Models of Stress Management Transactional Model, Health Realization/ Innate Health Model

The Transactional Model

In 1984, Richard Lazarus and Susan Folkman proposed the Transactional Model (Cognitive Appraisal), a model that emphasizes how stress becomes the result of the imbalance between what the situation demands and what the person possesses in relation to those demands. According to them, stress is not directly resulting from the source of the stress otherwise known as the stressors; rather, it emerges because of the individual’s inability to satisfy demands. For these two researchers, therefore, stress management relates to the capacity of a person to utilize his resources in order to cope with the stress.

The Transactional Model tells us that a stress management program can only become effective if the individual’s ability to eliminate, reduce, or cope with stress is successful assessed, and that the factors related to such capacity are put into consideration.

Health Realization Model

Also called as the Innate Health Model of Stress, the Health Realization Model states that the presence of a probable stressor does not directly result to the stress experience. This idea was opposing that of the Transactional Model, because it states that the stress management program must be cantered on the perception of the potential stressor by the individual, not on his appraisal of stress coping abilities.

According to this model, the appraisal must be focused on filtering one’s mind of negativity an insecurity, so that he would not perceive a potential stressor as a source of stress, and would therefore lead to a more effective elimination or reduction of stress.

Stress Management Techniques

More and more people have realized their need to handle stress in a more effective way , which is why it is nearly impossible to identify all the stress management techniques applied by each of us. Nevertheless, here are the mostly recognized techniques on stress management:

  • Exercise
  • Starting a New a Hobby
  • Meditation
  • Autogenic training
  • Artistic Expression
  • Fractional relaxation
  • Progressive relaxation
  • Spas
  • Alternative/ natural medicine
  • Social activity
  • Cognitive therapy
  • Conflict resolution
  • Deep breathing
  • Reading novels
  • Prayer
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Listening to Music
  • Yoga

Future of Stress Management

Stress can be effectively managed in many different ways. The best stress management plans usually include a mix of stress relievers that address stress physically and psychologically and help to develop resilience and coping skills.

Use Quick Stress Relievers

Some stress relief techniques can work in just a few minutes to calm the body’s stress response. These techniques offer a “quick fix” that helps you feel calmer at the moment, and this can help in several ways.

When your stress response is not triggered, you may approach problems more thoughtfully and proactively. You may be less likely to lash out at others out of frustration, which can keep your relationships healthier. Nipping your stress response in the bud can also keep you from experiencing chronic stress.

Quick stress relievers like breathing exercises, for example, may not build your resilience to future stress or minimize the stressors that you face. But they can help calm the body’s physiology once the stress response is triggered.

Develop Stress-Relieving Habits

Some techniques are less convenient to use when you are in the middle of a stressful situation. But if you practice them regularly, they can help you manage stress in general by being less reactive to it and more able to reverse your stress response quickly and easily.

Long-term healthy habits, like exercise or regular meditation, can help to promote resilience toward stressors if you make them a regular part of your life.3 Communication skills and other lifestyle skills can be helpful in managing stressors and changing how we feel from “overwhelmed” to “challenged” or even “stimulated.”

Eliminate Stressors When You Can

You may not be able to completely eliminate stress from your life or even the biggest stressors, but there are areas where you can minimize it and get it to a manageable level.

Any stress that you can cut out can minimize your overall stress load. For example, ending even one toxic relationship can help you more effectively deal with other stress you experience because you may feel less overwhelmed.

Ten ways you can help them manage stress now and in the future:

  • Create a culture that promotes stress management.

Since we are on call 24/7 work must be more like home since home is already more like work. This could be achieved by promoting activities like napping at work, taking meditation breaks, walking during lunch, engaging in chair yoga during breaks, having more social time at work, etc.

  • Managers must lead by example.

It’s a well-known fact that when the manager of a department works late every night, works through lunch and puts his or her own needs last, everyone in that department is going to do the same. Managers need to model balanced behavior that leads to balanced workers.

  • Manage stress while it’s happening.

The two best techniques for managing your stress while it’s happening are cognitive restructuring and mindfulness. Cognitive restructuring teaches you how to recognize your irrational thinking (AKA, negative self-talk which causes you boatloads of stress) and teaches you how to change it, on the fly, so you stop stress before it starts. Mindfulness teaches you how to find refuge in the present moment and thus liberate you from lots of anxiety (future-oriented thinking) and lots of anger (holding onto events that happened in the past). This also allows you to keep a lot of stress at bay.

  • Train employees to recognize stress-related illness so they can discuss it intelligently with their doctor.

Doctors receive little or no training in medical school on how to treat stress-related illness and are quick to prescribe pharmaceutical solutions that usually involve side-effects and don’t address the source of the problem. This allows their patients to effectively ignore their stress symptoms which are now masked by their prescription.  Your employees need to know this and know what alternatives are available to them to prevent stress-related health problems in the future.

  • Make the message of stress management simpler.

What if we start with the problem and work backwards to the solution, which in this case would be various forms of stress management. So, if we start with everyday health problems like migraine headaches, insomnia, chronic pain and many gastro-intestinal issues for example, and work backwards to a stress management solution from there like biofeedback, meditation, yoga and mindfulness (match these in the same order with the health issues listed above), people would be more motivated to participate in programs that solve their specific problems that don’t involve side effects. 

  • Stress science could also include the new brain science.

Stress management has always been about maintaining an internal locus of control (AKA feeling like you are in the driver’s seat of your own life). We now know that our locus of control may actually reside in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) of the brain. Knowing how to access and nurture the PFC ultimately leads to greater control over our emotions, our fears and our stress.

  • Make stress management proactive.

We need to elevate stress management practices like exercise, yoga, and meditation to the same status as brushing your teeth or taking a shower. It doesn’t take any will power to brush your teeth or take a shower every morning, you just do it. In the future, the same will be true of stress management. When you talk to any group ask the people in your audience if they do any of the above activities on at least a 3-day a week basis. Then ask if they would ever go back to NOT doing them. The answers you get will serve as powerful testimonials to kind of results one gets by making these activities a part of one’s daily and/or weekly routine.

  • Acknowledge stress sensitivity.

Some people are wired differently. The best way to deal with a wiring problem is by rewiring. You rewire your brain through affirmations, skill-building and habit formation. In addition, meditation practice can facilitate the whole process and literally change the structure of your brain.

  • Embrace the European model.

In Europe the employer takes responsibility for the stress levels that its employees experience at work and makes an effort to both lower these levels AND teach the employee better methods for coping with the stress that can’t be lowered by changing certain aspects of the job itself.  In the UK mindfulness training at work is mandated by law.

  • Teach employees about underlying sources of stress in their life like time pressure, relationship problems, disorganization and financial stress.

In order to address time pressure, employees need to build in extra time for things to go wrong or that take longer than they think. For relationship problems they can spend time every day connecting with the most important people (friends and family members, coworkers) in their lives. In order to address disorganization, they need to be encouraged to set aside time every day for planning and getting organized. (Maybe the first 5-10 minutes after arriving at work.) In order to address financial stress, bring in financial counselors who can teach people about the importance of lowering credit card debt and saving a small amount each month. Addressing these MAJOR underlying causes of stress will bring about a growing sense of inner peace that is quite simply more valuable than gold.

Stress Management Therapy concepts and Benefits

Popular examples of stress management include meditation, yoga, and exercise. We’ll explore these in detail, with a range of different approaches to ensure that there’s something that works for everyone.

First, let’s set one thing straight: we’re not aiming towards being stress-free all of the time. That’s unrealistic. After all, it’s an unavoidable human response that we all experience from time to time and it’s not all bad either.

However, we can all benefit from identifying our stress and managing it better. Before we dive any deeper into managing stress.

The stress response pattern looks like this:

  • Life Situation: caught in traffic jam; late for work
  • Perceived as Stress: I’m incompetent; boss will be angry; lose promotion
  • Emotional Arousal: irritable, paranoid; poor concentration; overly sensitive
  • Physiological Arousal: elevated heart rate and breathing; sweating
  • Consequences: loss of tranquility, poor performance; stinky

There are many healthy ways to relieve stress. Multiple methods can also be used together! This can help people relieve stress that affects them at different levels, like physically and emotionally. 

When deciding how to manage stress, it is important to make sure your method is healthy and will work long-term. For example, eating comfort food may help someone feel better in the short term. But if eating comfort food becomes a primary method for dealing with stress, their health can be affected. This may result in another potential stressor, poor physical health. 

Talking to a therapist about stress can also be a key part of addressing and reducing it in the long-term. After getting to know you, a therapist may recommend healthy strategies for dealing with stress. They might personalize these to best suit your needs.

Over 75% of people in the United States report having physical symptoms of stress, according to a 2014 study. These symptoms included tiredness, tension, headaches, and upset stomach. On top of this, 43% said they eat unhealthy food or eat too much when stressed. Both of these habits can lead to serious health problems. A therapist or counselor can help you learn to manage stress in ways that improve, not reduce, your health and longevity. 

Counseling for Stress Management

When stress leads to drug abuse, chronic illness or pain, lack of pleasure or relaxation, or otherwise negatively affects well-being, meeting with a mental health professional or medical doctor can help. Health care professionals can work with you to treat your stress symptoms and work through the issues causing it.

Therapy can help address stress that occurs as a result of life events. When a person is stressed due to loss, divorce, or a life-altering medical diagnosis, therapy can help address these concerns and other effects they can have on a person’s life. When workplace issues lead to stress, for example, a therapist may help a person explore ways to deal with those issues. If an individual is stressed because of a family or relationship issue, couples or family therapy may help them resolve the issue. This can reduce stress for everyone involved.

Types of Therapy to Relieve Stress

Therapists and counselors use many types of treatment to help people cope with stress in healthy ways. For example, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is often an effective form of therapy for stress. CBT can help change negative thought patterns that develop because of stress. It is often used to help people find new ways of thinking about events that cause stress. These new ways of thinking can help reduce the impact of the stressor.

Other types of therapy that can help with stress are often mindfulness-based. This means they promote mindfulness as a method for reducing stress. Many types of therapy incorporate mindfulness. A few of these include mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). 

Stress can also come from other mental health conditions like anxiety, PTSD, or addictions. These conditions are also treatable with therapy. A therapist can help you understand your overall mental health. Based on what they find, they can recommend the best treatment plan for your situation. 

Treatment Options for Stress Therapy

Psychotherapy: This type of therapy takes place with a psychologist, psychiatrist, or another type of mental health professional. In psychotherapy, people are encouraged to discover the underlying causes of their stress so that they can learn strategies for improving their quality of life.

Behavior Therapy: There are several types of behavioral therapy. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most beneficial ways to deal with stress. In CBT, people are taught to recognize and change negative thought patterns and apply different tools to help them improve their negative-self talk to be more positive. For relieving stress, this means people can learn to be less hard on themselves and to recognize that it’s ok to reduce some of their burdens without seeing themselves as a failure.

Alternative Therapies: In addition to traditional methods of stress therapy, there are many activities that an individual can do to alleviate their stress. Activities like exercise, yoga, acupuncture, massage, meditation, and social support are all useful tools to try if a person is faced with intense feelings of stress or pressure.

Common and Popular Stress Management Tools


Meditation consists of attempting to focus attention on one thing a word, an image, simply counting slowly, or focusing solely on the flow of breath in and out of the body to the exclusion of all other thoughts. By focusing on only one thing, it’s much more difficult to worry, be afraid, hateful, or angry. This type of focus is also helpful in choosing what thoughts to focus on, as well as insight into persistent patterns of thinking.


Yoga can be done from a chair and not only involves the same level of concentration and focus as meditation, but also improves flexibility a plus for people with SCI.

Visualization and guided imagery

This uses the power of the mind to achieve overall physical relaxation, often by visualizing very detailed peaceful and relaxing scenes. Several studies have documented increased athletic performance with the regular use of visualization. Actors regularly visualize themselves performing before they ever take the stage. More importantly, visualization has been practiced, studied and used with success in people with cancer, chronic pain, and those with headaches, muscle spasms and general or specific anxieties.

Progressive relaxation

This is the process of methodically tensing and relaxing specific muscle groups throughout the body, beginning with the head and working down, or with the feet and working up. The tensing phase normally lasts five to ten seconds, followed by 20 to 30 seconds of conscious and focused relaxation of the same muscle group.

Controlled breathing

Controlled breathing focuses on the process of breathing the full inhalation, the expansion of the belly and the lungs, exhalation, the contraction of the midsection, and all the various physical sensations and sounds that accompany breathing that we normally ignore. Improper or shallow breathing can lead to higher levels of anxiety, depression, muscle tension, fatigue, and headaches. Deep, controlled breathing increases the amount of oxygen taken into the lungs, as well as the amount of carbon dioxide expelled from them, helping the body and mind to work more efficiently and effectively.

Various controlled breathing methods are often used for one to five minutes, three to five times a day, or as needed to relieve symptoms or stress. Spinal cord injury may affect full and complete breathing capacity, either directly or as a result of poor posture. Practicing deep, controlled breathing may require reclining or lying down for some, but the benefits of managing stress, calming the body and the mind, and increasing oxygen flow are well worth the effort.


There are numerous benefits to be had from reducing and managing stress, beginning with an increase in concentration, a decrease in anxiety, and a reduction in pain. Effectively managing stress often leads to improved health. Stress management programs are drug-free. Most importantly, stress management programs put you in charge and give you a sense of control, which leads to enhanced self-esteem, less likelihood of depression, and an overall improvement in quality of life. The primary cost consideration is an investment of your time.

Stress Management Techniques

5 Stress management techniques:

  1. Get Rid of Unnecessary Stress

Stress is something that is going to come for each of us at different times and in different forms. While it is impossible to completely avoid it, there are a few things you can do to eliminate the amount of stress you are dealing with.

Don’t be afraid to say no: Often times we feel like we have to always be available to help other people out. While it is important to be available for our loved ones, we have to remember to take care of ourselves, too. Saying no doesn’t mean you are a bad person; you just have to keep yourself from having too much on your plate at one time.

Surround yourself with positive people: Negativity is contagious and if you are around people who are bringing you down, then it is time to find some new friends to spend your time with.

Be in control: Remembering that you are the one in control of your life and your decisions will help your whole perspective on the situation.

Don’t overbook your life: Keep your schedule open for downtime. When children are small, they need naps to recharge during the day. Adults also need designated time during the day to relax and do what they want to do. Keep your schedule open for this to be a possibility for you.

Change the Situation

Sometimes we are faced with situations where we cannot control the amount of stress that is being thrown at us. There are, however, ways for us to alter the situation to make it easier for us to bear.

Don’t bottle it up: Bottling up your emotions only leads to an explosion later on that could have been avoided if you had just spoken your mind and let your feelings be known. Voicing your opinion and emotions will allow other people to help you conquer the stress you are dealing with.

Manage your time better: If you are running late on deadlines, you are going to be stressed out. Keep a planner and stay on top of your obligations and life will be much easier.

Be strong: If something is being done that you do not agree with or feel to be wrong, be assertive and strong and stand up for yourself.

Change Yourself

If you cannot change the situation, consider trying to change your mindset and position on the matter at hand. Once you change your mindset, you will be better able to navigate through the stressful situations you find yourself in.

Stay positive: When you are feeling stressed out, think about all of the positive things happening in your life. This will make the stress seem small and your blessings seem much bigger.

Consider the bigger picture: Having a better perspective on the whole situation is important as you are dealing with various things. If you won’t remember this current situation a week or a year from now, then it is not worth your time to be overly stressed out.

Lower your expectations: We often have very high expectations for people in our lives, and when they can’t live up to them, we get disappointed and down. Don’t lower them too much, but also try not to hold people to expectations you can’t live up to yourself. Remember everyone is human and we all make mistakes from time to time.

Accept Your Life

When dealing with situations such as the loss of a loved one or an unforeseen illness that strikes your household, there is no way to avoid the stress that comes along with it. Instead, the best way to move past it is to just accept the situation.

You can’t control the uncontrollable Knowing there are things in life that we cannot avoid is imperative to living a stress-free life.

Have Fun and Love Your Life

A great way to handle stress is to increase your resistance to it. Making your life as happy and healthy as possible will leave little to no room for stress to creep in.

  • Sleep, sleep, sleep: When you are losing sleep, your whole life can be thrown out of its normal routine. Maintain a good sleep schedule so you can keep anxiety, stress, and sadness to a minimum.
  • Exercise daily: Getting your endorphins running and your body healthy will help you to feel more confident and more in control of your life.
  • Be with others: Surround yourself with those whom you love and can be yourself around. These people are your rock and will help you when life gets hard.

Stress Management: Stress is obvious and employees have to adapt to stress in such a way that they are no longer aware of it. Companies can effectively manage stresses by removing the stressors that cause needless tension and job burnout. Other stress management strategies may keep employees “stress-fit,” but they don’t solve the fundamental causes of stress. Organizations manage stress by investigating the main causes of stress in their workplace. Another suggestion is to change the corporate culture and reward systems so they support a work-life balance and no longer reinforce dysfunctional workaholism. More generally, the most effective ways to remove workplace stressors is to empower employees so that they have more control over their work and work environment. Role-related stressors can be lessened by selecting and assigning employees to positions that match their capabilities. Noise and safety risks are stressful, so improving these conditions would minimize stress in the workplace. Workplace bullying can be minimized through clear guidelines of behaviour and feedback for those who infringe those standards.

Figure: Stress management strategies:

Mangers have important contribution in the identification and intervention of constant workplace stress. Lazarus (1991) has recognized three main strategies for reducing work-related stress. In the first strategy, managers can help their employees to cope up with workplace stress is changing the working conditions so that they are more favourable to effective coping. When barriers are removed such as work overload, environmental annoyances, isolation, and lack of autonomy, an environment is created in which an employee can perform better. The second strategy to reduce work-related stress is to facilitate the employee to improve his or her transaction with the environment. Managers should provide the worker with services such as an employee assistance program or links to stress management resources to help them work through the issues that hamper adequate appraisal of the situation. Moreover, such programs will teach the employee how to utilize behavioural skills such as implementing a new diet, meditation techniques, and relaxation techniques in order to relieve the physical and psychological effects of stress. Usually, these programs will involve cognitive behavioural interventions (Long, 1988). The third strategy is to assist the employee recognizes the stressful relationship between the individual or group and the work setting (Lazarus, 1991) and developing a strategy to help reduce the tension in that affiliation.

To summarize, Stress is an adaptive reaction to a threatening situation that is perceived by person in work setting or in his life. Stressors are the causes of stress and include any environmental conditions that place a physical or emotional demand on the person. Stressors are found in the physical work environment, the employee’s various life roles, interpersonal relations, and organizational activities and conditions. Conflicts between work and non-work obligations are a common source of worker stress. Workplace stress has dangerous consequences on the health of employees such as it can cause significant psychological and physiological problems. Workplace stress has been associated with the aetiology of physical disorders such as heart disease, hypoadrenia, immunosuppression, and chronic pain. Additionally, the psychological impact of workplace stress includes depression, persistent anxiety, pessimism, and resentment.

The impact of these symptoms on organizations is significant as these symptoms lead to antagonism in the workplace, low morale, interpersonal conflict, increased benefit expenses, decreased productivity, and increased absenteeism. To cope up with stressful situation, experts provide various stress management strategies. By providing the foundation for employees to prosper while also allowing employees to take responsibility for their stress related symptoms, organizations will find considerable improvement in productivity and an improved workplace dynamism. Some tactics directly remove superfluous stressors or remove employees from the stressful environment. Other strategies facilitate employees to modify their interpretation of the environment so that it is not viewed as a severe stressor. Wellness programs promote employees to develop better physical defences against stress experiences. Social support provides emotional, informational, and material resource support to safeguard the stress experience.

Detach Involvement Detachment is distancing oneself in order to gain perspective and to expand the context.

The degree of detachment or involvement which is most appropriate will vary during the coaching relationship. It will be for the coach to choose what is most appropriate.

Involvement is the ability to be both mentally and emotionally involved.

Mentally, to ascertain and clarify the facts presented by the client.

Emotionally, being aware of the client’s feelings, which enables empathy, but also to be in touch with his or her own feelings.

Together, they give the coach a fuller grasp of the client’s and their own reality.

A) The inter-personal relationship:

Detached involvement is an indispensable skill of in-depth coaching. It is a skill which can be learned and developed, both by the coach and the client.

Detached involvement ensures that the coach will be present to the client in the most effective way.

It facilitates non-attachment to outcome, which can be a challenging goal for many coaches.

When detached involvement is lacking, the coach’s tendency will be to become over-involved with the client’s story, perhaps lapse into mentoring, offering advice and strategies, and taking too much responsibility for the outcome.

B) The intra-personal relationship:

Who will be making this choice when you are the coach in question?

Where in your personality is your locus of decision-making, of making choices when you are coaching? Which part of you decides?

It is most likely to be the part or parts of you that normally run your life, known as your Primary Selves. Hal and Sidra Stone identified some of the selves in their book, “Embracing your Selves” (1988): the Pleaser, the Perfectionist, the Inner Critic and the Controller. We might add the Hard Worker and the Helper and the Victim to this list.

These sub-selves or sub-personalities sometimes act like the dominant members of a board of directors, who come to meetings with their own agenda and set of priorities based on their point of view. In such cases, the authority of the CEO may be absent or just ignored.

Another analogy would be a kingdom in which the rightful ruler is absent, and the kingdom is actually ruled by the barons. I call this situation the Empty Throne.

C) The inter-functional relationship:

To what extent is detached involvement applicable in the external coach’s relationship with the organisation which has engaged him?

Over-involvement might lead the coach to major on pleasing the coachee’s employer at the coachee’s expense and at the expense of the coach’s integrity.

Over-detachment might lead to the coach following their own agenda at the expense of their relationship with the corporate client.

 So, which part of you will be making these choices?

Our sub-personalities come with their own perspectives, their own priorities and make their choices accordingly.

In order to practice detached involvement successfully, you will need to consciously rise above the level of your sub-personalities and attain your centre, your Conscious Self. If your sub-personalities are the musicians in the orchestra, your Conscious Self is the conductor of the orchestra.

In the previous three scenarios, the coach will need to discern from a clear and stable place.

So, what can we do to arrive at our centre, our Conscious Self?

The applied psychology of Psychosynthesis offers us a technique called the Dis-identifying and Identifying Exercise which helps us to disidentify from the contents of our personality and connect with our deeper centre of identity, our Conscious Self, also known as our “I”.

How do we know when we have attained our “I”?

We typically experience a greater calm, a degree of serenity and balance beyond the daily norm.

A place where clarity and sureness of choice is more available to us.

It is from this place that we can discern most clearly and choose the appropriate levels of detachment and involvement in all the interventions in our coaching practice.

When you practice detached involvement, you’re both a participant and an observer of your life at the same time. You see all experiences as part of life’s journey without judging them as being good or bad. You simply experience them and are in control of your responses to them. You’re fully involved, but detached from the allure of outcomes.

So, how do you learn to practice detached involvement?

  • Take nothing personally
  • Make no assumptions
  • Make as few judgments as possible
  • Let go of the need to be right
  • Let go of the need to control
  • Be passionate about all of life’s experiences, even the painful ones
  • Give all you have, your true gifts, to whatever you’re doing
  • Detach from future potential results

Conflict Management Skill

Conflict management plays a very important role in preventing conflicts among individuals. When individuals strongly oppose each other’s opinions and ideas, the probability of a conflict arises. A conflict starts when individuals think on different lines and find it very difficult to accept each other’s ideas. Conflict must be avoided as it destroys the peace, lowers the productivity as well as demotivates the individuals. All the factors leading to a fight must be explored and efforts must be made to prevent a conflict. A conflict is not very easy to control; an individual needs certain skills for the same.

Let us study the skills in detail.

  1. Effective communication Skills

Effective communication skills are of utmost importance to prevent conflicts. While interacting with others, you have to take special care of your speech and the way you speak. Never ever shout on anyone, even if you do not agree with him. Always speak in a polite but convincing manner. Greet others with a warm smile. It works. Be very specific and precise in your speech. Do not use complicated words and confuse others. Keep a control on your tongue and do not use words which might hurt the sentiments of others. Avoid using abusive languages.

  1. Listening Skills

An individual must not give his expert comments unless and until he is very clear what the other person wants. Always be a good listener. Don’t just jump to conclusions and assume things on your own. Always listen to the other side of the story as well.

  1. Discussion

Don’t just follow the rumor mills blindly, do discuss with others as well. Differences can crop up anytime but fighting would provide no solution. It is always better to sit and discuss the issues on an open forum. All the participants must give their inputs and efforts must be made to find out an alternative. Invite all the members involved and never ignore anyone as it would never solve the problem. Everyone has a right to express his views and a middle way has to be found.

  1. Patience

One needs to be very patient to avoid conflicts. There would be people at your workplace and even home who would try to provoke you to fight. Never ever get influenced. Always follow your instincts and support what is right. Be very sensible and patient. Learn to keep a control on your emotions. Do not ever lose your temper as it would only make the situation worse.

  1. Impartial

An individual has to be impartial to avoid conflicts. Do not always support your friend. Stand by what is correct and never support what is wrong. Any individual, even if he is your friend must be corrected if you feel he is wrong. Listen to everyone and never ignore anyone just because you don’t know him.

  1. Never Criticize

Make the other person understand if he is wrong. Don’t criticize him as it would definitely hurt his sentiments. The other person might not be as intelligent as you are, but you have no right to make fun of him. Others will look up to you if you guide the other person well and make him realize his mistakes.

  1. Positive Attitude

Positive attitude is essential to avoid fights and conflicts. In offices, never ever play the Blame game. No one is perfect and if you have done anything wrong, have the courage to accept it. Human Beings are bound to make mistakes but never try to put the blame on anyone else’s shoulders. Avoid backbiting as it only spoils the relationships. If you don’t agree with anyone’s views, discuss with him on his face, he will like it. Don’t always find faults in others and be a little more adjusting as life is all about adjustments.

  1. Ignore others

Individuals must try to adopt the middle path approach which considers the interests of one and all. Don’t unnecessarily waste your energy for a person who is too adamant and is not willing to compromise at all. Ignore the person who is too demanding as it would solve half of your problems.

Importance of Conflict Management

A conflict arises when individuals have varied interests, opinions and thought processes and are just not willing to compromise with each other. It is always wise to adjust to some extent and try to find a solution to the problem rather than cribbing and fighting. Conflicts and disagreements only lead to negativity and things never reach a conclusion. It only adds on to the tensions and makes life hell. It actually leaves you drained and spoils your reputation. Every individual should try his level best to avoid conflict at the first place rather than resolving it later. Precautions must be taken at the right time to avoid a conflict.

Imagine yourself constantly fighting with your fellow worker. Would you ever feel going to office?

The issues resulting in a conflict must be controlled at the right time to prevent the eruption of a big fight. Conflict management plays an important role everywhere, at work places and even in our personal lives. Fighting never makes anyone happy and actually makes one’s life miserable.

No organization runs for charity, it has to make money to survive well. Employees must give their hundred percent at work to ensure the maximum productivity. Nothing productive will ever come out if the employees are constantly engaged in fighting and criticizing others. Conflict management plays a very important role at workplaces to prevent conflicts and for the employees to concentrate on their work. The team leaders must ensure that the roles and responsibilities of each and every employee are clearly passed on to them. Employees should be demotivated to interfere in each other’s work. Employees waste half of their time and energy in fighting with others and find it very difficult to work which they are actually supposed to do. An individual must enjoy his work; otherwise he would never be able to give his best.

Conflict management goes a long way in strengthening the bond among the employees and half of the problems automatically disappear. Individuals must feel motivated at work and find every single day exciting and challenging. Before implementing any idea, it must be discussed with everyone and no one should ever feel ignored or left out. This way, every employee feels indispensable for the office and he strives hard to live up to the expectations of his fellow workers and in a way contributing to the organization in his best possible way. Conflict management avoids conflicts to a great extent and thus also reduces the stress and tensions of the employees. No one likes to carry his tensions back home and if you fight with your colleagues and other people, you are bound to feel uncomfortable and restless even at home.

Conflict management also plays an important role in our personal lives. Tussles and fights spoil relationships and only increase our list of enemies. Everyone needs friends who will stand by us when we need them. Conflict must be avoided at homes as it spoils the ambience and spreads negativity. Individuals tend to disrespect others as a result of conflicts. Conflict management prevents fall out between family members, friends, relatives and makes life peaceful and stressfree. Blamegame never helps anyone, instead it makes life miserable. No idea can ever be implemented if the individuals fight among themselves.

Conflict management helps to find a middle way, an alternative to any problem and successful implementation of the idea. Problems must be addressed at the right time to prevent conflict and its adverse effects at a later stage. Through conflict management skills, an individual explores all the possible reasons to worry which might later lead to a big problem and tries to resolve it as soon as possible.

Conflict Management is very important because it is always wise to prevent a fight at the first place rather than facing its negative consequencies. Stress disappears, people feel motivated, happy and the world definitely becomes a much better place to stay as a result of conflict management.

General principles of Stress Management

  1. Self-knowledge

    Self-knowledge appears as the first principle, because most of the others build on it. It involves knowing your capabilities and your limits, your personal temperament and typical coping style, and your values and goals.
    Aspects of self-knowledge
    Are you what Hans Selye calls a racehorse, or are you a turtle?. Racehorses thrive on stress and are only happy with a vigorous, fast-paced lifestyle. Turtles require peace, quiet, and a generally tranquil environment. These are of course extremes – people are usually somewhere in between.

    What are your values, what matters to you? Though many aspects will be shared with others in your social group, every person has a unique system of values and goals.
    Everyone has certain abilities – and limits. Do you recognise your abilities and make the most of them? Do you also acknowledge your limits and know when to stop?

    Why knowing yourself is important to stress management
    You may feel comfortable with some of your characteristics, less happy with others. In either case, to effectively manage stress you need to be aware of your own optimum stress level and coping style, as well as the goals and values that guide your reactions.
    Everyone has their own temperament, style of managing stress, and value system. You need to develop strategies relevant to your personal style and compatible with your personal values, otherwise you are not likely to use them.
    Developing self-knowledge
    How can you become more aware of your coping style and optimum stress level? Here are some suggestions.
    Identify your typical stress triggers. What situations do you typically react to? Keep a log for a few weeks.

    You are the best intuitive judge of your optimum stress level. Observe what your body is doing – note your typical stress signs.

    Observe how you typically cope with problems. What works for you? What do you tend to do that is unhelpful?

    There are some strategies to help you identify your values and goals in Chapter Nine of GoodStress. Use these to check out your preferences, values and standards. Are they realistic and appropriate? Have you thought them through for yourself?
    Completing rational self-analyses will help you identify the underlying values that guide your reactions to specific events and circumstances.

    2. Self-acceptance and confidence

    Self-acceptance and confidence are closely related concepts. One builds on the other. Being able to accept yourself as you are, free of any demand that you be different, provides the basis for confidence in your abilities. Confidence, in turn, will enable you to take risks, try new things, and direct your own life.
    Accepting yourself
    To accept yourself is to acknowledge three things: (1) you exist, (2) there is no reason why you should be any different from how you are, and (3) you are neither worthy nor unworthy.

    Acknowledgment that you exist is probably straightforward. It is the other two parts that most people find hard to grasp.
    Self-acceptance involves rejection of any demand that you be different. You may sensibly prefer to be different. You may decide it is in your interests to change some things. But keep the desire to change as a preference. Instead of believing that you have to change, see change as a choice.
    Do not attempt to measure your selfor set some kind of valueon yourself. Self-acceptance is radically different to self-esteem. Self-esteem is based on the idea that you are a goodor worthwhileperson. Worthwhileness requires some criteria, like how well you perform, or the idea that you are worthwhile simply because you exist. Self-acceptance, on the other hand, is based on the idea that you dont have to be goodor worthwhile. In fact, there is no need to evaluate yourself at all! Instead of evaluating your self, you use your energy and time to evaluate (1) your behaviour, and (2) the quality of your existence.
    Evaluating your behaviour is a good idea. You can check whether it helps you enjoy your life and achieve your goals. It is also a good idea to evaluate the quality of your existence. Your enjoyment of life is surely important – more important than worrying about whether you are a worthwhileperson.
    Having confidence in your abilities
    Self-knowledge and self-acceptance are preconditions for confidence. To have confidence in your abilities involves three things. First, you know what you can and cant do. Second, you are prepared to try things to the limit of your ability. And third, you regularly work at extending your capabilities.
    Having confidence in your abilities is different to having confidence in your self. Self-confidence implies perfection – that you, as a total person, are able to do everything well. This is unrealistic and grandiose.

    Having confidence in your abilities is more realistic. Instead of talking about self-confidence, follow the advice of Paul Hauck and talk about social confidence, work confidence, driving confidence, house-care confidence, examination confidence, relationship confidence, and so on. In other words, develop confidence in specific abilities rather than in your total self.
    In practice, ability-confidence would involve behaviours like the following:
    Doing things without demanding you succeed, and viewing mistakes as opportunities for learning. Confidence grows out of the attempt, the doing, rather than from the result.
    Evaluating your actions and performances in terms of how they help you reach your goals – not what they prove about you as a person.
    Taking calculated risks with important activities such as choosing a career, changing jobs, or starting a new relationship.
    Persevering – not giving up when you do less well than you want; rejecting any belief that everything should come easy; and accepting that many good things involve overcoming obstacles, setbacks, and persisting over a period of time.
    Learning from your experiences – trying something, analysing your experience, seeing where you went wrong and working out what you can do to improve your abilities.
    Why these are important to stress management

    If you are prone to rating your total self, you may want to avoid looking closely at your actions because to do so may lead to self-downing. Paradoxically, self-acceptance is more likely than self-evaluation to lead to constructive change. Confidence in your abilities will free you to take risks, try new experiences and learn new lessons.
    If you can accept yourself with your unique characteristics and preferences, you will be less likely to live your life to suit other people.
    As Martin Seligman has pointed out, there are limits to how much we can change ourselves. Human beings are not perfectible. If you can accept imperfection in yourself, you are less likely to engage in dangerous behaviour striving for the unattainable.
    Developing self-acceptance and confidence
    Self-acceptance as an alternative to self-evaluation is not an easy concept to grasp. The tendency to self-evaluation seems to be built in to human beings, and the self-esteem concept is pervasive in our thinking and culture.
    Think through the philosophy of self-acceptance. Read about it. Write down your thoughts on it. Talk about it with others (many people will argue against the concept, which will give you the opportunity to hone your thinking!).

    Finally, and most important, behave like a self-accepting and confident person. As far as possible, practice living in accordance with your preferences, values and standards. Say what you believe, be open and honest as to who you are (but do this appropriately with people significant to you, and take into account their preferences and feelings). Treat yourself to things you used to think you did not deserve. Try things you used to be afraid to do – without any demand that you succeed.

    3. Enlightened self-interest

    The ability to act in your own interests follows on from self-acceptance and confidence. As we shall see, it is also important to take into account the interests of others. The principle of enlightened self-interest takes into account both parts:
    You place your own interests first.
    You keep in mind that your own interests will be best served if you take into account the interests of others.
    Human beings are fundamentally self-interested
    Notwithstanding any precepts that say we shouldbe otherwise, human beings appear to be intrinsically concerned first with their own welfare.

    Hans Selye has argued that the desire to maintain oneself and stay happy is the most ancient – and one of the most important – impulses that motivates living beings. All living beings protect their own interests first of all. Selye points out that this begins with our basic biological make-up, in that the various cells in our bodies only cooperate with each other to ensure their own survival.

    Human beings are also motivated by social interest
    Selye has pointed out, though, that we are also strongly motivated by altruistic feelings. As well as self-interest, we also possess social interest – the wish to ensure that the social system as a whole survives and develops.
    How is that two apparently contradictory tendencies can co-exist? The answer is that we help others in order to help ourselves. In other words, our self-interest is enlightened.
    It appears that like self-interest, social interest is also inherent within human beings – both have biological roots. Collaboration between body cells promotes the survival of each individual cell and enables the total organism to function.
    In effect, individual interests are best served by mutual cooperation. Accordingly, self-interest without social interest is misguided. So is social interest without self-interest. Always putting others first leads to resentment or a martyr attitude. People who believe they are acting purely in the interests of others are dangerous. By denying (to themselves) that their own self-interest is involved, such people may justify all types of manipulative and controlling behaviour toward others.

    You are both self-interested and socially-interested. This dual tendency is built in to your very being and begins with your basic biology. By accepting this about yourself, you will be able to do a better job of acting in your own interests – in an enlightened manner.
    What is it to be enlightened?
    The word enlightenedhas several related meanings. It is humanitarian – charitable, liberal, and idealistic; and at the same time utilitarian – useful, beneficial, and practical.
    Can you see how merging an enlightened attitude with innate self-interest can apply at all levels – to yourself, to your family, to your town or city, to your country, and to the world as a whole? Consider the effect on this planet if every person acknowledged their self-interest and then practiced it in an enlightened manner. What if every country based its external and foreign policies on the humanitarian and practical principle of enlightened self-interest?
    Why enlightened self-interest is important to stress management
    If human beings did not have an inherent will to protect themselves and further their own interests, they would not survive. If you dont attend to your own interests, who will? Knowing what is in your interests will help you get what is best for you and avoid what is harmful. It will keep you moving toward your goals – and ensure that your goals are the right ones for you.

    But you had better simultaneously take into account the interests of others. Getting people to have positive feelings toward you is a good idea. They will be more likely to treat you well and less likely to harm you. Contributing to their welfare will encourage them to contribute to yours. And contributing to the development and survival of the society in which you live will mean a better environment in which to pursue your interests.
    If you acknowledge that self-interest is inherent in your nature, you will feel less guilty about looking after yourself. If you acknowledge that altruistic behaviour is in your interests, you will be more likely to cooperate with others. If you do both, everyone gains.
    Developing enlightened self-interest
    Begin by practicing enlightened behaviours. Here are some ideas to get you started now:

  • Go out of your way to show positive feelings towards others – gratitude, respect, trust – which in turn will arouse goodwill from them.
  • Choose some new activities in various life areas – work, family, leisure – that will bring goodwill.
  • At the same time, act assertively. Ask for what you want, say Noto what you dont, and tell others (when appropriate) what you think and how you feel.
    Make a point of doing something just for yourself each day for a while.
  • Until enlightened self-interest becomes part of you, consciously seek to get more of what you want while facilitating the interests of the other people in your world.
  1. Tolerance for frustration and discomfort

    The ability to tolerate frustration and discomfort is central to stress management. High tolerance will keep you from overreacting to things you dislike. It will help you tackle problems and issues rather than avoid them. It will enable you to take risks and try new experiences.
    What is high tolerance?
    As we shown in Chapter Four of GoodStress, low tolerance for frustration and discomfort is a key cause of unnecessary distress. It arises from beliefs like: Life should not be hard, it is awful and I cant stand it when it is hard; so I must avoid pain, difficulties and frustrations.
    High tolerance, on the other hand, means accepting the reality of frustration and discomfort, and keeping their badness in perspective.
    To accept frustration and discomfort is to acknowledge that, while you may dislike them, they are realities. They exist, and there is no Law of the Universe says they shouldnot exist (though you may prefer they not). You expect to experience appropriate negative emotions like concern, remorse, regret, sadness, annoyance, and disappointment. But you avoid exaggerating these emotions (by telling yourself you cant stand them) into anxiety, guilt, shame, depression, hostile anger, hurt, or self-pity.
    To keep frustration and discomfort in perspective is to regard them as unpleasant rather than awful. You dislike rejection, pain, bad health, financial insecurity and other unwanted circumstances – but you believe that you can cope with the discomfort when they happen to you.
    Why is high tolerance important to stress management?
    Low tolerance creates distress by causing you to overreact to discomfort. It may lead to secondary problems (having a problem about having a problem) where you react to your own symptoms and end up with additional symptoms. You might for example, get angry and then feel guilty, or become depressed because you feel anxious. Low tolerance also gets in the way of using stress management strategies like changing your diet, exercising, managing your time or acting assertively.
    High tolerance, on the other hand, will help you in many ways. You will be:
    Less likely to create secondary problems by overreacting to unwanted events and circumstances.
    More willing to experience present discomfort to achieve long-term goals and enjoyment.
    Prepared to take reasonable risks.
    More able to assert yourself appropriately with other people.
    Less likely to put off difficult tasks and issues, including personal change.
    How to raise your tolerance for discomfort and frustration
    Know when you are engaging in low-tolerance behaviour designed to avoid discomfort or frustration. Keep a log of such behaviour for several weeks or longer. Watch for things like:

  • avoiding uncomfortable situations;
  • overusing drugs or alcohol;
  • compulsive gambling, shopping, exercising, or bingeing on food;
  • losing your temper;
  • putting off difficult tasks.

The technique of exposure is the best way to increase your tolerance. Make a list of things you typically avoid – situations, events, thoughts, risks and so on. Commit yourself to face at least one of these each day. Actively confront discomfort by going into uncomfortable situations. Instead of trying to get away from the frustration or discomfort as you normally would, stay with the discomfort until it diminishes of its own accord.
You can prepare yourself to cope with the discomfort by using rational self-analysis, imagery, and the blow-up technique. Afterwards, do a catastrophe scale to get your reaction to the discomfort into perspective. (These techniques are described in GoodStress and in many other REBT books).

  1. Long-range enjoyment

    Like most people, you probably want to enjoy life. As well as avoid distress, you want to experience pleasure. And you probably want to get your pleasure now, not tomorrow. As Alice said in Through the Looking Glass: It must come sometimes to jam today. But there are times when it is in our interests to forgo immediate pleasure in order to have greater enjoyment in the longer term.
    What is long-range enjoyment?
    There are two parts to this principle. You seek to get enjoyment from each of your present moments, rather than always putting off pleasure till tomorrow, or dwelling on things that have happened in the past.
    However, to keep on enjoying your present moments you will sometimes choose to postpone pleasure. You may wish to drink more alcohol – but you restrict your intake now so your body will still let you drink in ten years time. Or you wish to buy a new stereo, but instead you save the money for an overseas trip. This is the long-termpart.
    The principle can be summed up as follows: live for the present with an eye to the future. In other words, seek to get as much pleasure and enjoyment as you can in the present – while taking into account the desirability of enjoying your life in the long term.
    The concept is not new
    The underlying thinking behind long-range enjoyment has been around for a long time. The Greek philosopher Epicurus (341270 BC) proposed the idea that pleasure is the supreme good and main goal of life – and that only through self-restraint and moderation can people achieve true happiness.
    John Stuart Mill, British philosopher and economist, argued that an act is right if it brings pleasure, and wrong if it brings pain. But he introduced the caveat that the ultimate value is the good of society, and the guiding principle of individual conduct is the welfare of the greatest number of people.
    Developing long-range enjoyment
    Learn to calculate gains and losses. Weigh the short-term pleasurable effects of an action against its possible longer-term negative effects. Make sure that immediate gain doesn’t set you up for future pain – as with overindulgence in alcohol. If in doubt, do a benefits calculation.
    Weigh short-term discomfort and frustration against the prospect of greater and more enduring comfort in the long term. To start exercising will be more uncomfortable than watching television – but later you will not only feel the health benefits, you will even begin to enjoy the exercise itself.
    The strategy of paradoxical behaviour will help you put the philosophical change into action. Practice deliberately postponing gratification in order to increase your tolerance for frustration. List a few things you could go without and earmark the money you save for something you would really like. Reduce your intake of alcohol, caffeine or fatty foods, and reward yourself with an occasional special treat you would otherwise see as an indulgence. Be creative – what other ideas for practicing long-range enjoyment can you come up with?
    By now you will probably see that many of the twelve principles are interdependent. To delay gratification involves tolerating frustration. Sensible long-range enjoyment involves enlightened self-interest and moderation.
    To sum up
    If you always postponed your enjoyment till tomorrow, you would never enjoy yourself. But, if you always lived just for the present moment, your happiness and stress management in the future would eventually be compromised. Live your life with the goal of getting as much enjoyment as possible both now and in the future.

    6. Risk-taking

    Human beings, by nature, seek safety, predictability, and freedom from fear. But humans also pursue risk. A totally secure life would be a boring one. To grow as a person and improve your quality of life means being prepared to take some chances.
    The principle

    What we are talking about is a willingness to take sensible risks in order to get more out of life and avoid the distress of boredom, listlessness and dissatisfaction. Here are some important areas of risk-taking that relate to stress management:

  • Learning new things which may challenge existing beliefs.
  • Tackling tasks which have no guarantee of success.
  • Trying new relationships.

Doing things that risk the disapproval of other people.
How is risk-taking relevant to stress management?
Risk-taking is necessary for self-knowledge. To discover your limits, you need to take some risks and try yourself out. You can open up fresh opportunities to increase pleasure and avoid boredom.
Problem-solving means risking solutions that may backfire. To act assertively is to risk disapproval or rejection. Maintaining a support system involves trusting and opening up to other people.
Finally, experimenting with different activities to discover what you like and dislike will increase your self-knowledge and help you clarify your goals and values.
Increasing your willingness to take risks
Exposure is a key technique for practicing risk-taking. Develop a list of things you would like to try, such as:

  • Asking someone for something – like a date or favour – where there is a chance of rejection.
  • Doing something where there is a chance others will disapprove – for example, speaking up and telling a group of people what you think.
  • Trying something where there is no guarantee of success.
  • Put one item a day into practice. As you do so, remind yourself that the discomfort involved is not intolerable, and that staying with it will gradually increase your tolerance.

The benefits calculation can help you make rational decisions about the usefulness of risks you are considering.
You can prepare yourself for taking risks and cope with the discomfort involved using rational self-analysis, coping rehearsal, the blow-up technique, and role-playing.

7. Moderation

Sensible risk-taking recognises the innate human desire for safety and security. The principle of moderation will help you avoid extremes in thinking, feeling, and behaving.
Why moderation is important to stress management
Extreme expectations – too high or too low, will set you up for either constant failure or a life of boredom.
Addictive or obsessional behaviour can take control of you, creating new distress. Unrestrained eating, drinking or exercising will stress your body and lead to long term health complications.
Obsessive habits in areas as diverse as your work or your sexual behaviour can damage relationships as well as stress your body.
The principle of moderation
Taking a moderate approach to your life starts with your ultimate goals and ranges through to your daily activities.

You need to develop long-term goals, short-term objectives, and tasks that will challenge and move you on. But it is equally important they are potentially achievable and do not set you up for failure and disillusionment.

If your goal, for example, is to maintain your weight at a certain level, ensure you set that level appropriate for your age and other personal factors. Avoid any tasks and activities that are extreme – like a diet that provides massive weight loss in a short time. Otherwise, not only will you damage your health, but eventually the weight is likely to go back on (probably worse than it was before), leaving you with a feeling of hopelessness. The best way to keep to an appropriate weight without stressing the body is not to go on a radical diet, but rather to moderate eating and drinking in the long-term.
This applies in most areas of life. Throw yourself into your work, play, exercise and sexual life – but avoid the stress of over-involvement. Moderate, too, your self-help work – commit yourself to personal change, but without obsessiveness.
Note that moderation does not exclude risk-taking. In fact, moderation will help you avoid taking security too far. But you can take risks without being foolhardy.
Developing a moderate approach to life

Identify any areas of your life where you tend to behave excessively – eating, exercising, sexual activity, using your computer, and so on. Note when you are demanding full satisfaction of your urges, or catastrophising about the frustration involved in restraint. Keeping a log will help you do this.

Use the strategies of exposure and paradoxical behaviour to get into action. Set up a list of tasks, sorted according to difficulty, which will give you practice in behaving moderately. In advance, set limits in each of these areas, and commit yourself to keeping within those limits.
Handle your frustration using rational self-analysis. The benefits calculation will help you decide what areas of your life you are best to moderate. Finally, if you are unable to change behaviour which has become addictive, seek professional help.

8. Emotional and behavioural responsibility

As we saw in Part One, people who see their emotions and behaviours as under their control are less prone to distress than people who see themselves as controlled by external forces. The principle of responsibility can help you take charge of your emotions, your actions, and in turn your life. It involves taking responsibility for (1) what you feel, and (2) how you act.
To be emotionally responsible is to believe that you create your own feelings in reaction to what life throws at you. You avoid blaming other people – your parents, partner, boss, or anyone else – for how you feel.
Behavioural responsibility means accepting that you cause your own actions and behaviours, and are not compelled to behave in any particular way.

The inner-controlled person
An inner-controlled person can be identified by characteristics like the following:

  • Uses language – I think that or I would like you to rather than Everyone knows that or You should.
  • Tends to be assertive when relating to other people, rather than passive or aggressive.
  • Gets on with life now – rather than dwelling in the past or dreaming about the future but doing nothing.
  • Takes setbacks in their stride – rather than catastrophising or bemoaning fate.
  • Has a problem-solving approach – when things go wrong, looks for possible solutions.
  • Does not believe in luck- believes that action and the application of skill is what makes things happen, rather than luck or fate.
  • Limits to emotional and behavioural responsibility

While your emotions are mainly caused by what you believe, there are some exceptions. Biochemical changes, for example, can lead to emotional changes. (How you react to biochemical changes, though, will still depend on how you view what is happening in your body).
While you can, largely, control your thoughts, it is unlikely that anyone could do so perfectly. Expecting flawlessness will only lead to discouragement and self-downing.
While you are largely responsible for the consequences of your actions, some outcomes will be outside your control. If, for example, you say Noto a request, the other person may be disappointed – an appropriate reaction. You would be somewhat responsible, in that your Nowas the trigger. But what if they became clinically depressed – an inappropriate over-reaction? That would be their responsibility, not yours. You have no control over whether people choose to view your actions in ways that are rational or self-defeating.

Finally, an important point. Dont fall into the trap of blaming yourself because you are responsible for what you feel and do. Blame and responsibility are not the same thing. Blameis moralistic. It seeks not only to identify who may be the cause of a problem, but also to damn and condemn them.
Responsibility, on the other hand, is practical. It seeks either to identify a cause so it can be dealt with; or to identify who needs to take action for the problem to get solved – irrespective of who or what causedit. Responsibility is concerned not with moralising, but with finding solutions.
Why responsibility is important to stress management
Suzanne Kobasa has conducted research on, as she calls them, hardypeople – people who thrive on stress rather than become sick. A key characteristic of such people is their belief that they are in control of their lives. Hardy people generally have better physical and mental health – they are less affected by the ageing process, recover faster from medical episodes such as a heart attack or surgery, and are less likely to suffer from depression and anxiety.

If you take responsibility for your feelings and behaviours, you will avoid making yourself a victim or over-reacting to what other people say or do. You will be able to change your own feelings even though the world does not change to suit you. Finally, you will have confidence in your ability to handle your feelings, whatever happens – freeing you to take risks and try new experiences.

Developing responsibility
Use rational self-analysis to identify and dispute any irresponsible thinking.
Make a list of things you do that show irresponsibility – unassertiveness, dwelling in the past, catastrophising, drifting with problems hoping something will come along. Use the technique of paradoxical behaviour to act differently in these areas, taking responsibility for how you feel and behave.

9. Self-direction and commitment

Emotional and behavioural responsibility lay the basis for taking control over your life and committing yourself to action and involvement.

Taking responsibility for the direction of your life involves:

  • Choosing your goals, making sure they are your own.
  • Actively pursuing your goals, rather than waiting and dreaming.
  • Making your own decisions, even though you may seek opinions from others.
  • Choosing to work at managing stress, developing your potential, and changing things you dislike, rather than just drifting along or expecting a miracle to occur.
  • Not condemning any person (including yourself) when things go wrong in your life, even though you or someone else may be responsible; but rather identifying any causes and looking for solutions.

Self-direction does not mean open opposition and non-cooperation with others. You can keep your self-direction on the right track by balancing it with other principles such as enlightened self-interest, long-range enjoyment, moderation, and flexibility.
There are several prerequisites for self-direction. First, you need to see what happens to you as influenced (though not totally controlled) by what you do. As we saw earlier, inner-controlled people tend to be assertive, get on with life, and do not see themselves as victims. Second, to direct your own life you need to know what you want to do with it. Have you clarified your goals and values? Chapter Nine will show you how to do this.

Commitment follows on from self-direction. There are two elements:
Perseverance. The ability to bind yourself emotionally and intellectually to courses of action. This involves a willingness to do the necessary work (and tolerate the discomfort involved) in personal change and goal-achievement.
Deep involvement. The ability to enjoy and become absorbed in (but not addicted to) other people, activities and interests as ends in themselves – where you get pleasure from the doing, irrespective of the final result. This may include such areas as work, sports, hobbies, creative activities, and the world of ideas.

Limits to self-direction and commitment
Some of what happens to you will be out of your control, and this will place limits on how much you can influence them. Remember, though, that how you react is your responsibility.
Further, while self-direction implies independence, it recognises some limits in the interests of mutual support and cooperation with others.
If carried too far, commitment can become obsession. Dont get so involved with one or a few things that other areas of your life suffer. Avoid, for example, allowing work to stop you from any recreational activity, or recreation to leave no time for relationships.
Why self-direction and commitment are important to stress management
Avoiding decisions or action creates tension and leaves problems unsolved. Action and persistence are needed to break unwanted patterns of behaviour and achieve personal change. A life of superficial involvements would lead to boredom and dissatisfaction.
Commitment is required for confidence to develop. You dont, for example, develop confidence in playing a musical instrument unless you commit yourself to practicing with it.

Self-direction can affect your health. Salvatore Maddi, from the University of Chicago, ran courses for men and women in management aimed at increasing their sense of control. These led to lower anxiety, depression, obsessiveness, headaches, insomnia, and blood pressure, as well as more job satisfaction – results which lasted well beyond the end of the courses.

Aiming for your own goals rather than having others direct your life will affect how you implement many of the strategies in Part Three of Good Stress. It will determine how you manage your time. It will help you assert yourself. You will also maintain more stimulation and variety in your life by doing the things you want.
Developing self-direction and commitment
Make a list of things you do that indicate lack of self-direction. Watch for behaviours like asking for permission, avoidance due to fear of disapproval, unnecessarily seeking other peoples opinions, and the like. Select one item each week and deliberately act differently, in line with what you would rather be doing.
Use rational self-analysis and imagery to cope with the discomfort involved.
Make a decision now to develop one new interest in your life in which you will get absorbed. Commit yourself to taking some steps toward it over the next week or so.

10. Flexibility
Flexible people can bend with the storm rather than be broken by it. They know how to adapt and adjust to new circumstances that call for new ways of thinking and behaving. They have resilience – the ability to bounce back from adversity.

The principle of flexibility
To be flexible is to be open to change in yourself and in the world. As circumstances alter, you are able to modify your plans and behaviours. You are able to adopt new ways of thinking that help you cope with a changing world. You are able to let others hold their own beliefs and do things in ways appropriate to them while you do what is right for you.
Flexibility in thinking means:

  • Your values are preferences rather than rigid, unvarying rules.
  • You are open to changing ways of thinking in the light of new information and evidence.
  • You view change as a challenge rather than a threat.

Flexibility in behaviour means:

  • You are able to change direction when it is in your interests.
  • You are willing to try new ways of dealing with problems and frustrations.
  • You can let others do things their way.
  • You avoid distressing yourself when others think or act in ways you dislike.

Why flexibility is important to stress management
Flexibility aids survival in a changing world. The world, as it always has, continues to change – but the pace of change is increasing. If there is not a corresponding change in attitudes there will be distress. We see this in the so-called generation gap. Parents who are inflexible find it harder to cope when their children behave in ways unthinkable in their generation. We can cope better when we see change as a challenge rather than a threat. As Suzanne Kubosa has found, this attitude is one of the characteristics of hardiness.
Flexibility leads to better problem-solving. As Roger Von Oech states, there are times we need to step outside what we know or usually do and look at a problem from new angles in order to find new solutions. Even negative events like being made redundant – can create opportunities to step outside.
Flexibility will make it easier to change your goals to suit new circumstances. Getting older or sustaining a disability, for example, usually requires one to adapt to significant lifestyle changes.
Flexibility will help you break out of boring routines and maintain stimulation and variety in your life. It will also help you manage your time better, by enabling you to change your plans to suit changing situations.
Developing flexibility
Use rational self-analysis to identify and change inflexible thinking. Watch especially for any demanding shouldsand musts.
Expose yourself to new ways of looking at things. Read books that adopt positions other than yours, talk to people with differing views, watch movies you would normally not bother with.
Practice flexibility by rearranging your office or home furniture, hanging some new pictures, visiting places you have never been.
Get into the habit of pausing before you take action on a problem and look at ways of solving it different to what you would normally do. In other words, attempt to act out of character on a regular basis.

11. Objective thinking

Flexibility and openness, as well as the other principles, require freedom from ways of thinking that are narrow-minded, sectarian, bigoted and fanatical; or that rely on uncritical acceptance of dogmatic beliefs or magicalexplanations for the world and what happens in it.
Objective thinking is scientific in nature. There are four aspects – it is (1) empirical, (2) logical, (3) pragmatic, and (4) flexible.
Objective thinking is empirical
It is based on evidence gained from observation and experience rather than on subjective feelings or uncritical belief. It seeks to avoid distortions of reality.
Objective thinking is logical
It reaches conclusions that validly follow from the evidence. It is possible, as the example below demonstrates, to have the right evidence but draw the wrong conclusions:
Evidence: My supervisor has criticised me, I don’t like being criticised
Conclusion: I can’t stand this, it shouldn’t happen to me, and it shows that my supervisor is a rotten person.
Even though the two pieces of evidence are correct, this does not make the conclusion correct. It does not logically follow that because I have been criticized and I don’t like this (both of which are true), that my supervisor is rotten, I cant stand it, and it shouldn’t happen (beliefs which go beyond the evidence).
More logical conclusions could be: My supervisor has done something I dislike; This is unpleasant; and I prefer this not to happen to me.
Illogical beliefs are often overgeneralizations, like, for example:
Something that is unpleasant becomes terrifying (awfulising);
Something that is hard to bear, becomes intolerable (discomfort intolerance);
Because I prefer to avoid discomfort, therefore I absolutely must avoid it (demandingness);
Because I behaved stupidly, therefore I as a person am stupid (self-rating).
To check the logical validity of your conclusions, ask yourself questions like:
Do my conclusions logically follow from the evidence?
What other conclusions may be possible?
Am I catastrophising, demanding, or self/other-rating?
Objective thinking is pragmatic
Science evaluates an idea not just on its evidence or logical validity, but also on its usefulness to human beings. In other words, we need to be concerned with the effects, both short- and long-term, of what we believe. Questions to ask might be:
What effect does believing this have on how I feel and behave?
Does this belief help or hinder me in achieving my goals?
Objective thinking is open-minded and flexible
Nothing is seen as absolute or the last word. Beliefs are seen as theories that are subject to change as new evidence comes along and existing ideas are proved false. Objectivity encourages us to continually search for explanations that are more accurate and useful than the ones we have now.
Why objective thinking is important to stress management
Objective thinking is a necessary component of the other attitudes. For example, increasing your tolerance for frustration and discomfort means keeping their badness in perspective, rather than overgeneralising them into awful or intolerable.
Unscientific thinking can itself create distress. This can happen when you view criticism as unbearable, demand that you succeed, or rate yourself as a total person because you fail at something.
Believing you are controlled by outside forces, like fate or luck, can lead to feelings of anxiety, powerlessness and hopelessness; and cause you to take a passive approach to life and its problems.
Erroneous thinking, as we shall see later, can also make it hard to practice the coping strategies in Part Three.
Developing objective thinking
Use rational self-analysis to challenge erroneous thinking
Use essays to critically examine magical thinking.
Read up on rational thinking.
Developing many of the other principles will also move you toward more objective ways of thinking (especially emotional and behavioural responsibility, self-direction, and flexibility).

12. Acceptance of reality

It makes sense, wherever possible, to change things you dislike. But there will be some things you will not be able to change. You then have two choices – you can rail against fate and stay distressed; or you can accept reality and move on.
The principle of acceptance
To accept something is to (1) acknowledge that it exists, (2) believe there is no reason it should not exist, and (3) see it as bearable. Lets examine these three aspects of acceptance in more detail:
Acknowledgment of reality. This involves admitting that reality – including unpleasant reality – exists. You see it as inevitable that many things will not be to your liking. You view uncertainty, frustration and disappointment as aspects of normal life.
Absence of any demand that reality not exist. This means that although you may prefer yourself, other people, things, or circumstances to be different from how they are (and you may even work at changing them), you know there is no Law of the Universe which says they should or must be different.
Keeping unwanted realities in perspective. You dislike some things, and find them unpleasant – but you avoid catastrophising them into horribleor unbearable.
Acceptance of reality includes many things
There are many realities people are called upon to accept. Here are some that are especially relevant to stress management:
Uncertainty. In the real world there are no certainties. The outcomes of our actions can never be guaranteed. It is helpful to anticipate the future, but we can never know for sure what it holds.
Utopia is unlikely. You and I will almost certainly never get everything we want. This includes total happiness or personal perfection. We will probably always experience some pain, anxiety, or depression.
There are limitations to personal change. There are many things we can change, like anxiety and depression. But there are some things that will not change no matter how much we try, as Martin Seligman points out in his book What You Can Change and What You Cant. Accepting this reality can help people avoid much unnecessary distress.
We cannot change others. One thing we can never change is other people. Only they can change themselves. Accepting this reality may save a lot of pain.
What acceptance is not
Many people have trouble with the idea of acceptance. They think that to accept something means they have to like it, agree with it, justify it, be indifferent to it, or resign themselves to it.
Acceptance is none of these things. You can dislike something, see it as unjustified and continue to prefer that it not exist. You can be concerned about it. You can take action to change it, if change is possible. But you can still accept it by rejecting the idea that it should not exist and that it absolutely must be changed.
Why acceptance is important to stress management
Hurting yourself does not change what you dislike, and will only take away energy better used to confront and solve problems. By reducing the intensity of your bad feelings, you will be less disabled by them. Acceptance can, paradoxically, increase your chances of changing what you dislike!
Acceptance will help you tolerate what you cannot change, and avoid adding unnecessary emotional pain to the unpleasantness of the situation itself.
Acceptance, finally, will help you avoid wasting time and energy and risking your emotional or physical health by striving for what is unattainable.
Developing acceptance of reality
Take note of non-accepting thoughts and behaviour. Watch out for:
Believing that people or things should be different to how they are; that it is awful and intolerable when things are not as they should be; that the world should be a fair place; that one should always be treated fairly.
Feeling angry but unable to do anything.
Needing to get other people to admit they are wrong, or avoiding acceptance because it might mean giving away a sense of self-rightness.
Keep reality in perspective. When facing an unpleasant development in your life:
Use the time-projection technique.
Ask Is this situation, event or possibility really so bad for me?
Develop a catastrophe scale.
Query yourself: How much do I really need to upset myself over this?
Challenge your demands that reality not be as it is. Ask yourself:
Can I really change (this person, this situation, etc.)?
Though I would prefer that be different to how it is, where is it written that it should be?
Why must this not happen?
Is demanding that this person change going to make them change – or would I be better to try and understand how they see things and then attempt to talk with them?
Practice acceptance:
Regularly remind yourself that human beings are fallible and not perfectible.
Don’t retaliate when people do things you dislike.
See the world for what it really is (and always has been) – imperfect.
Practice being satisfied with compromises and less than perfect solutions to problems.
To sum up
We can sum up our discussion of acceptance – and in fact all the rational principles – with a paraphrase of a well-known saying. It suggests that to achieve happiness, there are three things to strive for: the courage to change the things we can, the serenity to accept the things we cant – and the wisdom to know the difference.
One last thing. Dont make these principles into demands. They are ideals. Probably no-one could practice them all consistently. Rather than see them as absolute mustsfor managing your stress, use them as guidelines to a better life.

Ethics in HRM, Principles, Challenges

Ethics in Human Resource Management (HRM) refers to the moral principles and values that guide the actions, decisions, and behavior of HR professionals and organizations in managing their workforce. Ethical practices in HRM are fundamental to creating a fair, inclusive, and respectful workplace, ensuring that employees are treated with dignity, integrity, and respect. Ethical behavior also strengthens the organization’s reputation, fosters trust, and contributes to long-term business success.

Importance of Ethics in HRM

The importance of ethics in HRM cannot be overstated. It helps in promoting fairness, transparency, and accountability in HR practices, leading to better employee relations, higher morale, and enhanced productivity. Ethical HRM practices also foster a positive organizational culture, which attracts and retains talent and reduces the risk of legal issues arising from discriminatory or unfair practices. Furthermore, organizations with a strong ethical framework build credibility with stakeholders, which is critical in the long term.

Core Ethical Principles in HRM

  • Fairness and Equality

One of the most fundamental ethical principles in HRM is fairness. HR professionals must ensure that all employees are treated equitably and that decisions, particularly in hiring, promotions, and compensation, are based on objective criteria. Discriminatory practices based on gender, race, ethnicity, age, or other personal characteristics must be actively avoided. Equal opportunity policies must be in place, ensuring that all employees have the same chances to succeed.

  • Confidentiality

HR professionals deal with sensitive and private employee information, ranging from personal details to performance appraisals. Protecting this confidentiality is an ethical responsibility. Employees should trust that their personal data is handled with care and only shared with relevant parties. Breaches of confidentiality can lead to a loss of trust, legal liabilities, and reputational damage.

  • Transparency

Transparency in decision-making is a core value of ethical HRM. HR professionals must ensure that employees understand the processes involved in promotions, rewards, disciplinary actions, and terminations. Open communication about policies, criteria for performance evaluations, and organizational changes ensures employees feel valued and informed, reducing misunderstandings and mistrust.

  • Integrity and Honesty

HR managers must operate with integrity, ensuring that they act in the best interests of both the organization and its employees. Honesty in communication, feedback, and decision-making is essential for creating an environment of trust. HR professionals must not manipulate or misrepresent facts, whether in the recruitment process, performance reviews, or conflict resolution.

  • Respect for Employee Rights

Respecting employees’ rights is central to HR ethics. This includes respecting their right to fair treatment, the right to join a union or association, the right to a safe work environment, and the right to privacy. HR should provide mechanisms for employees to voice grievances and complaints, ensuring they are addressed fairly and promptly.

  • Social Responsibility

HR professionals also have a responsibility to ensure that the organization follows ethical guidelines beyond the workplace. This includes ensuring that the organization adheres to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices. Promoting diversity and inclusion, advocating for employee well-being, and contributing to community development are aspects of HR’s role in social responsibility.

Ethical Challenges in HRM:

  • Discrimination and Bias

One of the most significant ethical challenges in HRM is the prevention of discrimination and bias. Whether in recruitment, promotions, or compensation, HR must ensure that decisions are made without bias based on race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or other protected characteristics. Discriminatory practices can lead to legal consequences and damage an organization’s reputation.

  • Workplace Harassment

Sexual harassment, bullying, and other forms of workplace harassment are critical ethical issues in HRM. It is the responsibility of HR professionals to create a safe working environment by establishing clear anti-harassment policies and providing training to all employees. HR must take swift action in investigating and resolving harassment complaints to prevent harm to individuals and maintain a positive organizational culture.

  • Performance Appraisal and Employee Feedback

Providing honest, constructive feedback to employees can sometimes be a delicate issue. An ethical HR manager must balance being honest while maintaining respect for the employee’s dignity. Inaccurate performance appraisals or biased evaluations can lead to poor morale and resentment among employees. HR must ensure that feedback is fair, specific, and actionable.

  • Privacy Issues

Employees have a right to privacy, and it is an ethical obligation for HR to protect their personal and professional information. However, the increasing use of digital tools, surveillance, and performance monitoring presents ethical dilemmas regarding the extent of monitoring. HR must find a balance between ensuring workplace productivity and respecting employees’ privacy.

  • Employee Downsizing and Termination

Downsizing, layoffs, and termination are among the most difficult ethical challenges for HR professionals. HR must ensure that these decisions are made based on sound business reasons rather than arbitrary factors. Employees should be given fair notice, severance pay, and support for transitioning to new roles. Ethical considerations also include the dignity with which the employee is treated during the termination process.

Creating an Ethical HRM Culture:

  • Developing Clear Policies

Clear and concise HR policies, including anti-discrimination, anti-harassment, and equal opportunity policies, are critical for establishing ethical guidelines within the organization. These policies should be regularly reviewed and communicated to all employees.

  • Training and Awareness Programs

Ongoing training programs for HR professionals and employees on ethical issues, such as workplace harassment, diversity, and unconscious bias, can significantly improve the ethical culture of the organization.

  • Leadership and Accountability

Ethical behavior must start at the top. Senior management should lead by example, demonstrating the ethical values they want to see in the organization. Additionally, HR professionals must be accountable for their decisions and actions.

Employee Downsizing, Reasons

Employee downsizing refers to the intentional reduction of a company’s workforce, typically as a cost-cutting measure, to improve efficiency, productivity, or profitability. It involves eliminating jobs through layoffs, early retirements, voluntary redundancy, or attrition. Downsizing is often implemented during periods of financial difficulty, mergers, restructuring, or to streamline operations. While it can lead to immediate cost savings, downsizing can also have negative effects on employee morale, organizational culture, and productivity in the long run. Companies must carefully manage the process to minimize disruption and maintain the remaining workforce’s engagement and effectiveness.

Reasons of Employee Downsizing:

  • Cost Reduction:

One of the most common reasons for downsizing is to reduce operational costs. Companies facing financial difficulties or those seeking to improve profitability often reduce their workforce as a means of cutting expenses, especially labor costs, which can be a significant portion of the budget.

  • Economic Downturn:

During times of economic recession or downturns, businesses may experience lower demand for products or services. Downsizing helps organizations adapt to market conditions by reducing overhead costs and aligning staffing levels with lower sales volumes or slower business activity.

  • Mergers and Acquisitions:

When companies merge or one company acquires another, there are often redundant positions, such as duplicated departments or roles. Downsizing is a way to eliminate these overlaps and streamline the organization to avoid inefficiencies.

  • Technological Advancements:

The adoption of new technologies, such as automation or artificial intelligence, can reduce the need for certain manual tasks or roles. Downsizing is often a consequence of technological advancements, as companies look to cut down on staff in favor of more efficient systems or processes.

  • Restructuring and Reorganization:

Companies may downsize as part of a larger organizational restructuring or reorganization. When management decides to streamline operations, shift business priorities, or change the business model, redundancies are created, leading to job cuts to align the workforce with the new organizational structure.

  • Globalization and Competition:

With the rise of globalization and the increasing competition from global markets, companies may be forced to downsize to remain competitive. This could involve relocating operations to lower-cost countries, reducing the workforce in high-cost regions, or cutting down on non-essential staff.

  • Outsourcing:

Organizations may downsize when they choose to outsource certain functions to external service providers who can perform the same tasks more cost-effectively. This is commonly seen in industries like customer service, IT, and manufacturing, where outsourcing labor to cheaper markets becomes a competitive advantage.

  • Underperformance:

Companies that are underperforming or struggling to meet financial targets may resort to downsizing to help reduce inefficiencies and improve the overall performance of the business. By cutting underperforming departments or individuals, organizations hope to regain focus on more profitable areas of operation.

Benefits of Employee Downsizing:

  • Cost Savings:

One of the most significant benefits of downsizing is the reduction in labor costs. By eliminating jobs, companies can reduce expenses related to salaries, benefits, and other employee-related costs. This is particularly beneficial for organizations facing financial difficulties or aiming to improve profitability by lowering operational costs.

  • Increased Efficiency:

Downsizing can lead to a more streamlined organization. By reducing redundancies and focusing on core activities, businesses can eliminate inefficiencies. A leaner workforce often results in faster decision-making and improved processes, as fewer employees may lead to less bureaucracy and clearer communication channels.

  • Improved Competitiveness:

Downsizing helps organizations become more agile and competitive in their industry. By trimming excess, companies can reallocate resources, focus on innovation, and shift strategies to better meet market demands. With fewer employees to manage, organizations can be more responsive to changes in the business environment and adjust quickly to stay ahead of competitors.

  • Focus on Core Competencies:

Downsizing provides companies with an opportunity to refocus on their core strengths and areas of expertise. By cutting non-essential roles or departments, companies can channel their resources toward activities that directly contribute to business growth and long-term success. This may lead to stronger market positioning and a more targeted business strategy.

  • Enhanced Productivity:

In some cases, downsizing can lead to an increase in productivity. Remaining employees may feel more accountable and motivated to perform at their best as they are aware of the need to adapt to a leaner workforce. This can also foster a culture of higher performance, where employees focus on delivering results with fewer resources.

  • Better Organizational Focus:

Downsizing can lead to a clearer organizational structure and sharper focus on strategic goals. With fewer staff, companies can prioritize key projects and initiatives, and ensure that leadership and resources are allocated efficiently. The reduction in staff can also simplify reporting structures, enabling quicker decision-making and a more unified organizational direction.

  • Improved Employee Morale (for Remaining Staff):

While downsizing can lead to short-term uncertainty, it can ultimately boost morale among the remaining staff. Employees who survive downsizing may feel a renewed sense of security and purpose, especially if they are given opportunities for growth, training, and advancement. Furthermore, the elimination of underperforming employees or inefficient teams can contribute to a more cohesive and focused workforce.

Factors affecting Human Resource Planning (HRP)

Human Resource Planning (HRP) is a strategic process aimed at ensuring an organization has the right number and type of employees to meet its current and future goals. It involves forecasting future workforce needs, analyzing current human resources, and developing strategies to bridge any gaps. Several factors influence the effectiveness of HRP, which can be broadly categorized into external and internal factors. HR professionals must consider these factors to design an effective and adaptable HR strategy.

External Factors Affecting HRP:

  • Economic Conditions

The state of the economy significantly impacts HR planning. During periods of economic growth, organizations expand and require more employees, leading to increased recruitment efforts. Conversely, during a downturn, companies may focus on downsizing or redeployment of existing staff. HR professionals need to stay updated on economic trends to make informed workforce decisions.

  • Technological Advancements

Rapid technological changes can affect the demand for specific skills and roles. Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) are transforming job roles, leading to a need for upskilling and reskilling employees. HRP must account for these changes to ensure that the workforce remains relevant and competitive.

  • Legal and Regulatory Environment

Labor laws and regulations influence HR planning by setting standards for hiring, working conditions, compensation, and termination. Compliance with laws related to equal employment opportunity, minimum wages, and employee rights is crucial in HRP. HR professionals must remain aware of legal requirements in different jurisdictions.

  • Demographic Changes

Changes in the demographic composition of the workforce, such as age, gender, and educational background, affect HR planning. An aging workforce may require succession planning and health-related benefits, while younger employees may expect flexible work environments and career development opportunities.

  • Competition

The level of competition in an industry influences HRP, especially in the context of talent acquisition. In highly competitive industries, companies must develop attractive compensation packages, benefits, and work environments to attract and retain top talent. HRP should consider competitive pressures and create strategies to maintain an edge.

Internal Factors Affecting HRP:

  • Organizational Goals and Strategies

HR planning is closely linked to an organization’s overall goals and strategies. For instance, if a company plans to expand into new markets, HRP must include strategies for hiring employees with the necessary skills and expertise. Similarly, if the organization plans to introduce new products, HRP should focus on training and development.

  • Workforce Availability

The existing workforce’s skills, experience, and potential influence HR planning. HR professionals need to conduct a thorough analysis of the current human resources, including their strengths and weaknesses, to determine whether the organization has the necessary capabilities or requires additional hiring.

  • Employee Turnover and Retention

High employee turnover can disrupt operations and increase recruitment and training costs. HRP must include strategies to improve employee retention by addressing factors such as job satisfaction, compensation, and career growth opportunities. Understanding historical turnover rates can help predict future workforce needs.

  • Organizational Culture

The organization’s culture, values, and management style play a significant role in HR planning. A positive organizational culture can enhance employee engagement and attract potential candidates. HRP must align with the cultural environment to ensure a cohesive and motivated workforce.

  • Financial Resources

The availability of financial resources affects HR planning by determining the organization’s capacity to recruit, train, and retain employees. Budget constraints may limit HR activities such as hiring, salary increments, and employee welfare programs. HR professionals must balance financial limitations with workforce requirements.

Recruitment, Meaning, Objectives, Factors, Sources

Recruitment is the process of identifying, attracting, and selecting potential candidates to fill job vacancies in an organization. It involves a series of steps, starting from identifying staffing needs, creating job descriptions, advertising job openings, and shortlisting suitable candidates. Recruitment aims to ensure that the organization acquires a diverse pool of qualified applicants who can contribute to its goals and growth. The process can be internal (promoting or transferring existing employees) or external (hiring from outside the organization). Effective recruitment helps in building a strong workforce, reducing turnover, and enhancing overall productivity and organizational success.

Definition of Recruitment

  • Dale Yoder

Recruitment is a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the requirements of staffing the organization and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection.

  • Edwin B. Flippo

Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization.

  • Gary Dessler

Recruitment refers to the process of finding and attracting applicants for the employer’s open positions. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are submitted.

  • Michael Jucius

Recruitment is the process of discovering potential candidates for actual or anticipated organizational vacancies. It is a linking activity, bringing together those with jobs to fill and those seeking jobs.

  • Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)

Recruitment is the process of having the right person, in the right place, at the right time. It is crucial to organizational performance.

Objectives of Recruitment:

  • Attracting Talent Pool

The primary objective of recruitment is to create a large pool of potential candidates for job vacancies. A wider talent pool increases the likelihood of finding highly qualified candidates who fit the job requirements. Organizations achieve this by promoting their employer brand and using multiple recruitment channels like job portals, social media, and employee referrals.

  • Ensuring Optimal Candidate Fit

Recruitment aims to find candidates who not only possess the required skills and qualifications but also fit well with the organizational culture. Ensuring a good fit between the employee and the organization leads to higher job satisfaction, better performance, and lower turnover rates.

  • Meeting Workforce Requirements

Organizations often face dynamic changes in their business environments, leading to changing workforce needs. Recruitment ensures that current and future human resource needs are met by filling vacancies promptly and maintaining an adequate staff level to support business operations.

  • Enhancing Organizational Performance

By hiring the right people, recruitment directly contributes to improving organizational performance. Qualified and competent employees are more productive, innovative, and committed, which positively impacts overall business outcomes.

  • Reducing Hiring Costs

Effective recruitment practices aim to minimize costs associated with hiring by streamlining the process and reducing time-to-hire. This includes using cost-effective recruitment channels, improving the selection process, and ensuring lower turnover by hiring the right candidates.

  • Complying with Legal and Ethical Standards

Recruitment processes must comply with labor laws and regulations, including equal employment opportunities and non-discrimination policies. Ensuring that the recruitment process is fair, transparent, and unbiased helps in building a positive reputation and avoiding legal complications.

  • Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

An important objective of recruitment is to foster a diverse and inclusive workforce. A diverse workforce brings a variety of perspectives, fosters innovation, and enhances organizational adaptability. Recruitment strategies are designed to attract candidates from different backgrounds, ensuring equal opportunities for all.

  • Building Employer Branding

Recruitment also serves as a tool for building a strong employer brand. A positive recruitment experience for candidates enhances the company’s reputation as an employer of choice. This helps attract top talent in a competitive market and boosts long-term talent acquisition efforts.

Factors affecting Recruitment:

  • Organizational Reputation and Employer Brand

A company’s reputation as an employer greatly impacts its ability to attract candidates. Companies known for a positive work environment, competitive pay, and career growth opportunities tend to attract better talent. Employer branding, which reflects the organization’s culture and values, plays a critical role in influencing job seekers’ decisions.

  • Recruitment Policy

An organization’s recruitment policy determines how recruitment activities are conducted, including internal vs. external hiring, diversity goals, and equal opportunity practices. A clear and well-defined policy ensures consistency, fairness, and alignment with the company’s long-term objectives, directly influencing the quality and quantity of candidates.

  • Labor Market Conditions

The availability of talent in the labor market impacts recruitment efforts. In a tight labor market, where demand for skilled professionals exceeds supply, organizations may face challenges in attracting qualified candidates. Conversely, in a surplus labor market, recruiters can choose from a large pool of applicants.

  • Technological Advancements

Advancements in technology have revolutionized the recruitment process. Companies now use applicant tracking systems (ATS), AI-driven screening tools, and social media platforms to reach a wider audience and streamline the hiring process. Recruitment technology improves efficiency but also requires organizations to stay updated with new tools and trends.

  • Cost of Recruitment

The budget allocated for recruitment affects the channels used and the scale of recruitment efforts. High recruitment costs may limit the use of premium job portals or recruitment agencies, while a well-funded recruitment process allows for broader outreach, better advertising, and faster hiring.

  • Company Growth and Expansion Plans

Organizations undergoing rapid growth or expansion need to hire more employees quickly to meet business demands. Recruitment efforts are often intensified during such phases. Conversely, during slow growth periods or economic downturns, recruitment may be limited to critical roles only.

  • Government Regulations and Legal Requirements

Labor laws and regulations, such as those related to equal employment opportunities, workplace diversity, and minimum wages, influence recruitment practices. Companies must adhere to these legal standards to avoid penalties and ensure a fair hiring process.

  • Socio-Cultural Factors

Cultural norms and societal values can influence candidates’ job preferences and expectations. Organizations operating in multiple regions must consider cultural diversity and local expectations when designing their recruitment strategies.

Sources of Recruitment:

Recruitment is the process of attracting, identifying, and selecting suitable candidates for a job. It plays a vital role in workforce planning by ensuring that organizations hire skilled and competent employees. Recruitment sources can be broadly classified into two categories: Internal Sources and External Sources.

1. Internal Sources of Recruitment

Internal recruitment involves hiring employees from within the organization. This method helps in employee retention, motivation, and cost savings. The major internal sources:

A. Promotions

  • Employees are promoted to higher positions based on their performance, experience, and potential.
  • Boosts employee morale and motivation.
  • Reduces recruitment and training costs.

B. Transfers

  • Employees are moved from one department, branch, or location to another without changing their job level.
  • Helps balance workforce needs across different departments.

C. Internal Job Postings

  • Open positions are announced within the organization, allowing existing employees to apply.
  • Encourages career growth and reduces hiring costs.

D. Employee Referrals

  • Current employees recommend candidates from their professional networks.
  • Leads to better cultural fit and higher retention rates.

2. External Sources of Recruitment

External recruitment involves hiring candidates from outside the organization. It helps bring fresh talent, diverse perspectives, and new skills. The major external sources are:

A. Job Portals and Company Websites

  • Companies post job openings on online job portals (e.g., LinkedIn, Indeed, Naukri) and their official websites.
  • Attracts a large number of applicants from diverse backgrounds.

B. Employment Agencies

  • Third-party agencies help organizations find suitable candidates, especially for specialized roles.
  • Useful for both temporary and permanent hiring.

C. Campus Recruitment

  • Companies visit universities and colleges to recruit fresh graduates.
  • Helps acquire young talent with innovative ideas and technical skills.

D. Social Media Recruitment

  • Platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook are used to connect with potential candidates.
  • Provides access to a global talent pool.

E. Walk-in Interviews

  • Organizations invite candidates to visit their offices and attend interviews without prior application.
  • Common in industries like retail, hospitality, and customer service.

F. Professional Associations and Networking Events

  • Industry conferences, seminars, and networking events help companies connect with experienced professionals.
  • Useful for recruiting specialists and executive-level employees.

G. Newspaper Advertisements

  • Traditional method used for hiring skilled and unskilled workers.
  • Suitable for government jobs and public sector recruitment.

H. Direct Recruitment

  • Companies hire employees directly through career fairs, recruitment drives, or direct contact with potential candidates.
  • Effective for urgent hiring needs.
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