Scripting the commercial: Clarity, coherence, pleasantness, believability, interest, Distinctiveness

Simplicity: The key in radio is to build around one central idea. Avoid confusing the listener with too many copy points. Use known words, short phrases, simple sentences structure. Keep in mind that the copy needs to be conversational. Clarity: Keep the train of thought on one straight track. Avoid side issues. Use the active voice in simple sentences. Avoid adverbs, cliches, and ambiguous phrases. Delete unnecessary words. (Test: Would the commercial be hurt if the words were deleted?

If not, take them out). Write from draft to drafi until your script becomes unmistakably clear and concise.

Coherence: Be certain that your sales message flows in logical sequence from first word to last, using smooth transitional words and phrases for easier listening.

Rapport: Remember, as far as your listeners are concerned, you are speaking only to them. Try to use a warm, personal tone, as if you were talking to one or two people.

Make frequent use of the word ‘you’. Address the listeners in terms they would use themselves.

Pleasantness: It is not necessary to entertain simply for the sake of it, but there is no

And Music point in being dull or obnoxiotls. Strike a happy medium; talk as one friend to another about the product or service.

Believability: Every product has its good points, tell the truth about them. Avoid overstatements and obvious exaggerations; they are quickly spotted and defeat the whole purpose of the commercial. Be straightforward; convey the feeling of being a trusted friend.

Interest: Nothing makes listeners indifferent faster than a boring commercial. Products and services are not fascinating in themselves; it is the way you look at them that makes them interesting. Try to give your customer some useful information as a reward for listening.

Distinctiveness: Sound different firm other commercials and set your product apart from others. Use every technique a fresh approach, a musical phrase, a particular voice quality or sound effect, to give your commercial its own character.

Compulsion: Inject your commercial with a feeling of urgency. The first few seconds are crucial; this is when you capture or lose the listener’s attention. Direct every word towards moving the prospect close; to wanting the product. During the last ten seconds, repeat. Your promise of benefit; register the name of your product. And don’t forget to urge the listener to act without delay. It is surprising how many commercials don’t do this.

Let us now examine the various types of commercials. Commercials on radio can be broadly classified under two type’s spots and sponsored programmes. It combines announcement of exact time as well as broadcast of the commercial message.

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