Preparation of final Accounts with adjustments

The reporting information will not be accurate unless we take into consideration the adjustment entries. The treatment of various common adjustments such as closing stock, outstanding expenses, accrued incomes, prepaid expenses, incomes received in advance, bad debts, reserve for bad and doubtful debts, reserve for discount on debtors, reserve for discount on creditors, interest on capital, interest on drawings, depreciation, etc., the knowledge of which should be made use of while preparing final accounts.

Special Items of Adjustments:

1. Goods Distributed as Free Samples

In order to promote a product, free samples are supplied to experts in the field. For example, free samples of books to professors, free samples of medicine to doctors.

Therefore the adjusting entry is as follows:

Particulars Dr Cr
Advertising A/c                Dr

To Purchasing A/c or

To Trading A/c




The transfer entry is as follows:

Particulars Dr Cr
Profit and Loss A/c        Dr

To Advertisement A/c



The net effect would be reduction in purchases and charge to profit and loss account as promotional expense.

2. Goods Sold on Sale or Approval Basis

In order to gain confidence of the customers on quality of the goods, sometimes goods are sold on approval basis. If the customer approves it, then it becomes a sale. If the customer does not approve it, then the sale is not complete and hence cannot be treated as sales. Suppose at the end of the financial year certain goods sent on approval basis are with the customers, then there is a need to pass necessary entries for adjustment.

The adjusting entries are as follows:

Particulars Dr Cr
Sales A/c                        Dr

To Debtors A/c (at sales price of the goods)



Particulars Dr Cr
Stock A/c                        Dr

To Trading A/c (at cost price of the goods)



The treatment is as follows:

(a) As a deduction from sales at sales price on credit side of trading account and as an addition to closing stock at cost price.

(h) As a deduction from sundry debtors on the assets side and the total stock to be shown at cost price (closing stock at cost + stock with the customers on approval) on the assets side of the balance sheet.

3. Goods Sent on Consignment

Since consignment transaction is not a sale transaction it does not affect the trading and profit and loss accounts directly. A separate consignment account is opened and the goods sent on consignment are debited to consignment account. When the account sale is received, it is treated as consignment sales and credited to consignment account and debited to consignees account.

Any consignment stock remaining with the consignee will be credited to consignment account and profit on consignment is ascertained after charging the expenses on consignment, consignee’s commission, etc. However, closing stock of consignment will be shown on the balance sheet’s assets side and the profit on consignment is credited to profit and loss account (the entry will be reversed if there is loss on consignment).

The transfer entry for profit or loss on consignment is as follows:

  • If it is a Profit
Particulars Dr Cr
Consignment A/c                Dr

To Profit and loss A/c



  • If it is Loss
Particulars Dr Cr
To profit and loss A/c       Dr          

Consignment A/c



Note: (i) The above transfer entry becomes necessary only where the consignor is also running a trading business

(ii) The working of consignment account is almost similar to trading account which is not shown here.

4. Loss of Stock by Fire

If the stock is destroyed by fire, then the loss incurred will be treated differently under the following three possible situations:

(a) If the stock is not insured: The entire value of the stock destroyed by fire will be treated as loss, with an entry:

Particulars Dr Cr
To profit and loss A/c       Dr          

To trading A/c



Note: (i) The value of stock destroyed is credited to trading account as “stock destroyed” (had it not been destroyed, it would have appeared as closing stock).

(ii) Entire value of the stock destroyed is treated as loss and charged to profit and loss account.

(b) If stock is fully insured: When the stock which is fully insured is destroyed, the enterprise has a claim on the insurance company for the recovery of loss incurred due to goods being destroyed by fire. Therefore, the claim is preferred with an entry –

Particulars Dr Cr
Insurance Co. A/c             Dr          

To Trading A/c



In effect, the claim on the insurance company is treated as ‘debtors’ and shown in the balance sheet assets side as due from the insurance company.

If the insurance company settles the dues, then the entry will be as follows:

Particulars Dr Cr
Cash/Bank A/c       Dr          

To insurance A/c



In effect, the cash/bank balance in the balance sheet will increase to the extent of the claims settled and therefore, insurance company account will not appear in the balance sheet.

(c) If the stock is partly insured: In this case the total value of the stock destroyed is credited to trading account, and that part of the claim to be settled by the insurance company is debited to insurance company account and the difference between stock destroyed and insurance claim accepted is debited to profit and loss account as loss. The entry is as follows:

Particulars Dr Cr
Insurance Co. A/c             Dr          

(part of the claim accepted)

Profit and loss A/C             Dr

(loss which connot be recovered)

To trading A/c









5. Deferred Revenue Expenditure

Huge expenditure of revenue nature incurred at the initial stages of the business enterprise with the belief of deriving benefit from such expenditure during the subsequent years is regarded as deferred revenue expenditure provided the charging of such expenses is spread over the number of years during which the benefit is expected to be derived.

A part of such expenditure is charged as revenue in each year and the rest is capitalized based on matching concept. For example, huge expenditure on ‘advertisement’ is incurred in the initial years of business to derive the benefit over an estimated term of ten years. Then, each year one-tenth of that expenditure is charged to revenue over the term of ten years. The catch here is that the expenditure that is not charged to revenue is capitalized and shown as fictitious assets on the balance sheet.

Suppose, the advertisement expenditure incurred Rs.2,00,000 is able to yield benefit over five-year term. Then, one-fifth of 2,00,000, i.e., Rs.40,000 is charged to revenue in the first year and the rest Rs.1,60,000 is shown as fictitious assets. In the second year Rs.40,000 is charged to revenue and the balance 1,20,000 is shown as fictitious assets. This process goes on for five years till the complete expenditure is written off. The entries to be passed during the first year are as follows:

Particulars Dr Cr
Advertisement A/c       Dr           

To Bank A/c

(For Advertisement Expenditure)



Particulars Dr Cr
Profit and loss A/c                  Dr          

Deferred Revenue expenditure A/c  Dr

  To Advertisement A/c

(For charging 1/5th of advertising expense to revenue and treating the rest as deferred revenue expenditure.)






6. Creation of a Reserve Fund

To strengthen the financial position of the enterprise, a part of the net profit may be transferred to reserve fund account by means of appropriation. The entry for creating a reserve fund is as follows:

Particulars Dr Cr
To profit and loss Appropriation A/c           Dr          

To Reserve fund A/c



Note: (i) Reserve fund will appear on the liabilities side of the balance sheet.

(ii) In the case of sole trading and partnership organizations, it is customary to change this directly to profit and loss account instead of profit and loss appropriation account.

7. Manager’s Commission

Business enterprises sometimes offer profit incentive to managers in the form of commission to motivate the person to increase the profits of the business. This commission is given as a percentage on the net profits. There are two ways of offering this percentage on net profits.

(a) Percentage of commission on net profits before charging such commission.

(b) Percentage of commission on net profits after charging such commission.

Rectification of errors in trial balance

Whenever an error occurs, it should be rectified through proper rectification. Otherwise the books of accounts cannot exhibit the true and correct view of the state of affairs of a business and its financial results.

So it is very important that we identify and rectify all material errors in the books of accounts.


  1. Before preparation of the trial balance;
  2. After preparation of the trial balance but before preparation of final accounts; and
  3. After preparation of final accounts.

The rectification of the errors will be guided by

  • the nature and effect of the errors and
  • the point of time at which the errors have been detected.




It results from a complete or partial omission of recording a transaction.

For example, a transaction may be recorded in the subsidiary book but omitted to be posted to any of the ledger accounts.  This is a case of partial omission.

However, if a transaction is totally omitted to be entered in the books then it is a case of complete omission.

A complete omission will not affect the agreement of the trial balance but a partial omission will affect the agreement of a trial balance.


It results from an act of commission i.e. entries wrongly made in the journal or ledger.  It may be an

  • error of posting,
  • error of casting,
  • entering wrong amounts,
  • entering a transaction in a wrong subsidiary book etc.  

Unless the effects of errors of commission counterbalance each other, the agreement of the trial balance becomes affected.


It Is an error occurring due to wrong application of basic Accounting Principles.  The main reason behind such an error is incorrect classification of capital and revenue items.

For example, purchase of an Asset may be recorded through the Purchase day book instead of debiting the Asset account.  Or wages paid for the installation of an asset may be debited to the wages account instead of debiting the asset account with the amount of wages.

An error of principle will not affect the agreement of a trial balance. However, it will result in misrepresentation of the state of affairs and operational results of a business.


If the effect of an error is counterbalanced or cancelled out by the effect of another error or errors then such errors are known as compensating errors.  Since the compensating errors as a whole cancel out the effect of each other, the agreement of trial balance is not affected. Thus, it becomes difficult to detect such errors.



One sided error is an error whose effect falls on only one account.  It may arise due to

  • Wrong casting of any day book;
  • Posting made to the Wrong side of the relevant account;
  • Duplicate posting of the same amount in an account.

One Sided errors cause a disagreement of the trial balance and hence are easy to detect.


A Two-sided error maybe

  • Affecting two accounts at the same direction and not affecting the agreement of the trial balance.  For example Mr A’s account credited instead of Mr B account for an amount received from Mr B.
  • Affecting two accounts at opposite direction and affecting the agreement of the trial balance.  For example, Mr A’s account debited instead of Mr B account being credited for an amount received from Mr B.


An error which affects more than two accounts simultaneously falls in this category.  This may or may not affect the agreement of a trial balance depending on the situation in each case.


Depending on its effect on the trial balance, the errors may be divided into two categories-

  1. Errors affecting the agreement of trial balance; and
  2. Errors not affecting the agreement of trial balance.
Errors affecting the agreement of Trial Balance (TB will not agree) Errors not affecting the agreement of Trial Balance (TB will agree)
1. An error of Partial Omission 1. An error of complete omission
2. An error of commission whose effect is not cancelled out by a compensating error 2. Compensating Errors
3. Error in balancing an account or casting a subsidiary book 3. Error of Principles
4. An error of wrong posting unless the correct amount is posted to the right side of a wrong account. 4. An error of wrong posting of the correct amount to the right side of a wrong account.

Bank Reconciliation Statement, Definition, Purpose, Importance

Bank Reconciliation Statement (BRS) is a document that compares the balance shown in a company’s bank account (as per the bank statement) with the balance in its own financial records. The purpose of BRS is to identify and reconcile any differences due to outstanding checks, deposits in transit, bank charges, or errors. This process ensures that the financial statements reflect the accurate bank balance, resolving discrepancies between the company’s cash records and the bank’s statement. It helps in detecting fraud, errors, and unauthorized transactions, ensuring financial accuracy and control.

Purpose of Bank Reconciliation Statement (BRS):

  1. Ensuring Accuracy of Cash Balances

One of the primary purposes of preparing a BRS is to ensure that the cash balance in the company’s accounting records matches the cash balance in the bank statement. Discrepancies can occur due to outstanding checks, deposits in transit, or errors. The BRS identifies these differences, helping accountants correct their cash balances, ensuring that both records are accurate and reliable.

  1. Identifying Errors in Financial Records

Mistakes can occur either in the company’s books or the bank’s statement. These errors might include incorrect data entries, missed transactions, or duplicated entries. A BRS highlights such errors, allowing the company to rectify them promptly. It ensures that accounting records reflect the actual cash position, minimizing inaccuracies in financial reporting.

  1. Detecting Fraudulent Activities

BRS is an important tool in detecting and preventing fraud. By comparing the company’s records with the bank’s statement, discrepancies such as unauthorized withdrawals or forged checks can be identified. Timely reconciliation helps in identifying fraudulent activities, enabling businesses to take immediate corrective action and secure their funds.

  1. Monitoring Cash Flow

The reconciliation of the bank balance with the company’s records provides insights into cash flow management. A BRS highlights outstanding checks and uncredited deposits, which could distort the perception of cash flow. By monitoring these elements, businesses can manage their liquidity more effectively, ensuring that cash resources are accurately accounted for and available for operations.

  1. Tracking Bank Charges and Interest

Banks may levy charges for services such as account maintenance, overdraft facilities, or bounced checks, which may not immediately be recorded in the company’s books. Similarly, interest credited to the account might not be reflected in the company’s records. A BRS helps track these charges and interest accurately, ensuring the financial records capture all related transactions.

  1. Ensuring Compliance and Control

Regular preparation of a BRS demonstrates strong internal controls and financial discipline. It ensures compliance with auditing standards and accounting regulations, as accurate cash records are crucial for financial reporting. Regular reconciliation strengthens the company’s credibility in the eyes of stakeholders, auditors, and regulators by reflecting sound accounting practices.

  1. Enhancing Decision-Making

An accurate and up-to-date cash balance is essential for effective decision-making. A BRS provides a clear picture of the company’s liquidity position by reconciling the available cash with banking records. This clarity allows management to make informed decisions regarding investments, expenditures, and financial planning, ensuring smooth business operations and financial stability.

Importance of Bank Reconciliation Statement (BRS):

  1. Ensures Accuracy of Cash Balances

The main purpose of the BRS is to reconcile the differences between the company’s cash records and the bank statement. Various reasons, such as unpresented checks or deposits in transit, can cause discrepancies. By reconciling these differences, businesses can ensure the accuracy of their cash balances, making financial statements more reliable.

  1. Helps in Detecting Fraud

BRS plays an essential role in fraud detection. If unauthorized transactions, such as fraudulent withdrawals, forged checks, or unauthorized electronic payments, are made, the discrepancies between the bank statement and the company’s records will reveal them. Regular reconciliation allows businesses to spot these fraudulent activities early and take corrective measures.

  1. Identifies Accounting Errors

Errors in recording transactions can happen in both the company’s books and the bank’s records. Mistakes like omission, duplication of entries, or incorrect amounts can lead to inaccurate cash balances. A BRS helps in identifying and correcting such errors promptly, ensuring that financial records are correct and complete.

  1. Improves Cash Flow Management

BRS provides valuable insight into a company’s actual cash flow by considering outstanding checks and deposits in transit. Without reconciliation, a business may overestimate or underestimate its available cash. By preparing a BRS, businesses can manage their cash flow effectively, ensuring that they have sufficient liquidity to meet operational needs.

  1. Tracks Bank Charges and Interest

Banks often charge fees for services like overdrafts, wire transfers, or account maintenance, which might not be immediately reflected in the company’s books. Similarly, interest income from bank accounts may not be recorded until reconciliation. A BRS helps track these charges and interest, ensuring that the financial records accurately reflect all transactions.

  1. Facilitates Auditing

The preparation of a BRS is crucial for auditing purposes. Auditors often check the reconciliation process to ensure that the cash records are accurate and free from misstatements. A properly prepared BRS demonstrates strong internal control over financial records, boosting the company’s credibility in the eyes of auditors and stakeholders.

  1. Promotes Informed Decision-Making

Accurate and timely cash information is essential for making sound business decisions. The BRS provides a clear picture of the company’s actual cash position, allowing management to make informed decisions regarding investments, payments, and other financial commitments, thereby improving financial stability and operational efficiency.

Entries of Bank Reconciliation Statement (BRS):

Particulars Amount (₹) Explanation
Bank Balance as per Bank Statement ₹ 50,000 Balance shown by the bank
Add: Deposits in Transit ₹ 5,000 Deposits made but not yet credited by the bank
Add: Interest Credited by Bank ₹ 1,000 Interest income not recorded in company’s books
Less: Outstanding Checks ₹ (7,000) Checks issued by the company but not yet cleared
Less: Bank Charges ₹ (500) Bank fees not recorded in company’s books
Less: Direct Debit for Utility Payment ₹ (1,200) Payment made by the bank on behalf of the company
Less: Dishonored Check (Customer) ₹ (2,000) Check deposited but returned by the bank
Adjusted Bank Balance ₹ 45,300 Final reconciled balance


  1. Bank Balance as per Bank Statement: The amount shown on the bank statement.
  2. Deposits in Transit: Deposits that are not yet reflected in the bank account.
  3. Interest Credited by Bank: Bank has credited interest which is not yet recorded in the company’s books.
  4. Outstanding Checks: Checks issued by the company but not cleared by the bank.
  5. Bank Charges: Service fees charged by the bank, not yet recorded in the company’s books.
  6. Direct Debit for Utility Payment: Payments directly debited by the bank for utility bills.
  7. Dishonored Check: Customer’s check that was returned by the bank due to insufficient funds.

BBA103 Financial Accounting

Unit 1 {Book}

Nature and function of financial Reporting VIEW
Accounting and Accounting System VIEW
Need and Development of Accounting VIEW
Accounting Standards VIEW
Information perception of different users VIEW
Measures of Returns VIEW
Ethical issues in accounting VIEW
Basic accounting concepts and conventions VIEW

Unit 2 {Book}  
Source Documents VIEW
Classification of accounts VIEW
Recording, Posting of accounts VIEW
Preparation of Trial balance for Service and Merchandise business VIEW
Adjustments of accounts VIEW
Closing of accounts VIEW
Completing the accounting cycle measures Business income VIEW
Financial statements of manufacturing business VIEW

Unit 3 {Book}  
Meaning and reporting of Assets & Liabilities VIEW
Internal control systems or cash VIEW
Bank Reconciliation VIEW
Accounting for Receivables VIEW
Accounting for inventories VIEW
Capital and Revenue expenditure VIEW
Depreciation accounting VIEW
Accounting for Liabilities VIEW
Accounting for Share capital VIEW
Preference shares VIEW
Buy back of shares VIEW

Unit 4 {Book}  
Analysis of accounting information, Financial statement analysis and application VIEW
Statement of cash flow, preparation and interpretation VIEW

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