Behaviour Objectives

20/05/2020 0 By indiafreenotes

In order to accomplish the overall goals of training, time and special attention must be given to planning each session. Clear and concise objectives must be stated at the start of training. These objectives will help staff understand what steps are needed to reach the final goals and will help in the planning. Providing trainees with objectives will help them understand what he/she will accomplish by the end of training and will provide them with measurable signs of their progression.

Writing behavioral objectives is a fairly easy task once the basics are understood. Before actually writing the objectives you should do some background research into the volunteer assignment and existing training designs and previous objectives. Once you know what will be required of the volunteers, you can begin to write up the training objectives.

Also known as: Learning objectives. Instructional objectives. Performance objectives. An objective is the knowledge or skills one wants the student to be able to exhibit in order to be considered competent. Objectives are related to outcomes because they detail the expected results or outcomes of instruction. Behavioral objectives provide the student with a road map of how to achieve competency. While all programs strive to achieve the same competencies, the route or objectives they select to use may differ.