Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) established under Industrial Development Bank of India Act, 1964, is the principal financial institution for providing credit and other facilities for developing industries and assisting development institutions.
Till 1976, IDBI was a subsidiary bank of RBI. In 1976 it was separated from RBI and the ownership was transferred to Government of India. IDBI is the tenth largest bank in the world in terms of development. The National Stock Exchange (NSE), the National Securities Depository Services Ltd. (NSDL), Stock Holding Corporation of India (SHCIL) are some of the Institutions which has been built by IDBI.
Organization and Management
IDBI consist of a Board of Directors, consisting of a chairman and Managing Director appointed by the Government of India, a Deputy Governor of the RBI nominated by that bank and 20 other Directors are nominated by the Central Government.
The board had constituted an Executive Committee consisting of 10 Directors, including the Chairman and Managing Director. The executive committee is empowered to sanction financial assistance.
The Head office of IDBI is located in Mumbai. The bank has five regional offices, one each in Kolkata, Guwahati, New Delhi, Chennai and Mumbai. Besides the bank have 21 branch offices.
Objectives of IDBI
- The main objectives of IDBI is to serve as the apex institution for term finance for industry in India. Its objectives include:
- Co-ordination, regulation and supervision of the working of other financial institutions such as IFCI , ICICI, UTI, LIC, Commercial Banks and SFCs.
- Supplementing the resources of other financial institutions and there by widening the scope of their assistance.
- Planning, promotion and development of key industries and diversification of industrial growth.
- Devising and enforcing a system of industrial growth that conforms to national priorities.
Functions of IDBI
(i) To provide financial assistance to industrial enterprises.
(ii) To promote institutions engaged in industrial development.
(iii) To provide technical and administrative assistance for promotion management or expansion of industry.
(iv) To undertake market and investment research and surveys in connection with development of industry.
IDBI Assistance
The IDBI provides financial assistance either directly or through some specified financial institutions:
(i) Direct Assistance
The IDBI grants loans and advances to industrial concerns. There is no restriction on the upper or lower limits for assistance to any concern itself. The bank guarantees loans raised by industrial concerns in the open market from the State Co-operative Banks, the Scheduled Banks, the Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI) and other ‘notified’ financial institutions.
(ii) Indirect Assistance
The IDBI can refinance term loans to industrial concerns repayable within 3 to 25 years given by the IFCI, the State Financial Corporation and some other financial institutions and to SIDCs (State Industrial Development Corporations), Commercial banks and Cooperative banks which extend term loans not exceeding 10 years to industrial concerns. IDBI subscribes to the shares and bonds of the financial institutions and thereby provide supplementary resources.
Developmental Activities of IDBI
Promotional Activities
In fulfillment of its developmental role, the bank continues to perform a wide range of promotional activities relating to developmental programmes for new entrepreneurs, consultancy services for small and medium enterprises and programmes designed for accredited voluntary agencies for the economic upliftment of the underprivileged.
These include entrepreneurship development, self-employment and wage employment in the industrial sector for the weaker sections of society through voluntary agencies, support to Science and Technology Entrepreneurs’ Parks, Energy Conservation, Common Quality Testing Centers for small industries.
Technical Consultancy Organizations
With a view to making available at a reasonable cost, consultancy and advisory services to entrepreneurs, particularly to new and small entrepreneurs, IDBI, in collaboration with other All-India Financial Institutions, has set up a network of Technical Consultancy Organizations (TCOs) covering the entire country. TCOs offer diversified services to small and medium enterprises in the selection, formulation and appraisal of projects, their implementation and review.
Entrepreneurship Development Institute
Realising that entrepreneurship development is the key to industrial development; IDBI played a prime role in setting up of the Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India for fostering entrepreneurship in the country. It has also established similar institutes in Bihar, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. IDBI also extends financial support to various organisations in conducting studies or surveys of relevance to industrial development.