The Government is the single largest buyer of a variety of goods. With a view to increase the share of purchases from the small-scale sector, the Government Stores Purchase Programme was launched in 1955-56. NSIC registers Micro & small Enterprises (MSEs) under Single Point Registration scheme (SPRS) for participation in Government Purchases.
Benefits of Single Point Registration Scheme
- Free of cost tender info
- Exemption from EMD (earnest money deposit)
- Advantage in tender participation
- Procurement from MSES
- All Micro & Small Enterprises having EM Part-II (Optional)/ Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum (UAM) are eligible for registration with NSIC under its Single Point Registration Scheme (SPRS).
- Micro & Small Enterprises who have already commenced their commercial production but not completed one year of existence.
Not eligible:
- The manufacturers of medicine and drugs are exempted from this scheme. Only the MSE (unit) engaged in manufacturing and supply of Ayurvedic, Unani, Sidha, and Homeopathic medicines can register.
- Wholesale trading, retail trading or commission agents are also barred from the scheme.
- The MSEs who have been blacklisted do not meet the eligibility for the SPRS till the expiry of such period.
- The SPRS also bars the MSEs whose proprietor/partner/director/Karta has been convicted for any criminal offence.
MSE category
All enterprises with a limited investment in the business, generally small, are termed as MSEs.
The enterprises are classified as micro or small based on their investment and turnover:
- A Micro Enterprise is one whose investment in plant and machinery does not exceed one crore rupees, and turnover does not exceed five crore rupees.
- The enterprise whose investment in plant and machinery does not exceed ten crore rupees, and turnover does not exceed fifty crore rupees is termed as a Small Enterprise.