Overview of Career Development Concept, Scope, Importance, Need, Features

Career Development is essential for the implementation of career planning. It refers to a set of programmes designed to match an individual’s needs, abilities and goals with current or future opportunities in the organisation. It is the process through which the action plans are implemented. Developmental activities include all of the off-the-job and on-the-job training techniques.

Career development is an integral aspect of career management with major emphasis being on the enhancement of employees’ career which commensurate with the requirements of the organisation.

In the case of an employee, career planning provides an answer to his question as to where he will be in the organisation after five years or ten years or what the prospects of advancing or growth are in the organisation. Career planning is not an event or an end in itself, but a process of development of human resources. In short, it is an essential aspect of effective management of people at work.

A career path is the sequential pattern of jobs that forms a career. Career goals are the future positions one strives to reach as part of a career. Career planning is the process by which one selects career goals and the path to these goals.

The basic, if implicit, assumption underlying the focus on human resource planning and development is, thus that the organization has an obligation to utilise its employees’ abilities to the fullest and to give every employee an opportunity to grow and to realise his or her full potential.

To some experts, this means that the organization has an obligation to improve the “quality of work life” of its employees notice again though, that quality of work life” refers not just to things like working conditions or pay but also to the extent to which each employee is able to utilise fully his or her abilities, engage in interesting jobs and obtain the training and guidance that allows the person to move up to jobs that fully utilise his or her potential.

One way this trend is manifesting itself is in the increased emphasis many managers are placing on Career Planning and Development, an emphasis, in other words, on giving employees the assistance and opportunities that will enable them to form realistic career goals and realise, them.

Enabling employee to pursue expanded, more realistic career goals should be, many experts believe, the major aim of an organization’s personal system. By doing so, for the employees, satisfaction, personal development and quality of work life are the clearest benefit.

For the organization, increased productivity levels, creativity and long-range effectiveness may occur, since the organization would be staffed by a cadre of highly committed employees who are carefully trained and developed for their jobs.


  • Enhancing the Career Satisfaction:

Organizations especially design career development systems for enhancing the career satisfaction of their employees. Since they have to retain their valuable assets and prepare them for top notch positions in future, they need to understand their career requirements and expectations from their organization.

  • Creating a Pool of Talented Employees:

Creating a pool of talented employees is the main objective of organizations. After all, they need to meet their staffing needs in present and future and a career development system helps them fulfil their requirements.

  • Feedback:

Giving feedback on every step is also required within an organization to measure the success rate of a specific policy implemented and initiatives taken by the organization. In addition to this, it also helps managers to give feedback for employees’ performance so that they can understand what is expected of them.

  • Fostering Better Communication in Organization:

The main objective of designing a career development system is to foster better communication within the organization as a whole. It promotes communication at all levels of organizations for example manager and employee and managers and top management. Proper communication is the lifeblood of any organization and helps in solving several big issues.

  • Setting Realistic Goals:

Setting realistic goals and expectations is another main objective of a career development system. It helps both employees and organization to understand what is feasible for them and how they can achieve their goals.

  • Better Use of Employee Skills:

A career development system helps organization in making better use of employee skills. Since managers know their skills and competencies they are put them at a job where they will be able to produce maximum output.

  • Assisting with Career Decisions:

A career development system provides employees as well as managers with helpful assistance with career decisions. They get an opportunity to assess their skills and competencies and know their goals and future aspirations. It helps them give a direction so that they can focus on achieving their long term career goals.


  • Providing financial inducements and facilities to employees for acquisition of new skills and capabilities
  • Obtaining relevant information about individual employees’ interests and preferences
  • Providing career path information to employees to enable them to make their career plans
  • Matching individuals’ career interests and aptitudes to job requirements
  • Developing a suitable T&D programme both within the organisation and outside to help employees improve their career.


  • Improving Organizational Goodwill:

It is quite natural that if employees think their organizations care about their long-term well-being through career development, they are likely to respond in kind by projecting positive images about their organizations. Career development does help organization in impressing image and goodwill.

  • Enhancing Cultural Diversity:

Fast changing scenarios in globalization reflects a varied combination of workforce representing different types of races, nationalities, religious faiths, ages and values in the workplaces. Effective career development programmes provide access to all levels of employees.

  • Reduced Employee Frustration:

Along with educational level and knowledge, the aspirational level of occupations is also increasing. When these levels are not met due to economic stagnation frustration sets in. When organizations downsize to cut costs, employee career paths, career tracks and career ladders tend to collapse resulting in aggravation of frustration. Career counseling comes a long way in reducing frustration.

  • Attracting and Retaining Talents:

There is always a scarcity for talented people and there is competition to secure their services. Talented people always prefer to work in organizations which care for their future concern and exhibit greater loyalty and commitment to organizations where there is career advancement. As career development is an important aspect of work life as well as personal life, people prefer to join firms which offer challenges, responsibility and opportunities for advancement.

  • Making Available Needed Talent:

Career development is a natural extension of strategic and employee training. Identifying staff requirements over the intermediate and long-term is necessary when a firm sets long-term goals and objectives. Career development will help organizations in putting the right people in the right job.


  • It defines life, career, abilities, and interests of the employees.
  • It is an ongoing process.
  • It strengthens work-related activities in the organization.
  • It helps individuals develop skills required to fulfil different career roles.
  • It can also give professional directions, as they relate to career goals.

Career Development, Career Development Cycle

Career Development or Career Development Planning refers to the process an individual may undergo to evolve their occupational status. It is the process of making decisions for long term learning, to align personal needs of physical or psychological fulfillment with career advancement opportunities. Career Development can also refer to the total encompassment of an individual’s work-related experiences, leading up to the occupational role they may hold within an organization. Career Development can occur on an individual basis or a corporate and organizational level.

One might engage in classroom training in-house or at universities, or opt for special job or task force assignments, or especially early in the career, job rotation. Lateral moves and promotions are more difficult to use for developmental purposes. Managers with vacancies have their own objectives to meet and may be reluctant to fill openings with candidates designated for career development, rather than with those who have the best skills to do the job.

It is essential that career development be fully integrated with internal staffing activities. Career development provides a supply of talents and abilities. Individuals must be committed to and accept responsibility for their career development.

  • Growth Opportunities:

Individuals can expand their abilities by enrolling for training programmes, acquiring an additional degree, seeking new work assignments. When an opportunity arises in the organisation, employees with the required skills would be placed in that position.

  • Resignations:

When an individual sees career opportunity elsewhere which are not available in the existing organisation, resignation may be the only alternative. When used sparingly, it results in promotion, salary increase and a new learning experience.

  • Job Performance:

Career progression largely depends on the job performance; the better the performance, the higher the chances of going up the corporate ladder.

  • Mentors:

Mentors can aid career development by sharing their knowledge and insights and wisdom to help junior managers.


(1) Staffing and Orientation:

This phase is composed of providing career information to the job candidate (whether internal or external) and using selection techniques so as to match potential workers with the right job. The type of career information provided may include knowledge of jobs within the organization and possible career paths for the employee.

Selection techniques that are used to match employee and employment opportunity include assessment center exercises and job posting systems even for positions that are to be filled internally (a form of self-selection).

(2) Evaluation Phase:

This phase is characterized by two important aspects, namely performance review and succession planning. The purpose of performance review, from a career development perspective, is to provide feedback to employees on their skills and knowledge, both to increase job satisfaction and to help them prepare for their next job. Succession planning links information from and about individual employees to the human resource needs of the organization.

(3) Development Phase:

During the developing phase, more visible career development strategies are employed. Tools used during this phase include career discussions between employee and supervisor, career resource centers, self- assessment and career counseling, and career planning workshops.

Career Development Planning

On an individual basis, career planning encompasses a process in which the individual is self-aware of their personal needs and desires for fulfillment in their personal life, in conjunction with the career they hold. While every person’s experiences are unique, this contributes to the different careers that people will acquire over their lifespan.

  • Long Term Careers

Careers that are long term commitments throughout an individual’s life are referred to as ‘Steady-State Careers.’ The person will work towards their retirement with specialized skillsets learned throughout their entire life. For example, somebody would be required to complete a steady process of graduating from medical school and then working in the medical profession until they have retired. Steady-state careers may also be referred to as holding the same occupational role in an organization for an extended period and becoming specialized in the area of expertise. A retail manager who has worked in the sales industry for an extended period of their life would have the knowledge, skills, and attributes regarding managing non-managerial staff and coordinating job tasks to be fulfilled by subordinates.

A career that requires new initiatives of growth and responsibility upon accepting new roles can be referred to as ‘Linear Careers,’ as every unique opportunity entails a more significant impact of responsibility and decision making power on an organizational environment. A linear career path involves a vertical movement in the hierarchy of management when one is promoted. For example, a higher-level management position in a company would entail more responsibility regarding decision-making and allocation of resources to effectively and efficiently run a company. Mid-level managers and top-level managers/CEOs would be referred to as having linear careers, as their vertical movement in the organizational hierarchy would also entail more responsibilities for planning, controlling, leading, and organizing managerial tasks.

  • Short Term Careers

When individuals take on a short term or temporary work, these are ‘Transitory Careers’ and ‘Spiral Careers’. Transitory Careers occur when a person undergoes frequent job changes, in which each task is not similar to the preceding one. For example, a fast-food worker who leaves the food industry after a year to work as an entry-level bookkeeper or an administrative assistant in an office setting is a Transitory Career change. The worker’s skills and knowledge of their previous career will not be applicable to their new role.

A spiral career is any series of short term jobs that are non-identical to one another, but still contribute to skill-building of a specific attribute that individuals will accept over their lifetime. Many individuals can undergo slight career transitions or accept short-term contract work in the same work field, to build on different skill sets needed for them to succeed in an organizational environment. For example, an individual with a degree in Business hired to do ‘project management’ in one area of a department can be promoted or transferred to complete another task in the same department to work on ‘marketing’.

Career Development Cycle

  • Know Yourself

Interest, Values, Skills, Assets, Resources, Personality

  • Explore Possibilities

Research, try things out, Narrow choices, and explore new possibilities

  • Make Choices

Set Goals, develop a plan, Remove Barrier

  • Make it Happen

Convert plan into action, learn along the way, Achieve goals

Steps in Career Development cycle

  • Step 1: Needs:

This step involves in the conducting a needs assessment as a training programme.

  • Step 2: Vision:

The needs of the career system must be linked with the interventions. An ideal career development system known as the vision links the needs with the interventions.

  • Step 3: Action Plan:

An action plan should be formulated in order to achieve the vision. The support of the top management should be obtained in this process.

  • Step 4: Results:

Career development programme should be integrated with the organisation on-going employee training and management development programmes. The programme should be evaluated from time to time in order to revise the programme.

Career Life Cycle is a model that describes the stages of an individual’s career development. It is a useful tool for both individuals and organizations in understanding the different stages of a career and the corresponding developmental tasks that need to be accomplished at each stage. The career life cycle typically consists of four stages: exploration, establishment, maintenance, and decline.

  • Exploration:

This stage usually occurs during the early years of a career. During this stage, individuals are exploring different career options and trying to identify their interests, skills, and values. The primary developmental task during this stage is to gain self-awareness and explore different career options to find a good fit.

  • Establishment:

This stage occurs when individuals have found a career path that aligns with their interests, skills, and values. The primary developmental task during this stage is to establish oneself in a career and develop the necessary skills and competencies to succeed in that career.

  • Maintenance:

This stage occurs when individuals have established themselves in their careers and are focused on maintaining their success. The primary developmental task during this stage is to continue to develop one’s skills and competencies, expand one’s network, and take on new challenges to continue to grow and advance in one’s career.

  • Decline:

This stage occurs when individuals begin to transition out of their careers, either by choice or due to circumstances such as retirement. The primary developmental task during this stage is to plan for and manage the transition out of one’s career, including preparing for retirement or finding a new career path.

Succession Planning

Succession Planning is a process for identifying and developing new leaders who can replace old leaders when they leave, retire or die. Here the planning is usually a close process, so that those who have been selected are not likely to know that they are on a succession list or chat. Succession planning increases the availability of experienced and capable employees that are prepared to assume these roles as they become available. Succession planning is a strategy for passing on leadership roles often the ownership of a company to an employee or group of employees.

Succession planning is a process that ensures an organization has a plan in place to identify and develop internal talent to fill key leadership roles when the current leaders leave their positions. A succession planning program is a formal program that helps organizations identify and develop their future leaders.

A well-designed succession planning program involves several key steps. The first step is to identify the key leadership positions that need to be filled in the future. This involves analyzing the organization’s strategic objectives and identifying the critical roles that are necessary to achieve these objectives.

The next step is to assess the current talent within the organization to identify potential successors for these key positions. This involves evaluating the skills, experience, and potential of current employees to determine who is ready to take on leadership roles in the future.

Once potential successors have been identified, the organization can begin developing them through training, mentoring, and other development opportunities. This involves creating a development plan that outlines the specific skills and experiences that potential successors need to acquire to prepare them for future leadership roles.

In addition to developing potential successors, the organization should also establish a process for regularly reviewing and updating the succession plan. This involves monitoring the progress of potential successors, updating development plans as needed, and identifying new potential successors as the organization’s needs change.

A well-designed succession planning program has several benefits for organizations. It helps ensure continuity of leadership and reduces the risks associated with unexpected departures of key leaders. It also promotes employee engagement and retention by providing clear career paths and development opportunities.

Also known as “replacement planning,” it ensures that businesses continue to run smoothly after a company’s most important people move on to new opportunities, retire, or pass away. Succession planning can also provide a liquidity event enabling the transfer of ownership in a going concern to rising employees. Taken narrowly, “replacement planning” for key roles is the heart of succession planning.

  • In dictatorships, succession planning aims for continuity of leadership, preventing a chaotic power struggle by preventing a power vacuum.
  • In monarchies, succession is usually settled by the order of succession.
  • In business, succession planning entails developing internal people with the potential to fill key business leadership positions in the company.

Effective succession or talent-pool management concerns itself with building a series of feeder groups up and down the entire leadership pipeline or progression. In contrast, replacement planning is focused narrowly on identifying specific back-up candidates for given senior management positions. Thought should be given to the retention of key employees, and the consequences that the departure of key employees may have on the business.

Types of Succession Planning programs:

  • High-potential Program:

This program identifies employees who have the potential to fill key leadership positions in the future and provides them with targeted development opportunities to prepare them for these roles.

  • Talent Review Program:

This program involves assessing the current talent within the organization to identify potential successors for key leadership positions. The program focuses on evaluating the skills, experience, and potential of current employees to determine who is ready to take on leadership roles in the future.

  • Career Development Program:

This program helps employees identify and develop the skills and experiences they need to advance their careers within the organization. It provides employees with a clear career path and development opportunities that prepare them for future leadership roles.

  • Executive Coaching program:

This program provides one-on-one coaching and mentoring to potential successors to help them develop the skills and experience they need to take on leadership roles in the future.

  • Succession Planning Task force:

This program involves creating a task force that is responsible for overseeing the organization’s succession planning efforts. The task force is typically composed of senior leaders and HR professionals who work together to identify potential successors and develop them through training and development opportunities.

Process and Practices

Companies devise elaborate models to characterize their succession and development practices. Most reflect a cyclical series of activities that include these fundamentals:

  • Identify key roles for succession or replacement planning
  • Define the competencies and motivational profile required to undertake those roles
  • Assess people against these criteria – with a future orientation
  • Identify pools of talent that could potentially fill and perform highly in key roles
  • Develop employees to be ready for advancement into key roles; primarily through the right set of experiences.

Research indicates that clear objectives are critical to establishing effective succession planning. These objectives tend to be core to many or most companies that have well-established practices:

  • Identify those with the potential to assume greater responsibility in the organization
  • Provide critical development experiences to those that can move into key roles
  • Engage the leadership in supporting the development of high-potential leaders
  • Build a database that can be used to make better staffing decisions for key jobs

In other companies these additional objectives may be embedded in the succession process:

  • Improve employee commitment and retention
  • Meet the career development expectations of existing employees
  • Counter the increasing difficulty and costs of recruiting employees externally

Process of Succession Planning

  • Identifying Key Business Areas and Positions:

First and foremost, the key business areas are identified, i.e. the areas which are significant with respect to the operational activities and strategic objectives. After that, those positions are identified which if vacant can cause difficulty in achieving business objectives.

  • Ascertaining Competencies for Key areas and positions:

Next, you need to determine the required competencies for key business areas and position, in order to create the selection criteria, establish performance standards and fill the difference between what the viable successors know and what they need to know, through the training and development process.It determines the knowledge, skills, ability and experience required to achieve business goals.

  • Find out the interested and potential candidates and assess them as per the competencies:

After competency is analysed, the next step is to identify among various employees working in the organization, who are interested as well as they have the capability to fill key business areas and positions. The Human Resource Manager discusses future career plans and interests with the candidates and identifies the potential successors who are ready to replace the old ones and can be trained and developed for future contingencies.

  • Develop and Implement Succession Strategies:

Strategies for learning, training, development, knowledge transfer, experience sharing is developed and implemented for potential successors.

  • Evaluate Effectiveness:

The last step to the succession planning process is to evaluate the succession planning and management, to ensure that all the key business areas and positions are covered under the succession planning. Further, it also ensures that in case of any sudden vacancies in future, key positions can be filled as soon as possible and the successors perform effectively when they hold the position.

A larger business might groom mid-level employees to one day take over higher-level positions.

  • Recruitment

Succession planning starts with proper hiring practices with the goal of choosing candidates that are capable of rising through the ranks as time goes on. For example, an experienced person from another company might be courted and groomed for an executive-level position.

  • Training

Training includes the development of skills, company knowledge, and certifications. The training might include having employees cross-train and shadow various positions or jobs in all the major departments. This process can help the person become well rounded and understand the business on a granular level. Also, the cross-training process can help identify the employees that are not up to the task of developing multiple skill sets needed to run the company.

Benefits of Succession Planning

There are several advantages for both employers and employees to having a formalized succession plan in place:

  • Shareholders of publicly traded companies benefit from proper succession planning, such as the case when the next candidate for CEO is involved in business operations and is well respected years before the current CEO retires. Also, if investors observe a well-communicated succession plan, they won’t sell the company’s stock when the CEO retires.
  • With Baby Boomer business owners and leadership retiring in huge numbers, a new generation of leaders will be needed.
  • Employees know that there is a chance for advancement and possibly ownership, which can lead to more empowerment and higher job satisfaction.
  • Management keeps better track of the value of employees so that positions can be filled internally when opportunities arise.
  • Knowing that the company is planning for future opportunities reinforces career development among employees.
  • Management’s commitment to succession planning means that supervisors will mentor employees to transfer knowledge and expertise.
  • With succession planning, leadership and employees are better able to share company values and vision.

Need for Succession Planning

Succession Planning is a part and parcel of the Human Resource Planning, which acknowledges that the employees may or may not work with the organization in the future. And so to be at the safer side, a succession plan is developed to analyse the vacancies which might take place when an employee leaves the organization, the business areas which might be affected, job requirements and the skills of the existing incumbent.

Process of Training

Training development is a five-step process in which company train their employees in specific skills and further monitor their performance constantly to help them develop overall personality.

The training and development activity starts with a question about why the training is required. While end with the evaluation of output of training and development program.

Training needs of an organization are identified by any of the following analysis.

  • Organizational analysis: It is basically a systematic study of the organization’s objectives, resources, resource allocation and utilization, growth potential and its environment. Its purpose is to determine where the emphasis for training is to be placed in the organization so that effectiveness of the organization increases.
  • Task analysis: In task analysis the main focus is on the job. It requires the study of various types of skills and training required to perform the job effectively. It is systematic analysis of jobs to identify job contents, knowledge, skills and aptitudes needed to perform the job. The important aspects are the tasks to be performed, the methods to be used, the way the employees learn these methods as well as the performance standards required from the employees.
  • Manpower analysis: Both the internal and external environments influence the quality of manpower needed by an organization. The quality of manpower also depends upon the social, economical, political and technological environments in which the organization operates. The manpower analysis is done taking into considerations these factors to determine the quality of manpower needed. Specific training needs for the manpower are determined for meeting the quality standards needed as per the manpower analysis. These needs include (i) specific areas where employees need training, (ii) the capability of present employees to learn new skills and behaviour, (iii) the time frame for imparting training, and (iv) designing and redesigning of jobs with introduction of new work methods and technologies.

Steps involved in Training and Development Process

  1. Need of training and development
  2. Goals and Objectives
  3. Method of Training
  4. Implementation of program
  5. Evaluation and constant monitoring

Step I: Need of Training and Development program

Companies often take a decision to roll out a training and development program after identifying a specific need in the organization. The need could be introduction of new skill or to update the existing skills of the employee. In the case of employees working on higher level the training and development program is introduced to improve the behavior skills and ensure team work in the organization.

Step II: Goals and Objectives of Training and Development

Here are different goals and objectives the companies can set before implementation of training and development program:

  • To impart skills: Under this objective the employees are trained to operate the equipment and machinery correctly. The goals are set to improve work efficiency and to reduce wastage of time.
  • To Educate: The objective is linked with providing information about theoretical concepts and provides hands-on experience of the task. The goal is to improve reasoning power and judgment skills of employees.
  • To Enhance Knowledge: The objective here is to improve behavioral knowledge of the employee. The goal is to enhance understanding of human relations, management and business environment among employees.
  • Ethics: The objective is to provide knowledge about ethical conduct in the organization. The goal is to regulate the conduct of the employee in the organization.
  • Change in attitude: The objective of the training is to change the attitude of the employees in terms outlook, reaction, feelings and work beliefs. The goal is to improve commitment and satisfaction of the employee by providing required motivation. 
  • Extraordinary Skills: To impart extraordinary skills such as critical decision making, problem-solving and industrial research. The goal is make employee ready to face future challenges.
  • Literacy: Objective is to improve corporate language proficiency and increase awareness about corporate culture. The goal is to make sure employees are able to handle the international clients and customer in a decent way.

Step III: Training Methods

There exist different types of training methods used by the organization based on the goals and objectives of the training and development program. Here are few commonly used training methods in corporate world:

  • Orientations: It is generally used to introduce the newly joined employee to the organizational work culture. It includes few lecture sessions, meetings with supervisor and information regarding the history of the organization. This training is used to make sure the newcomer feels welcomed in the organization and become aware about their work profile, goals and objectives of organization, policies as well as rules and regulations to be followed.
  • Lectures: This is a one-way communication method, mostly used when important information has to be conveyed to large number of employees. The information can be related to new updates in policies or any change management action in the organization.
  • Case Study: Here the participants are given a situation in terms of case study and they have to provide solutions on the stated problem in the provided case. It is a best way to impart decision making skill and sharpen the judgment skills of the employee.
  • Role Playing: A scenario is created and each participant is assigned a particular role to play out. The participant can practice their actual job work using role play method. The facilitator provides immediate feedback to the participant which helps them to improve their performance. These kinds of scenario are very effective while providing marketing and management training.
  • Simulations: It can be used as a kind of games created from real-life scenarios. The benefits of this simulations is that employee gets better understanding of whole organizational structure and can study actual day-to-day problems to get a relevant solutions on it.
  • Computer-Based Training: The employees are provided study material and instruction on the computer. It allows employees to learn on their own pace and time.
  • Self-Instruction: Individualized instruction, programmed learning, personalized systems of instruction, correspondence study and learner-controlled instruction are different types of self-instruction training. Here employees are responsible for their own learning.
  • Audiovisual Training: In this type of training films, television and videotapes are used to expose employees to the real-life situation. The presentation includes the situation and how the problem stated in the situation is resolved. It helps employee to gain knowledge about diverse corporate situations and provide them an appropriate direction to take decisions.
  • Team-Building Exercises: The training is associated with the human behavior. It includes activities which can improve group dynamics and worker-management relations. It can be in the form of outdoor exercise or brainstorming sessions in the office.
  • Apprenticeships and Internships: It is a kind of on-the-job training in which the newly joined employee works with experienced employee and learns work related skills while performing the actual job.
  • Job Rotation:  In order to enhance the understanding about the whole organization and to add skills the job rotation method of training is used. Here employees do different types of job on rotational basis and gain knowledge of different work profile.

Step IV: Implementation of program

The management and HRM department takes a meeting with different supervisors to decide the time period of implementation of the training and development program. The implementation of orientation programs and other newcomer training programs is carried out right after joining of the employee. The specific skills training programs are launched based on the workload and free time span available to the employee. The on-the-job training program is an ongoing process and employees should be informed about it in advance.

Step V: Evaluation and constant monitoring

The evaluation of training and development program is generally carried out at the time of performance appraisal. The changes in performance and attitude are noted based on the performance review. The increase in productivity and accuracy of work indicates the success of training and development program. Improved work harmony and organizational citizenship behavior indicates the well being created by development programs. The constant monitoring of the behavior of the employee is achieved based on the monthly goal attainment and team work of the employee. Additional training programs are launched in the case of absence of any positive results in terms of improved employee performance.

Employee orientation is the procedure by which new employees learn important organizational process, qualities and standards, set up working relationship and figure out how to work inside their employments. Skills and technical training programs are organized to teach the new employee a particular skill or area of knowledge.

One of the main objectives of training is to provide learning in order to improve the performance on the present job i.e. how skillfully the individual handles the job and the level of outcomes/ result achieved.

There are various steps in training and development in order to be effective and bring about the desired results in terms of enhanced knowledge, skills and attitude. 

Training Needs Assessment

Identification of the training needs of the target group which is to be exposed to training can be done in 2 ways:

  • Training needs assessment at organization level
  • Training needs assessment at individual or employee level.
  • Training need assessment at department / functional level

Once the target group is identified, analysis the gap which needs to be bridged through training. Develop specific training objectives and targets for bringing about measurable improvement in their performance levels and enhancement in job related knowledge

Program design

  • Develop the program contents, training methods to be used, the speakers / faculty/ subject experts to be involved, the mode of instruments to be used, training aids to make the training program more result oriented.
  • Identify all training aids which are required for the desired training technique
  • Prepare the background material like write up on case, role play, incident method. Also ensure that qualitatively and quantitatively the background reading material meets the norms of delivery of the training objective

Critical preview of program

Administration and detailed physical fragments


Introduce and validate training before a representative audience. Pilot test all training aids, equipment etc to ensure perfect delivery on the D day

Program implement action

Conduct the program as planned, which each activity going as per schedule

Evaluation and Follow Up

Assess program success according to:

  • Reaction: Notify the document the learner’s immediate reaction to the training
  • Learning: use feedback devices or pre and post tests to measure what learners have actually learnt
  • Behavior: in consultation with the supervisor, observe the behavioural changes in the training. This is one way to measure the degree to which learners may apply new skills and knowledge to their jobs.

Steps in Designing of HRIS, HRIS Subsystems, Mechanisms of HRIS

Steps in Designing of HRIS

(1) Study the Present System:

In defining requirements or assessing the existing information system, three questions need to be answered; what is the present flow of information? How is the information used? How valuable is the information to decision making?

(2) Develop a Priority of Information that Managers Need:

Once the current system is understood well it is used to develop priorities. A manager must have certain information in order to make proper decisions. Other information is nice to have but is not essential to the manager’s decision-making. The HRIS must ensure provision of high priority information. Lower priority data should be generated only if the benefits exceed the costs of producing it.

One approach would be to have individual managers develop their own priority lists and then integrate them into a list for the entire organization. Certain departments will find that the information they identify as top priority would be far down the list for the organization as a whole. Here the needs of the entire organization might be the controlling factor.

(3) Develop the New Information System:

The organization wide priority list should govern the design of the HRIS. Information not worth the cost is excluded. A system of required reports should be developed and diagrammed. The entire organization is treated as a unit to eliminate duplicity of information.

(4) Choose a Computer:

Today, it is reasonable to assume that HRIS of most organizations will be computerized. Because of the increasing reliance on computers, the HR managers should be computer literate. The presence of computers is far too pervasive and their usefulness far too great for human resource managers to ignore their capabilities. Human resource software for personal computers is almost always the responsibility of the HR department.

The modern day complexities involved in managing a global labour force makes developing an effective global HRIS a necessity. Information concerning many factors affecting human resource must be shared. This information must be relevant and timely to assure that the best HR decisions are made.

HRIS Subsystems

Presently, HRIS is an integration of ‘HRM’ and the ‘Information System’. With the development of various concepts and sub-systems of the HR function, the top management’s perspective of HR has undergone a tremendous change prompting extensive use of computers that have the capability of pro­cessing, storing, and retrieving massive information of complex and diverse nature.

It helps managers to perform the HR function in a more effective, efficient, and systematic manner. It can be a potent weapon for lowering administrative costs, increasing productivity, speeding up response times, and improv­ing decision-making and customer service.

HRIS is now taken as an integration of activities of the HRM function and the information system in relation to basic HR activities, and covers people, poli­cies, procedures, and data required to manage the HR function. The most potent output of HRIS is the generation of various predesigned reports and graphical formats that help in the analysis of HR activi­ties for sound decision-making.

Top managements are increasingly making use of HRIS in various HR activities like HR planning and analysis, compensation and benefits, staffing, development of employees, performance evaluation, health, safety, and security, collective bargaining etc. Top managements are noted to have become more efficient by way of reduction in time spent on administrative work by 20 to 25 per cent and redeployment of time saved to higher tasks such as decision-making and employee development, eliminating paper and process inefficiencies.

Top managements’ horizon seems to have widened in realizing the transition of HR from an administrative department to a strategic department. Unlike in the past, the modern-day managements think of sharing data among all the functional areas to achieve organizational goals.

With that end in view, depending upon the financial constraints, choice of separate software for HR functions, and similar other considerations, an organization may choose either an integrated information technology solution like the ‘ERP System’ or a software like People Soft, SAP-HR, Abra Suite, Vantage, or Oracle-HRMS which are specifically developed for HR activities of an organization.

Mechanisms of HRIS

  1. Organizational Management Module:

It is mainly used to perform numerous business and HR processes. This module is installed before any of the aforesaid modules is introduced. The information entered in this module is regarding the jobs, tasks, positions and their relationship in the organization, job description, employees working in dif­ferent positions along with their qualifications, profiles, and tasks performed by them, and the different departments in the organization.

(1) The module creates an organizational plan which depicts the functional structure of an enterprise. By relating jobs, tasks, and positions with relationship a network that mirrors the organizational reporting structure can be created and depicted via easy-to-use graphical tools. In addition to this, relationship to objects from other components like cost centres, employee, or user can be created.

(2) When an organization changes the core business process which in turn necessitates staffing adjustments, HR people can dynamically adjust the organizational model to reflect the new situa­tion. Regular evaluation of personnel situation can help avoid qualification deficit in the future.

(3) This component can be used to match employees’ qualification profiles with job requirement pro­files on a regular basis in order to pinpoint training needs and take the measures necessary to offset it.

(4) It also gives instant access to information on number of vacant positions, their associated job descriptions, activity and requirement profiles of the position, and when the vacancies must be filled. With organizational development and the organizational structure model in place an enterprise can swiftly and efficiently determine current and future staffing requirements.

(5) This module gives reliable information on the staffing position in the organization along with the reports on staff assignments, existing jobs, positions, and tasks in the organization.

2. Recruitment Module:

It is a powerful tool which optimizes the recruitment procedure and reduces administrative overheads, time, and money spent on handling job applications. By automating routine tasks and delegating them to the system, it relieves the strain of the HR department. Information regarding the advertisement of job vacancies, basic data of the applicants, minimum requirements of the job, and standard text for letter of receipt, letter of rejection, and contract of employment are entered in this module.

(1) Using the SAP-HR recruitment model the organization can advertise a job vacancy on the internet.

(2) When applicant data are entered, it also checks to see if any of the applicants are former employ­ees or are currently employed in the company. This module automatically provides the existing master records of these applicants. It also passes the electronic documents submitted by these applicants to the HR administrator.

(3) The status of the application can be found by the applicant by using the applicant number and password.

(4) The applicants are given a confirmation that the application has been received. When an applicant’s data are entered, this module automatically generates a confirmation of receipt of the applicant. The applicants can receive a letter of rejection generated automatically by the system.

(5) The application documents are scanned into the system and archived. This means that the applica­tion documents can be called upon directly from the system.

(6) This module reports the applicants transferred to the applicant pool who do not fulfill require­ments of the position advertised but have a qualification profile. It also reports the list of unsolic­ited applicants and the applicants put on hold.

(7) When a candidate is selected, a contract of employment is offered to the selected candidate. The HR manager completes the selection procedure by entering the data of hiring and information by transferring them to the personnel administration module and the HR master data.

(8) The system can create statistical reports or lists on applications received, vacancies, and adver­tisement. It finds the cost of recruitment and replacement. It studies the sources from which employees were drawn and correlates this with success on the job to see if some sources should be dropped or added. The skill database is maintained, allowing retrieval of a potential candidate for a specified job.

(9) This module is integrated with personnel development and training and enables the management to determine whether the applicant requires further training in certain areas.

3. Personnel Administration Module:

It creates and processes employee data precisely and efficiently. This module deals with employee-related personnel activities which are called ‘personnel actions’. The basic personnel activities such as hiring, organizational assignment or leaving are handled in the Master Data Administration in this system.

The personal data of each of the employees is entered—his name, date of birth, marital status, family mem­bers, blood group, email address, emergency contact phone numbers, permanent and temporary address, etc. Besides this, date of hiring, official assignments, dates of promotion, change of pay, date of leaving, etc. are also entered in this module.

(1) It tracks the chronology of data of all times and forms the basis for sound HR decisions at all levels.

(2) Through this system every type of employee information can be saved using HR info types. Info types are data entry screens. They contain separate items of information entered into fields.

(3) The system automatically adjusts all relevant employee data to actual entry data of the employee. If the employee moves to another cost centre of the company the organizational assignment of employee also changes.

(4) This software ensures consistent data at all times. This module allows automatic monitoring of data for HR processes that require follow-up activities. For example, when hiring an employee, the HR manager can specifically be reminded when the probation period ends so that necessary follow-up activities can be done.

(5) Optical archiving allows scanning original documents such as work contracts, performance appraisal, or employee photo and archive them in the system.

(6) The top management can evaluate lists like employees’ directory, family members, bank details, anniversaries of years of service, and statistical information like staffing levels, nationality, age, wage, and seniority. SAP Business Graphics enables to the editing of evaluation results in a graph­ical form.

(7) It gives the ‘personnel action’ list of employees regarding his hiring, organizational assignment, reassignment to another cost centre, change of pay, termination, and re-entry.

  1. Payroll and Time Management Module:

It is an automatic planning table that is in-built in the system, and provides an overview of HRs available at a given moment. It helps in planning shifts, absenteeism management, recording working times, and compliance of labour laws. The country-wise versions are available to handle the payroll function. This can take care of multiple factors such as valuation of time data, partial payment calculation, reduction of company loans, etc.

Payroll is integrated with personnel administration, time management, and account­ing. Standardized data retention enables to use most of the data and payroll data from the personnel administration module. Time data entered via time management are automatically included in the pay­roll and valued during the payroll run.

The master file is composed of discrete pieces of information called data elements. Data are keyed into the system, updating the data elements. The elements on the master file are combined in different ways to make up reports of interest to the management and govern­ment agencies and pay cheques sent to employees.

(1) It calculates pay and includes tax tables in accordance with compensation regulations.

(2) The information on expenses and payables from the payroll is posted for accounting directly in financial accounting and it becomes easier to assign the costs to the appropriate cost centres.

(3) The system calculates gross and net pay which comprises individual payments and deductions that are calculated during the payroll period and received by an employee.

(4) The payroll system keeps track of money paid to the employee.

(5) The system generates pay cheques or direct deposits which are electronic transfers of compensa­tion funds from the company’s bank account to those of the employees.

(6) It determines the optimal health and retirement plans for each employee based on factors such as marital status, age, and other data.

2. Personnel Development Module:

It ensures that employees develop in line with the company’s goals, and at the same time enables to take individual preference of the employees into account. Personnel development has two important objec­tives. One is to ensure that there are enough qualified employees and managers in the organization; the other is to show all employees the career opportunities that are open to them, and to promote their work-related and social skills.

The career and succession planning components of the personnel develop­ment module provide powerful planning tools that help to achieve these aims. The data regarding career planning, succession planning, and performance appraisal are entered into this module. This module uses career planning to show employees what career opportunities are available if they perform well and prove suitable.

Pre-defined careers provide employees and applicants with the information on how they can progress within the organization. It can portray vertical and horizontal movements within the organizational structure and thus create all kinds of career paths for the employees.

Succession planning identifies candidates who are qualified in all respects to occupy a post at the present moment or in the future. In succession planning, the system enters information about qualifica­tions, career preferences of employees, estimated potential of employees, dislikes, and a pre-defined career.

(1) The system helps in obtaining the suitability of the potential successor and also gives concrete proposals for the training measures that need to be taken for individual candidates.

(2) The module reports the employees’ current suitability and personal preferences and forecasts what they are likely to be in the future. This system provides a powerful reporting and evaluation system.

(3) By performing various targets/actual comparisons the module helps in obtaining a realistic over­view of the company’s staffing structure.

(4) It helps in comparing employees’ profiles and displays the results in various formats so that analy­sis becomes easier.

(5) It can search through the entire company for persons with a particular qualification. This module is flexible and can be tailored to meet the company’s specific needs and personnel development strategy.

(6) It helps in identifying succession planning gaps in an organizational unit.

The organization can use this module for performance appraisal of employees. The appraisals are con­ducted using standardized criteria, thus ensuring maximum objectivity when results are calculated. It standardizes the process of employee evaluation by providing step-by-step guidelines to writing per­formance reviews, a check list of performance areas to be included in the evaluation and compute sub­totals of each category and weighted grade which can then be electronically stored as part of employees’ records.

(1) The system reports whether an employee was appraised in a given time period or not.

(2) It helps in determining which of the employees in an organizational unit have been appraised and by whom. It gives a list of the appraisals which have not been completed.

(3) It identifies persons who are over-qualified or under-qualified.

(4) It also identifies suitable applicants for a vacancy. As a personnel development instrument, an employee’s appraisal provides clear and reliable information to plan and monitor personnel development measures.

The additional modules in SAP-HR are travel management, training and event management, intranet employee self-service, and business workflow. SAP-HR is an integrated tool which is highly useful in multi-unit organizations whose operations are spread geographically.

Many of the HR decisions are data-based and fool proof maintenance of the same is imperative. Thus, integration of data helps an orga­nization to save on duplication efforts, man hours, and consequential financial cost. Circulation of data, transparency, and on-line employee communication are in-built benefits with this system.

Career Management, Factors, Importance, Process

Career Management refers to the structured process through which individuals plan, develop, and manage their professional growth over time. It involves identifying career goals, assessing current skills and competencies, and creating strategies to achieve long-term aspirations. Organizations also play a crucial role in career management by providing employees with development opportunities, such as training, mentoring, and performance appraisals. Effective career management helps individuals align their personal ambitions with organizational objectives, leading to increased job satisfaction, employee engagement, and retention. It fosters continuous learning, adaptability, and upward mobility, which are essential in today’s dynamic work environment.

Factors of Career Management:

  • Self-Assessment

Effective career management begins with self-assessment. Individuals must evaluate their strengths, weaknesses, skills, interests, and values. By understanding their preferences and areas for improvement, employees can set realistic career goals and make informed decisions about career paths. Tools like personality tests and career counseling aid in this process.

  • Goal Setting

Clear career goals are essential for successful career management. Setting short-term and long-term objectives provides direction and helps individuals measure progress. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Without well-defined goals, career growth becomes uncertain and haphazard.

  • Skill Development

Continuous skill enhancement is a key factor in career progression. As industries evolve, employees need to acquire new technical and soft skills to stay competitive. Organizations offering training and development programs can help individuals bridge skill gaps, boosting their confidence and career advancement potential.

  • Networking

Building professional networks is crucial for career success. Networking allows individuals to learn from peers, gain insights into industry trends, and explore new job opportunities. Strong professional relationships can open doors to mentorship, collaboration, and career advancement.

  • Mentoring and Coaching

Mentorship and coaching play a significant role in career development. A mentor provides guidance, shares experiences, and helps individuals navigate challenges. Coaching, often offered by managers or HR professionals, focuses on skill development and performance improvement.

  • Organizational Support

Organizations influence career management by creating a supportive work environment. Career development initiatives, such as training, internal mobility, performance appraisals, and succession planning, encourage employees to grow within the organization. Companies that invest in career management enhance employee retention and satisfaction.

  • Work-Life Balance

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential for long-term career success. Individuals who manage stress effectively and prioritize personal well-being are more likely to sustain their performance over time. Organizations that promote flexible work arrangements help employees achieve this balance.

  • Feedback and Performance Evaluation

Regular feedback and performance evaluations help individuals track their progress, understand areas of improvement, and stay aligned with their career goals. Constructive feedback encourages self-improvement and keeps employees motivated to achieve higher levels of performance.

Importance of Career Management:

  • Enhances Career Clarity and Focus

Career management helps individuals gain clarity about their career aspirations and set specific goals. By evaluating their skills, interests, and values, employees can focus on career paths that align with their long-term ambitions. This clarity reduces career-related anxiety and improves decision-making.

  • Boosts Skill Development

An effective career management process encourages continuous learning and skill enhancement. It motivates employees to develop both technical and soft skills, making them more adaptable to changing work environments. Regular upskilling ensures they remain competitive in the job market.

  • Improves Job Satisfaction

When employees have a clear career plan and feel supported in their development, they are more likely to experience job satisfaction. Career management helps individuals pursue roles that match their interests and strengths, leading to increased engagement and fulfillment at work.

  • Facilitates Career Advancement

Career management provides individuals with the tools and strategies needed for upward mobility. By setting realistic goals, identifying opportunities for growth, and seeking feedback, employees can advance in their careers more effectively. Organizations that foster career advancement retain top talent.

  • Enhances Employee Retention

For organizations, career management is crucial for retaining employees. When employees feel that their career development is valued, they are less likely to seek external opportunities. This reduces turnover costs and helps maintain a stable, experienced workforce.

  • Promotes Work-Life Balance

Career management encourages individuals to prioritize personal well-being along with professional goals. It helps employees set boundaries, manage stress, and achieve a healthy work-life balance. A balanced lifestyle leads to sustained productivity and long-term success.

  • Increases Organizational Productivity

Organizations benefit from career management through improved employee performance. A motivated and well-trained workforce contributes to higher productivity, innovation, and better overall results. Career management aligns employees’ goals with organizational objectives, ensuring collective success.

  • Builds Future Leaders

Career management identifies and develops future leaders. Through mentoring, coaching, and leadership development programs, organizations can groom high-potential employees for senior roles. This ensures a strong leadership pipeline for the future.

Process of Career Management:

Career management is a dynamic process that involves a series of steps aimed at helping individuals plan and achieve their professional goals. It requires self-reflection, goal setting, skill development, and continuous evaluation to ensure long-term success.

  • Self-Assessment

The first step in career management is self-assessment, where individuals evaluate their interests, values, skills, and personality traits. This helps them understand what motivates them, their strengths, and the areas they need to improve. Tools like SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats), personality assessments, and career counseling can aid in this process.

  • Career Exploration

After self-assessment, individuals explore various career options that match their skills, interests, and values. This stage involves gathering information about different industries, roles, and potential career paths. Job shadowing, informational interviews, and online research are effective ways to explore career opportunities.

  • Goal Setting

Once individuals have a clear understanding of their potential career options, they set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) career goals. These goals can be both short-term (e.g., improving a particular skill) and long-term (e.g., achieving a leadership position in a specific field).

  • Skill Development

Career advancement requires continuous skill enhancement. Based on their career goals, individuals identify the skills they need to acquire or improve. Skill development can involve formal education, professional certifications, on-the-job training, mentoring, or online courses. Organizations play a crucial role in this stage by offering learning and development opportunities.

  • Career Strategy Formulation

In this step, individuals create a strategic plan for achieving their career goals. This includes identifying action steps, setting deadlines, and determining the resources required. A career strategy also involves networking, gaining relevant experience, and seeking mentorship to enhance career prospects.

  • Implementation

The next step is to put the career strategy into action. This involves actively seeking opportunities, applying for relevant roles, attending training programs, and building professional networks. Regular monitoring of progress ensures that individuals remain on track toward their goals.

  • Feedback and Evaluation

Career management is an ongoing process that requires regular feedback and evaluation. Individuals should periodically review their progress, reassess their goals, and make adjustments as needed. Performance appraisals, peer feedback, and self-reflection are essential tools for evaluation.

  • Career Progression and Re-assessment

As individuals achieve their career goals, they often set new ones. Career management is not a one-time activity but a lifelong process. With changing personal aspirations and market dynamics, individuals must continuously reassess their career plans and adapt accordingly.

Management Training and Development

Training and Development is one of the main functions of the human resource management department. Training refers to a systematic setup where employees are instructed and taught matters of technical knowledge related to their jobs. It focuses on teaching employees how to use particular machines or how to do specific tasks to increase efficiency.

“Management” is the area occupied between “leadership” and the “rank-and-file” employees.

Managers may receive inspiration and direction from leaders. Yet managers are charged with the application of aspirational and strategic principles to the day-to-day process of getting the job done, done right and done efficiently. Managers’ critical function is to translate leadership and shareholder objectives (or create them on their own when they do not come from above) into legal and effective actions to achieve those objectives. In doing so, managers act as facilitators and problem-solvers.

Management development is the systematic process of creating effective managers. It is simultaneously rigorous, academic and practical. An organization’s approach to management development should include a variety of techniques to constantly build on a manager’s existing KSAs. Examples of major areas in which managers should be competent are:

  • Recognizing and accepting people’s individual behavioral differences.
  • Verbal and nonverbal communication.
  • Conflict management.

Different training is given to employees at different levels. The following training methods are used For the training of skilled workers and operators-  Specific job training programmes, Technical training at a training with live demos, Internship training, Training via the process of rotation of job.

Training given to people in a supervisory or managerial capacity is – Lectures, Group Discussions, Case studies, Role-playing, Conferences etc.

People in managerial programmes are given this type of training- Management Games to develop decision making, Programmes to identify potential executives, Sensitivity training to understand and influence employee behaviour, Simulation and role-playing, Programmes for improving communication, human relations and managerial skills.

Training Programmes

Technical Training: Technical training is that type of training that is aimed at teaching employees how a particular technology or a machine.

Quality Training: Quality training is usually performed in companies who physically produce a product. Quality training teaches employees to identify faulty products and only allow perfect products to go out to the markets.

Skills Training: Skills training refers to training given to employees so as to perform their particular jobs. For e.g. A receptionist would be specifically taught to answer calls and handle the answering machine.

Soft Skills: Soft skills training includes personality development, being welcoming and friendly to clients, building rapport, training on sexual harassment etc.

Professional Training: Professional Training is done for jobs that have constantly changing and evolving work like the field of medicine and research. People working in these sectors have to be regularly updated on matters of the industry.

Team Training: Team training establishes a level of trust and synchronicity between team members for increased efficiency.

Factors that contribute to the increased need to training and development in organisations:

  • Change: The word change encapsulates almost everything. It is one of the biggest factors that contribute to the need of training and development. There is in fact a direct relationship between the two. Change leads to the need for training and development and training and development leads to individual and organisational change, and the cycle goes on and on. More specifically it is the technology that is driving the need; changing the way how businesses function, compete and deliver.
  • Development: It is again one the strong reasons for training and development becoming all the more important. Money is not the sole motivator at work and this is especially very true for the 21st century. People who work with organisations seek more than just employment out of their work; they look at holistic development of self. Spirituality and self awareness for example are gaining momentum world over. People seek happiness at jobs which may not be possible unless an individual is aware of the self. At ford, for example, an individual can enrol himself / herself in a course on ‘self awareness’, which apparently seems inconsequential to ones performance at work but contributes to the spiritual well being of an individual which is all the more important.

Benefits of Development

  • Ensures that the employees utilise their managerial and leadership skills in particular to the fullest.
  • Exposes executives to the latest techniques and trends in their professional fields.
  • Helps in the long-term growth and survival of the company.
  • Creates an effective team of managers who can handle the company issues without fail.
  • Ensures that the company has an adequate number of managers with knowledge and skill at any given point.

Benefits of Training

  • Improves job satisfaction and thus boosts morale.
  • It improves upon the time and money required to reach the company’s goals. For e.g. Trained salesmen achieve and exceed their targets faster than inexperienced and untrained salesmen.
  • Training helps to identify the highly skilled and talented employees and the company can give them jobs of higher responsibilities.
  • Training improves the quantity and quality of the workforce. It increases the skills and knowledge base of the employees.
  • Trained employees are highly efficient in comparison to untrained ones.
  • Reduces the need to constantly supervise and overlook the employees.

Performance Management, Ethics, Advantages, Limitations

Performance Management (PM) refers to a continuous, systematic process aimed at improving organizational performance by enhancing the productivity and capabilities of employees. It involves setting clear performance expectations, regularly monitoring and assessing individual and team performance, and providing timely feedback to ensure goals are met. PM encompasses activities such as goal setting, performance appraisals, coaching, development planning, and rewards. It emphasizes ongoing improvement and alignment with strategic objectives. A well-implemented PM system fosters employee engagement, accountability, and organizational growth by creating a culture of continuous feedback and development.

Ethics of of Performance Management:

  • Fairness and Objectivity

An ethical performance management system must be fair and unbiased. It should objectively assess employees based on established criteria and measurable outcomes. Avoiding favoritism, discrimination, or subjective judgments ensures that employees perceive the system as just and equitable.

  • Transparency

Transparency in the performance management process builds trust between employees and management. Employees should be clearly informed about the performance criteria, assessment methods, and decision-making processes. Regular and open communication about expectations, feedback, and results enhances the ethical integrity of the system.

  • Confidentiality

Respecting the confidentiality of employee performance data is a crucial ethical principle. Information related to appraisals, feedback, and performance outcomes must be handled with care and only shared with relevant stakeholders. Ensuring data privacy protects employees’ dignity and prevents misuse of sensitive information.

  • Consistency

Consistency in applying performance standards across all employees is vital for maintaining ethical practices. The same performance criteria and evaluation methods should be applied uniformly, ensuring that all employees are assessed under similar conditions.

  • Respect for Employees

Ethical performance management emphasizes respect for employees’ rights and dignity. Managers should provide feedback in a constructive and respectful manner, focusing on improvement rather than blame. The process should foster a positive work environment where employees feel valued and supported.

  • Accountability

Both managers and employees should be held accountable for their roles in the performance management process. Managers must conduct evaluations honestly and professionally, while employees should be responsible for achieving their goals and improving performance based on feedback.

  • Avoiding Manipulation

Unethical practices, such as inflating or deflating performance ratings to meet certain organizational agendas, must be avoided. Manipulating performance data undermines the credibility of the system and demoralizes employees. Ethical performance management promotes integrity in all evaluations and decisions.

  • Continuous Improvement

An ethical system supports continuous improvement by providing honest feedback and development opportunities. It should focus not only on assessing past performance but also on helping employees enhance their skills and contribute effectively to the organization.

Benefits of Performance Management:

  • Enhanced Employee Performance

PM provides employees with clear goals and performance expectations, which helps them focus on key priorities. By offering continuous feedback, it encourages employees to improve their skills and productivity. Regular performance evaluations allow managers to identify gaps in performance and provide necessary support for improvement.

  • Alignment with Organizational Goals

One of the core benefits of PM is the alignment of individual and team goals with the broader objectives of the organization. This ensures that all efforts contribute to organizational success. By regularly reviewing goals and progress, PM helps maintain focus on strategic priorities, thereby improving overall business performance.

  • Improved Communication and Feedback

Effective PM fosters open communication between employees and managers. Regular feedback sessions, such as one-on-one meetings and performance reviews, help employees understand how their work contributes to the organization. This ongoing dialogue strengthens relationships, boosts morale, and builds trust within teams.

  • Identification of Training Needs

PM helps in identifying areas where employees require additional training or development. Through performance reviews and assessments, managers can recognize skill gaps and recommend targeted training programs. This enhances employee competencies and prepares them for future responsibilities, contributing to workforce development.

  • Employee Motivation and Engagement

By recognizing and rewarding high performers, PM fosters a culture of appreciation and motivation. When employees feel that their hard work is acknowledged, they are more likely to remain engaged, motivated, and committed to achieving organizational goals.

  • Career Development Opportunities

Performance management facilitates discussions about career aspirations and growth opportunities. Employees can work with their managers to set personal development goals and create a roadmap for their career progression. This not only enhances employee satisfaction but also aids in talent retention.

  • Better Decision-Making

Data gathered from the PM process helps managers make informed decisions regarding promotions, compensation, training, and resource allocation. Accurate performance data ensures fair and objective decision-making, reducing biases and improving organizational efficiency.

  • Increased Retention and Reduced Turnover

When employees feel supported and see opportunities for growth, they are more likely to stay with the organization. A robust PM system helps create a positive work environment, reducing turnover and associated costs of hiring and training new employees.

Limitations  of Performance Management:

  • Subjectivity and Bias

One of the primary limitations of PM is the risk of subjectivity and bias in performance evaluations. Personal preferences, prejudices, or interpersonal relationships may influence the assessment, leading to unfair appraisals. This can demotivate employees and create resentment within the organization.

  • Lack of Clear Metrics

A significant challenge in PM is the absence of well-defined and measurable performance criteria. When goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) are vague or poorly defined, it becomes difficult to assess employees accurately, leading to confusion and inconsistent evaluations.

  • Time-Consuming Process

PM can be a time-intensive process for both managers and employees. Regular reviews, feedback sessions, and goal-setting discussions require considerable time and effort. This may distract managers from focusing on core business operations and reduce productivity in the short term.

  • Resistance from Employees

Employees may resist performance management systems, especially if they perceive the process as overly critical or biased. Fear of negative feedback and uncertainty about how the information will be used can lead to anxiety and a lack of cooperation in the PM process.

  • Inadequate Training of Managers

Performance management relies heavily on the ability of managers to provide accurate evaluations and constructive feedback. However, many managers lack the necessary training and skills to carry out this responsibility effectively. Poorly conducted evaluations can undermine the credibility of the system.

  • Overemphasis on Documentation

In some organizations, performance management becomes overly focused on documentation and paperwork. This can shift the focus away from meaningful conversations and actual performance improvement, reducing the overall impact of the system.

  • Short-Term Focus

Many performance management systems emphasize short-term results rather than long-term employee development. This can lead to a narrow focus on immediate targets, neglecting the broader aspects of career growth and skill enhancement.

  • Difficulty in Measuring Certain Roles

For roles that are more qualitative in nature, such as creative or strategic positions, it can be challenging to develop appropriate performance metrics. This limitation makes it harder to assess performance accurately and fairly in such roles.

Human Resource Planning Scope, Approaches

Human resource planning is used by organisations to ensure that they have the right number and the right kind of people at the right place and at the right time. Where this process is carried out properly, it brings maximum long-run benefits to both the organisation and the individual employee.

Human Resource Planning is the planning of Human Resources. It is also called manpower planning/ personnel planning/ employment planning. It is only after Human Resource Planning that the Human Resource department can initiate the recruitment and selection process. Therefore, Human Resource Planning is a sub-system of organisational planning.

Definitions “Human Resource Planning is a strategy for the acquisition, utilisation, improvement and preservation of an organisation’s human resource” – Y.C. Moushell

“Human Resource Planning is a process of forecasting an organisation’s future demand for human resource and supply of right type of people in right numbers” – J.Chennly.K

Scope of Human Resource Planning

  • It keeps the record of current manpower with the organization.
  • Assessing the future requirements of manpower for organization objectives.
  • To make the manpower recruitment plans.
  • To phase out the surplus employees.
  • To make a layout of training programme for different categories of employees.

Need for Human Resource Planning      

  • Shortage of Skills: These days we find shortage of skills in people. So it is necessary to plan for such skilled people much in advance than when we actually need them. Non-availability of skilled people when and where they are needed is an important factor which prompts sound Human Resource Planning.
  • Frequent Labour Turnover: Human Resource Planning is essential because of frequent labour turnover which is unavoidable by all means. Labour turnover arises because of discharges, marriages, promotion, transfer etc. which causes a constant ebb and flow in the workforce in the organisation.
  • Changing needs of technology: Due to changes in technology and new techniques of production, existing employees need to be trained or new blood injected into an organisation.
  • Identify areas of surplus or shortage of personnel: Manpower planning is needed in order to identify areas with a surplus of personnel or areas in which there is a shortage of personnel. If there is a surplus, it can be re-deployed, or if there is a shortage new employee can be procured.
  • Changes in organisation design and structure: Due to changes in organisation structure and design we need to plan the required human resources right from the beginning.


On the theoretical plane there are three options to any educational planner. The first option is to treat the education as consumption goods and demand for education as an aggregate of individual consumer’s demand schooling, and to provide the facilities for education and training according. The second option is to view education an investment goods, evaluate the investments in education at par with investment in education with the rate of return on investment in physical capital. The third option is to considered skilled manpower as basic inputs to the production goods and services within the economy; assess the skill requirements to achieve any predetermined economic growth target, and to gear the expansion of educational system to provide the needed education and training.

There are three approaches to educational planning:

  • Social demand approach
  • Rate of return approach, and
  • Manpower requirement approaches.

Social Demand Approach: The social demand approach lies on the assessment of society’s requirement for education. In principles, it is an aggregate of individuals demand for education in respect of all individuals within the society. It is not always possible particularly in large societies, to assess individual demand for education. In practice, therefore, social demand approach relies on a projection of past trends in demographic aspects of population and the enrollment at the different levels of education.

Social demand approach is thus capable of revealing the number of students with differently types of professional preparations that may be a given target date, based on past experiences. Projections of social demand for education are contingent upon given levels of:

  • Income of educated people,
  • Taste and references of household for education,
  • Demographic characteristics such as fertility and mortality,
  • Direct costs of education,
  • Student grants, and
  • Existing standard of admission to various levels of education.

Added to these constraints, there are the perennial problems associated with the data base on demographic aspects at disaggregated levels such as districts, blocks and villages and data on wastage and stagnation in education, and intensity of utilization of existing educational facilities. Social demand approach thus suffers from the difficulties associated with any futurological exercise.

Rate of Return Approaches: Critics of social demand approach argue that the decision to choose more or less of education, beyond a legal school-learning age, is made by an individual who attaches a positive value to the present and the future benefits of education. Aggregate of individuals demand for education, which is constructed the social demand for education, should then be based exaggerate of individuals assessment of benefits of education-reflecting the social benefits.

This brings us the rate of return approach to education:

Rate of return approach looks upon education as a contributor to productivity and this sense, it is expected to facilitate investment decisions in education whether or not the students should undergo more schooling, or whether or not the state should invest more and expand educational facilities.

Like in the rate of return-on-investment analysis, rate of return on investment in education is used to expand educational facilities until schooling equalizes.

  • On the one hand yield of investment in different types of education, and
  • On the other hand, yield of investment in education vis-à-vis other sectors of economy.

Manpower Requirement Approach: The fundamental axioms of manpower requirements approach is that there is a definite link between the education and economic growth and that lack of skilled manpower in required number impedes growth. In this approach an attempt is made to forecast future requirements of educated manpower to fulfill a future target of Gross National Product (GNP) or specified targets of industrial production. Based on the forecasts of educated manpower requirement over a specified period, the planners would then indicate the directions of development of the educational sector over the same specific period.

The basic steps involved in this exercise are as under:

  • Anticipating the directions and the magnitude of development of each individual sectors of the economy.
  • Evolving norms of the employing manpower in each individual sector keeping the view the
  • Technological options Present as well as future for each sector of the economy.
  • Translating the physical targets for the development of each individual sector into the manpower requirement using the sector specific manpower norms.
  • Estimating the educational; equivalents of the manpower requirement.
  • Analyzing the implications of estimates of educated manpower requirements for educational development, based on assumptions regarding the enrollment rates, transitions probability and wastage and the stagnation rates at each level of education.

Limitations of the Manpower Requirement Approach:

The first limitation assumes that the educated manpower of different types is used in fixed proportions and that there no substitutions possibilities among the various categories of educated manpower.

The second limitation is that it postulates a definite link between an industrial task and an educational level. Prices, either in terms of cost of producing educated manpower or in terms of salaries and wages of educational people do not play any role in matching demand with supplies of educated manpower in this brand of educational planning. This makes the good sense if formal education and training is the only means of producing educated manpower. If there are alternative ways of producing a given category of skilled manpower, then prices play a significant role and the manpower requirements approach fails to take cognizance of this respect. In the Indian context, even in the case of highly skilled occupation where graduate level engineers are required, it has been observed that over 30 per cent of the manpower do not have the basic minimum qualification. They have reached these levels through on-the-job training and such other informal training, in the requisite skills. Such persons are categorized as “practical” and these practical are to be found in every occupation.

The crucial information in all forecasting exercises is the assumptions about the distant unknown future. Any error in judgment, in this regard, will seriously affect manpower balances at a later date resulting in either excess supply or excess demand. In the context of educational planning, excess demand is relatively easier to manage. Excess supply, on the other hand, leads to serious economic and sociological problems which are often difficult to deal with.

Levels of Human Resource Planning

Human Resource Planning is done at various levels for their own purposes by various institutions. There are various levels of human resource planning in an industrial enterprise:

  • National Level
  • Sectoral Level
  • Industry Level
  • Unit Level
  • Departmental Level
  • Job Level
  1. HRP at National Level:

HRP at the national level helps to plan for educational facilities, health care facilities, agricultural and industrial development, and employment plans etc. The government of the country plans for human resources at the national level.

  1. Sectoral Level:

Central and state governments also plan human resource requirements at sectoral level. It tries to satisfy needs of some particular sectors like Agriculture Sector, Industrial Sector and Service Sector.

  1. Industry Level:

This level of planning is done to suit manpower needs of a particular industry such as Engineering, Heavy Industries, Paper Industry, Consumer Goods Industries. Public Utility Industries, Textile, Cement/Chemical Industries etc.

  1. HRP at the Unit Level:

HR Planning at the company level is based on the estimation of human resource needs of the particular company in question. It is based on the business plan of the company.

  1. Departmental Level:

This level of planning is done to suit the manpower needs of a particular department in a company e.g., Marketing Department, Production Department. Finance Department, etc.

  1. Job Level:

This level of planning fulfills the human resource needs of a particular job family within department. For example, the requirement of number of sales executes in the marketing department.

Need for HRP at Macro Level

Major reasons for the emphasis on HRP at macro level include:

Technological Changes: The myriad changes in production technologies, marketing methods and management techniques have been extensive and rapid. Their effect has been profound on job contents and job contexts. These changes cause problems relating to redundancies, retraining and redeployment. All these suggest the need to plan manpower needs intensively and systematically.

Organizational Changes: In the turbulent environment marked by cyclical fluctuations and discontinuities, the nature and pace of changes in organizational environment, activities and structures affect manpower requirements and require strategic considerations.

Employment-Unemployment Situation: Though in general the number of educated unemployed is on the rise, there is acute shortage for a variety of skills. This emphasises the need for more effective recruitment and retaining people.

Demographic Changes: The changing profile of the work force in terms of age, sex, litercy, technical inputs and social background have implications for HRP.

Skill Shortages: Unemployment does not mean that the labour market is a buyer’s market. Organizations have generally become more complex and require a wide range of specialist skills that are rare and scarce. Problems arise when such employees leave.

Legislative Controls: The days of executive fiat and ‘hire and fire’ policies are gone. Now legislation makes it difficult to reduce the size of an organization quickly and cheaply. It is easy to increase but difficult to shed the fat in terms of the numbers employed because of recent changes in labour law relating to lay-offs and closures. Those responsible for managing manpower must look far ahead and thus attempt to foresee manpower problems.

Governmental Influences: Government control and changes in legislation with regard to affirmative action for disadvantaged groups, working conditions and hours of work, restrictions on women and child employment, casual and contract labout, etc. have stimulated the organizations to become involved in systematic HRP.

Impact of Pressure Groups: Pressure groups such as unions, politicians and persons displaced from land by location of giant enterprises have been raising contradictory pressures on enterprise management such as internal recruitment and promotions, preference to employees’ children, displace persons, sons of the soil etc.

Lead Time: The long lead time is necessary in the selection process and for training and deployment of the employee to handle new knowledge and skills successfully.

Systems Concept: The spread of systems thinking and the advent of the macro computer as part of the on-going revolution in information technology which emphasises planning and newer ways of handling voluminous personnel records.

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