Staffing, Functions, Nature, Importance, Steps, Benefits, Fundamentals of staffing
Staffing is a crucial management function that involves the recruitment, selection, training, and development of employees to ensure that an organization has the right people in the right positions. It aims to align individual skills and competencies with organizational needs, promoting efficiency and productivity. Staffing encompasses job analysis, workforce planning, and employee engagement strategies, facilitating the achievement of organizational goals. Effective staffing ensures that an organization can adapt to changing demands, enhances employee satisfaction, and fosters a positive work environment, ultimately contributing to the overall success and growth of the organization.
Functions of Staffing
- The first and foremost function of staffing is to obtain qualified personnel for different jobs position in the organization.
- In staffing, the right person is recruited for the right jobs, therefore it leads to maximum productivity and higher performance.
- It helps in promoting the optimum utilization of human resource through various aspects.
- Job satisfaction and morale of the workers increases through the recruitment of the right person.
- Staffing helps to ensure better utilization of human resources.
- It ensures the continuity and growth of the organization, through development managers.
According to Theo Haimann, “Staffing pertains to recruitment, selection, development and compensation of subordinates.”
- Staffing is an important managerial function: Staffing function is the most important managerial act along with planning, organizing, directing and controlling. The operations of these four functions depend upon the manpower which is available through staffing function.
- Staffing is a pervasive activity: As staffing function is carried out by all mangers and in all types of concerns where business activities are carried out.
- Staffing is a continuous activity: This is because staffing function continues throughout the life of an organization due to the transfers and promotions that take place.
- The basis of staffing function is efficient management of personnel’s: Human resources can be efficiently managed by a system or proper procedure, that is, recruitment, selection, placement, training and development, providing remuneration, etc.
- Staffing helps in placing right men at the right job: It can be done effectively through proper recruitment procedures and then finally selecting the most suitable candidate as per the job requirements.
- Staffing is performed by all managers: Depending upon the nature of business, size of the company, qualifications and skills of managers, etc. In small companies, the top management generally performs this function. In medium and small scale enterprise, it is performed especially by the personnel department of that concern.
Nature of Staffing
Staffing is an integral part of human resource management. It facilitates procurement and placement of right people on the right jobs.
(i) People Centred
Staffing is people centred and is relevant in all types of organizations. It is concerned with all categories of personnel from top to bottom of the organization.
(ii) Responsibility of Every Manager
Staffing is a basic function of management. Every manager is continuously engaged in performing the staffing function. He is actively associated with recruitment, selection, training and appraisal of his subordinates. These activities are performed by the chief executive, departmental managers and foremen in relation to their subordinates. Thus, staffing is a pervasive function of management and is performed by the managers at all levels.
It is the duty of every manager to perform the staffing activities such as selection, training, performance appraisal and counseling of employees. In many enterprises. Personnel Department is created to perform these activities.
But it does not mean that the managers at different levels are relieved of the responsibility concerned with staffing. The Personnel Department is established to provide assistance to the managers in performing their staffing function. Thus, every manager has to share the responsibility of staffing.
(iii) Human Skills
Staffing function is concerned with training and development of human resources. Every manager should use human relations skill in providing guidance and training to the subordinates. Human relations skills are also required in performance appraisal, transfer and promotion of subordinates. If the staffing function is performed properly, the human relations in the organization will be cordial.
(iv) Continuous Function
Staffing function is to be performed continuously. It is equally important in the established organizations and the new organizations. In a new organization, there has to be recruitment, selection and training of personnel. In a running organization, every manager is engaged in various staffing activities. He is to guide and train the workers and also evaluate their performance on a continuous basis.
Importance of Staffing
It is most importance for the organization that right kinds of people are employed. They should be given adequate training so that wastage is minimum. They must also be induced to show higher productivity and quality by offering them incentives.
Efficient Performance of Other Functions
Staffing is the key to the efficient performance of other functions of management. If an organization does not have competent personnel, it can’t perform planning, organization and control functions properly.
Effective Use of Technology and Other Resources
It is the human factor that is instrumental in the effective utilization of latest technology, capital, material, etc. the management can ensure right kinds of personnel by performing the staffing function.
Optimum Utilization of Human Resources
The wage bill of big concerns is quite high. They also spend money on recruitment, selection, training and development of employees. In order to get the optimum output from the personnel, the staffing function should be performed in an efficient manner.
Development of Human Capital
The management is required to determine the manpower requirements well in advance. It has also to train and develop the existing personnel for career advancement. This will meet the requirements of the company in future.
Motivation of Human Resources
The behaviour of individuals is shaped by many factors such as education level, needs, socio-cultural factors, etc. that is why, the human aspect of organization has become very important. The workers can be motivated through financial and non-financial incentives.
Building Higher Morale
Right type of climate should be created for the workers to contribute to the achievement of the organizational objectives. By performing the staffing function effectively, management can show the significance it attaches to the personnel working in the enterprise. This will increase the morale of the employees.
Steps involved in Staffing Process
- Manpower Planning
Manpower planning can be regarded as the quantitative and qualitative measurement of labour force required in an enterprise. Therefore, in an overall sense, the planning process involves the synergy in creating and evaluating the manpower inventory and as well as in developing the required talents among the employees selected for promotion advancement
- Recruitment
Recruitment is a process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization. It stands for finding the source from where potential employees will be selected.
- Selection
Selection is a process of eliminating those who appear unpromising. The purpose of this selection process is to determine whether a candidate is suitable for employment in the organization or not. Therefore, the main aim of the process of selection is selecting the right candidates to fill various positions in the organization. A well-planned selection procedure is of utmost importance.
- Placement
Placement means putting the person on the job for which he is selected. It includes introducing the employee to his job.
- Training
After selection of an employee, the important part of the programmed is to provide training to the new employee. With the various technological changes, the need for training employees is being increased to keep the employees in touch with the various new developments.
- Development
A sound staffing policy provides for the introduction of a system of planned promotion in every organization. If employees are not at all having suitable opportunities for their development and promotion, they get frustrated which affect their work.
- Promotions
The process of promotion implies the up-gradation of an employee to a higher post involving increasing rank, prestige and responsibilities. Generally, the promotion is linked to increment in wages and incentives but it is not essential that it always relates to that part of an organization.
- Transfer
Transfer means the movement of an employee from one job to another without increment in pay, status or responsibilities. Therefore this process of staffing needs to evaluated on a timely basis.
- Appraisal
Appraisal of employees as to how efficiently the subordinate is performing a job and also to know his aptitudes and other qualities necessary for performing the job assigned to him.
- Determination of Remuneration
This is the last process which is very crucial as it involves in determining remuneration which is one of the most difficult functions of the personnel department because there are no definite or exact means to determine correct wages.
Benefits of the Staffing Process:
- Right People, Right Jobs: Ensures the right individuals are hired for the right positions at the right time.
- Improved Organizational Productivity: Proper selection and training lead to enhanced employee quality and performance.
- Job Satisfaction: Effective staffing promotes job satisfaction, leading to high employee morale.
- Organizational Harmony: Staffing practices that prioritize meritocracy foster peace and cooperation within the organization.
Limitations of Staffing:
- Internal Recruitment Bias: Relying on internal sources may deter capable external candidates from applying.
- Limited Talent Pool: The required number of qualified individuals may not always be available within the organization.
- Innovation Constraints: Positions requiring creative thinking may not benefit from an internal recruitment approach.
- Inefficient Promotions: Over-reliance on seniority can lead to the promotion of less efficient individuals, negatively impacting the organization.