India (FASII):

It was promoted in 1959 to represent the problems of SSIs with the Government and liaisoning with other agencies involved in promotion of SSI sector.

Its objectives are as follows:

  1. To promote the development of small scale, tiny and cottage industries;
  2. To cooperate with industrial business, educational institutions in collecting and exchanging information pertaining to the small scale sector;

iii. To undertake professional, technical and management consultation services;

  1. To undertake studies, surveys and research assignments;
  2. To further the cause of small industries by interacting with Union and State Governments and other bodies;
  3. To establish and operate trade centres display centres, sub-contracts exchanges and other promotional institutions for the benefit of the small scale sector and

vii. To establish test centres, laboratories and common facility centres for the SSI sector.

(VI) World Association of Small and Medium Enter­prises (WASME):

The World Association for Small and Medium Enterprises was found­ed in 1981 to ensure business cooperation among its members. Its membership represents chamber of commerce, small industries develop­ment corporations, financial institutions and commercial banks and other State Government agencies of developing countries.

It facilitates:

  1. Technology transfer
  2. Manpower training

iii. Maintaining a register of experts/consultants, organising seminars and conferences

  1. And acts as a clearing house of information and marketing services etc.

(VII) Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI):

The FICCI was established in 1927 as the national agency through which the chambers of commerce and trade association in India could crystallize their views on current economic problems.

It serves as the coordinating agency for the commercial and industrial interests as represented by various chambers of commerce and trade associations. The Federation maintains very close relations with the Union Government and is also represented on over 65 advisory committees ap­pointed by the Government and other leading organisations.

(VIII) Small and Medium Business Development Chamber of India (SME Chamber of India):

The chamber puts all its efforts for the development and growth of MSMEs by organising various activities to accomplish its objectives. The Chamber provides information and guidance to new and existing entrepreneurs in effectively managing and growing their business. The Chamber has developed key strategies to promote and support the MSME sector. The Chamber also gives importance to and encourages MSMEs to adopt inno­vative ideas and concepts for the promotion of their business.

The chamber organises:

  1. Seminars
  2. Conferences,

iii. Workshops and Training Programs

  1. And other trade promotional activities to educate & create awareness among MSMEs.
  2. The Chamber recognises successful entrepreneurs by conferring National & International Level MSME and Entrepreneurship Excellence Awards for their outstanding achievements in the fields of Manufacturing, Services, International Trade, Finance, Agro & Food Processing, IT and IT Enabled Services, Telecommunication, Research, Technology Development and other sectors.

(IX) Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM):

Assocham is another apex organisation like FICCI to which some of the older chambers of commerce are affiliated. It was founded in December 1920. It seeks to make the businessmen’s voice heard and to ensure that their views are taken into account in the moulding of the nation’s economic life. It also undertakes persuasive activities directed at the administrative departments and to the law makers with a view to acquainting themselves with the view point of the members.

(X) Confederation of Indian Industry (CII):

It was created in 1992 by changing the name of Confederation of Engineering Industry. It is responsible for advisory, consultative and repre­sentative services to industry and the Government. It has been given rep­resentation on major policy formulating bodies, related with the industry. It also works like a nodal agency for international industrial cooperation.

(XI) Federation of Indian Exporters Organisation (FIEO):

This is an apex organisation set up by the Ministry of Commerce in the year October 1965. It represents the Indian entrepreneur’s spirit of enterprise in the global market. The Federation performs activities of common nature such as sending trade delegations abroad and inviting trade delegations from foreign countries, sponsoring commodity and market surveys and collection and dissemination of commercial intelligence.

It provides facilities for:

  1. Settlement of trade disputes arising in the course of foreign trade
  2. And advises Government on all matters relating to export trade.

(XII) Rural Small Business Development Centre (RSBDC):

It is the first of its kind set up by the world association for small and medium enterprises and is sponsored by NABARD. It works for the benefit of socially and economically disadvantaged individuals and groups.

It aims at:

  1. Providing management and technical support to current and prospective micro and small entrepreneurs in rural areas.
  2. Organizing several programmes on rural entrepreneurship, skill up gradation workshops, mobile clinics and trainers training programmes, awareness and counseling camps in various villages of North India.

(XIII) Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDI):

The Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), an autonomous body and not-for-profit institution, set up in 1983, is sponsored by apex financial institutions, namely the IDBI Bank Ltd, IFCI Ltd. ICICI Ltd and State Bank of India (SBI).

The Institute is registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 and the Public Trust Act 1950. The Government of Gujarat pledged twenty-three acres of land on which stands the majestic and sprawling EDII campus.

The institute is located close to Ahmedabad Airport at the village Bhat in Gandhinagar District. Its buildings, designed by Bimal Hasmukh Patel, are set in a 23-acre (93,000 m2) lush green campus and received the Aga Khan Award for Architecture in 1992.

The EDII has been selected as a member of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) network of Centres of Ex­cellence for HRD Research and Training.

EDI has helped set up twelve state-level exclusive entrepreneurship development centres and institutes. Entrepreneurship has been taken to schools, colleges, science and technology institutions and management schools in the water performance sector by including entrepreneurship in their curricula.

The University Grants Commission appointed the EDI as an expert agency to develop a curriculum on Entrepreneurship. In the inter­national arena, the development of entrepreneurship by sharing resources and organising training programmes, have helped the EDI earn support from the World Bank, Commonwealth Secretariat, UNIDO, ILO, FNSt, British Council, Ford Foundation, European Union and other agencies.

The institute has carried out the task assigned by the Ministry of Exter­nal Affairs (India), to set up Entrepreneurship Development Centres in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam. The institute is working to­wards creating ED Centres in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

Courses offered by EDI:

(a) Post Graduate Diploma in Management Development Studies (PGDM-DS):

Post Graduate Diploma in Management – Development Studies is designed as a broad and multi-disciplinary focused programme to equip students with knowledge, analytical and con­ceptual skills of social and economic development.

(b) Post Graduate Diploma in Management Business Entrepreneurship (PGDM-BE):

The PGDM-BE two-year, full-time, residential programme at the EDI, has been designed for entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial managers.

(c) Post Graduate Diploma in Management Development Studies (PGDM-DS):

The institute has launched a new course – Post Graduate Diploma in Management – Development Studies in market, which makes sure that the youth is equipped with instruments to bring about ‘change’ in society. Of the many fundamentals and theories, the Development Studies course imbibes Mahatma Gandhi’s principle- “Be the change you want to see in the world”. Development Studies (DS) may be considered an MBA equivalent course that creates social entrepreneurs. Social entrepreneurship is a gutsy, enterprising and challenging concept.

The entrepreneurship process at EDI:

Students are taught to identify opportunities and check on their feasibility. Through mentoring and guidance the students prepare a business plan. They are given a platform to pitch their ideas to banks and investors, so that they can launch their own venture.

(XIV) Indian Investment Centre (IIC):

The Indian Investment Centre is a Government of India organization and enjoys nearly more than three decades of rich understanding in investment promotion. It is the body which is to be contacted first for investment and is the single window agency for bona fide information or any assistance that may be required for investments, technical collaborations and joint ventures. All the services provided by the Indian Investment Centre are free of charge.

Role of Direct Foreign Investment:

  1. The Indian Investment Centre is the body which is known to generate wider knowledge about conditions, laws, policies, procedures and incentives pertaining to investment and the infrastructural facilities available; and of investment opportunities in India.
  2. The Indian Investment Centre functions as a single reference point for foreign investment projects and aids Indian and foreign entrepreneurs in meeting the procedural requirements of project approvals. It also aids them in over-coming bottlenecks, if any, in the process for implementation of the project.

iii. It informs and assists foreign entrepreneurs on matters pertaining to financial and technical collaborations in India.

  1. The Indian Investment Centre advises foreign investors on setting up industrial projects in India.
  2. It provides them information regarding investment environment and opportunities. It also apprises the investors about Government, industrial and foreign investment policies, facilities and incentives taxation laws and assists them in identifying collaborators in India.
  3. Overseas the Government body assists Indian companies in discovering source of capital and technology, hence facilitating for­eign collaborations.

vii. It undertakes promotional work and guides entrepreneurs abroad via diplomatic officers in the external affairs office and other relevant organizations.

Role in Non-Resident Indian Investment:

The Indian Investment Centre is the main organization responsible for promoting investment in India by Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) and Over­seas Corporate Bodies with NRI holdings, providing them lead services.

  1. It is functioning as a sole agency for projects with NRI investment and provides all the necessary services for setting up such projects.
  2. The Indian Investment Centre apprises them of Government policies and procedures and the services and inducements available to them.

iii. The necessary data for the selection of projects is made available to the NRIs and Overseas Corporate bodies.

  1. The nodal agency also assists them in obtaining the approval of the Government authorities.
  2. The Indian Investment Centre stands on the State Level Review Committees, which monitors the execution of the projects and thus help them in removing complicatedness, if any, in the process of implementation.
  3. District Industries Centres (DIC) & Indus­trial Estates:

In each district, there is one agency to deal with all requirements of small and village Industries. This is called “District Industries Centre”, The District Industries Centres have undertaken various programmes for investment promotion at the grass root level such as organizing seminars workshops, extending support for trade fairs and exhibitions organized by various Industry’s associations.

All the services and support required for MSME units under was the single roof of the District Industries Centre. The Centre has a separate wing to look after the special needs of cottage and house­hold industries as district from small industries.

The Department of Industries & Commerce is the anchor department as far as development of industries is concerned. This department is re­sponsible for formulating and implementation of industrial policies in the State.

The Directorate of Industries and Commerce (DIC) which has its headquarters at Bangalore, has a network of District Industries Centres in all the 27 Districts.

The Directorate of Industries & Commerce is the first State Government Department in the country to get the ISO Certif­icate which affirms the quality, efficiency, productivity and service stan­dards. The mission of the Department is to provide prompt and efficient services to the entrepreneurs/industrialists for smooth and time-bound implementation and operation of industrial projects and schemes.

In each district one agency to deal with all requirements of small and village Industries. This is called “District Industries Centre”

The District Industries Centres have undertaken various programmes for investment promotion at the grass root level such as:

  1. Organizing seminars workshops, extending support for trade fairs and exhibitions organized by various Industries associations.
  2. All the services and support required by for MSME units under the single roof of the District Industries Centre. The Centre has a separate wing to look-after the special needs of cottage and house­hold industries as district from small industries.


General Manager is the head of the District Industries Centre. The post of General Manager is of Joint/Deputy Commissioner Level. The General Manager has senior officers to assist him, such as Managers, Officers of all related fields.

Objectives of District Industries Centres (DIC):

(i) To identify prospective entrepreneurs to take up viable projects.

(ii) To identify viable projects and make demand survey on the available resources of the district and plan for promotion of viable industries in the area.

(iii) To prepare viable and feasible project reports.

(iv) To strengthen the guidance cell to solve the problems of the entrepreneurs.

(v) To maintain up to date data on SSI Sector.

(vi) To recommend financial proposals to Orissa State Financial/ Corporation/Financial Institutions/Banks etc.

(vii) To allot Govt, land/shed in Industrial Estates

(viii) To recommend for power connection.

(ix) To arrange for EDP training

(x) To arrange exhibition, fair and publicity and visit of industrialists to Trade Fairs and different Industrial Estates of other States.

(xi) To solve the problems of the industrial units at the district level

(xii) To monitor the health of existing SSI units and the progress of those in the pipeline.

(xiii) To provide necessary marketing assistance.

(xiv) To monitor the implementation of the Prime Minister’s Rozgar Yojana.

(xv) To assist revival of sick SSI Units.

(xvi) To update the library in different DICs by procuring different hand books relating to industries

Functions of DICs:

The DICs art funded by the State government concerned and the Cen­tre jointly. The Government has provided substantial assistance to the DIC’s which can be spent by DICs on construction of an office building, expenditure on furniture, fixtures, equipment, vehicles and other recur­ring expenses.

With this basis facility, DIC’s in the district level undertakes various promotional measures with a view to bringing out all development of SME in the district.

In starts from exploration of potential entrepreneurs to marketing the products produced by the SMEs. The DICs provide and arrange a package of assistance and facilities for credit guidance, raw materials, training, marketing etc. including the necessary help to unem­ployed educated young entrepreneurs in general.

Thus it may be said that DIC extends promotional, technical, physical, financial, marketing and all other type of services, required for growth and development of SSI.

The important functions of DICS are discussed as follow:

(i) Identification of Entrepreneurs:

DIC’s develop new entrepreneurs by conducting entrepreneurial motivation programmes throughout the district particularly under SEEUY scheme. DICs also take association of SIS’s and TCOs for conducting EDPs.

(ii) Provisional Registration:

Entrepreneurs can get provisional registration with DICs which enable them to take all necessary steps to bring the unit into existence. The entrepreneur can get assistance from term lending institutions only after getting provisional registration.

(iii) Permanent Registration:

When the entrepreneur completes all formalities required to commence the production like selection of site, power connection, installing machinery etc. they can apply to DIC for permanent registration. It is only after getting the permanent registration that the entrepreneur can apply for supply of raw mate­rials on concessional rates. Permanent registration is essential to avail all types of benefits extended by the government from time to time.

(iv) Purchases of Fixed Assets:

The DIC’s recommend loan applications of the prospective entrepreneur to various concerned financial and developmental institutions e.g. NSIC, SISI etc. for the purchase of fixed assets. It also recommend to the commercial banks for meeting the working capital requirement of SSI to run day-to-day operations.

(v) Clearances from Various Departments:

DIC takes the initiative to get clearances from various departments which is essential to start a unit. It even takes follow up measures to get speedy power connection.

(vi) Assistance to Village Artisans and Handicrafts:

In spite of inherent talent and ability, village artisans are not better off because they lack financial strength to strive in the competitive market. DIC in support with different lead banks and nationalized banks extends financial support to those artisans.

(vii) Incentives and Subsidies:

DIC helps SMEs and rural artisans to subsidies granted by government under various schemes. The different types of subsidies are power subsidy, interest subsidy for engineers and subsidy under IRDP etc. from various institutions.

(viii) Interest Free Sales Tax Loan:

SIDCO provides interest free sales tax loan up to a maximum limit of 8per cent of the total fixed assets for SSI units set up in rural areas. But the sanction order for the same is to be issued by DIC. The DIC recommends the case of SME to National Small Industries Corporation Limited for registration for Government purchase programme.

(ix) Assistance of Import and Export:

Government is providing various types of incentives for import and export of specific goods and services. These benefits can be availed by any importer or exporter provided the same is routed through the concerned DIC. Export and import license is also issued to the importer or exporter only on the basis of recommendation of DIC.

(x) Fairs and Exhibitions:

The DIC inspires and facilitates the SSI units to participate in various fairs and exhibitions which are organized by the Government of India and other organizations to give publicity to industrial products. DICs provide free space to SMEs for the display of their products and provide financial assistance for the purpose.

(xi) Training Programmes:

DIC organizes training programs to rural entrepreneurs and also assists other institutions or organization imparting training to train the small entrepreneurs.

(xii) Self-Employment for Unemployed Educated Youth:

The DICs have launched a scheme to assist the educated unemployed youth by providing them facilities for self-employment. The youth should be in the age group of 18 to 35 years with minimum qualification of Metric or Middle with I.T.I. in engineering or Technical Trade. Technocrats and women are given preference.

Thus the above mentioned organisations in all the categories have been set up and are steadily working towards the development of small indus­tries. The entrepreneurs would indeed be benefited, provided they take benefit from the services provided by these organisations. The assistance provided ranges from setting up of the business unit, financing, training, procuring of raw materials, purchase of plant and machinery, marketing of their products, selling, and exporting their products.

It is seen that the Government of India and the Government of Karnataka are indeed setting up these agencies to help the entrepreneurs, to motivate them in setting up more units which will not only help them but also help the economy.

They want to create more of job providers than job seekers. The entre­preneurs should make use of the facilities provided by the Governmental organisations and agencies in order to grow economically and become more competitive globally.

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