Unit 1 | |
Concept of Management | VIEW |
Management as Art and Science and Profession | VIEW |
Management Vs Administration | VIEW |
Levels of Management | VIEW |
Functions of Management | VIEW |
Managerial Skills | VIEW |
Qualities and Characteristics of Managers | VIEW |
Quality Circle Meaning, Features and Objectives | VIEW |
Evolution of Management thought: | |
Early Contributions of Management thought | VIEW |
Taylor and Scientific Management | VIEW |
Fayol’s Management | VIEW |
Administrative Management | VIEW |
Bureaucracy of Management thought | VIEW |
Human Relations Management thought | VIEW |
Modern Approach Management thought | VIEW |
Social Responsibility of Managers | VIEW |
Horizontal and Vertical Fit in HR System | VIEW |
Unit 2 | |
Concept of Planning, Significance of Planning | VIEW |
Classification of planning: Strategic plan, Tactical plan and Operational plan | VIEW |
Process of Planning | VIEW |
Barriers to effective Planning | VIEW |
MBO (Management by Objective) | VIEW |
Management by Exception (MBE) | VIEW |
Decision Making, Strategies of Decision Making | VIEW |
Steps in Rational Decision-making process | VIEW |
Factors influencing Decision Making process | VIEW |
Psychological Bias and Decision Support System | VIEW |
Organizing, Defining, Principles | VIEW |
Organizing Process | VIEW |
Types of Organizational Structure | VIEW |
Span of Control | VIEW |
Centralization vs. Decentralization of Authority | VIEW |
Informal organization | VIEW |
Unit 3 | |
Staffing, Meaning and Definition, Concept, Objective | VIEW |
System approach to Staffing | VIEW |
Manpower planning | VIEW |
Controlling Meaning and Definition, Concept, Importance | VIEW |
Types of Control | VIEW |
Steps in Control Process | VIEW |
Directing Concept, Techniques | VIEW |
Techniques, Types of Supervision | VIEW |
Essential Characteristics of Supervisor | VIEW |
Unit 4 | |
Leadership vs. Management | VIEW |
Leadership, Importance | VIEW |
Process of Leadership | VIEW |
Characteristics of an effective Leader | VIEW |
Modern Styles of Leadership: | |
Transactional Leadership | VIEW |
Transformational Leadership | VIEW |
Servant Leadership | VIEW |
Democratic Leadership | VIEW |
Autocratic Leadership | VIEW |
Laissez-Faire (Delegative) Leadership | VIEW |
Bureaucratic Leadership | VIEW |
Charismatic Leadership | VIEW |
Coaching Meaning and Concepts only | VIEW |
Motivation Concept, Forms, Need | VIEW |
Theories of Motivation: | |
Need for Motivation Theory | VIEW |
Theory of Herzberg | VIEW |
ERG Theory | VIEW |
Attribution Theory | VIEW |
Incentive Theory | VIEW |
Safety Theory | VIEW |
Unit 5 | |
Ethics in Management, Meaning and Definition | VIEW |
Hindrances in Ethical decision | VIEW |
Impact of Policy matters in Ethical Decision Making | VIEW |
Ethical issues in implementing Government Norms and Organizational Policies | VIEW |
Managerial Ethics | VIEW |
Emerging Trends in Management: | |
Business Process Re-engineering, Objectives | VIEW |
Total Quality Management, Principles | VIEW |
Quality Circles, Objective, Benefits of Quality Circles | VIEW |
Benchmarking, Objective, Steps | VIEW |
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