E-Commerce LU BBA 6th Semester NEP Notes

25/01/2022 0 By indiafreenotes
Unit 1 [Book]
e-commerce, Meaning, Concept, Advantages, Disadvantages VIEW
e-commerce vs e-business VIEW
Value Chain in e-commerce VIEW
Porter’s Value chain Model VIEW
Competitive Advantage and Competitive Strategy VIEW
Different Types of e-commerce:
Business-to-Business (B2B) VIEW
Business-to-Customer (B2C) VIEW
Customer-to-Customer (C2C) VIEW
Customer-to-Business(C2B) VIEW
G2C E-commerce: Business Models and Concepts VIEW


Unit 2 [Book]
E-Commerce: A Consumer Oriented Approach VIEW
Traditional Retailing v/s E-Retailing VIEW
Key Success factors in E-retailing VIEW
Models of E-Retailing VIEW
Characteristics of E-Retailing VIEW
E-Services: Categories of E-Services VIEW
Web-enabled Services VIEW
Information Selling on the web VIEW
Entertainment VIEW
Auctions and Other Specialized Services VIEW


Unit 3 [Book]  
Technology in e-commerce: An Overview of the Internet VIEW
Basic Network Architecture and The Layered Model VIEW
Internet Architecture VIEW
Network Hardware and Software Considerations VIEW
Intranets VIEW
Extranets VIEW
The Making of World Wide Web VIEW
Web System Architecture VIEW
ISP, URL’s, and HTTP, Cookies VIEW


Unit 4 [Book]
Building and hosting your website: Choosing an ISP VIEW
Registering a domain name VIEW
Web Promotion VIEW
Internet Marketing Techniques, e-cycle of Internet Marketing VIEW
Personalization, Mobile Agents VIEW
Tracking Customers VIEW
Customer Service VIEW
CRM and e-Value VIEW VIEW
Web page design using HTML and CSS: Overview of HTML VIEW
Basic Structure of an HTML document, Basic text formatting, Links, Images, Tables, Frames, Form and introduction to CSS VIEW
Security threats: Security in cyberspace, kinds of threats and crimes: client threat, communication channel threat, server threat, other programming threats, frauds and scams VIEW
Business to Business e-commerce: Meaning, Benefits and Opportunities in B2B, B2B building blocks VIEW