BBA306 Research Methodology

05/02/2020 1 By indiafreenotes

Unit 1 Introduction to Research Methodology: {Book}

Meaning, Objectives of Research VIEW
Categories of Research VIEW
Features of good research studies VIEW
Types of Research Studies, Scientific & non-Scientific methods VIEW
Research Methods & Research Methodology
Qualitative Research Method VIEW
Quantitative Research Methods VIEW
Importance of Research in Management Decisions VIEW
Defining Research Problems VIEW
Formation of Hypothesis VIEW
Research design: Types of Research design VIEW
Research design in case of Different Research studies VIEW
Unit 2 Methods and Techniques of data collection: {Book}
Types of Data collection VIEW
Methods used for collection of different Data Types VIEW
Sampling and sampling distribution, Methods of Sampling VIEW
Importance of Sampling VIEW
Sampling errors VIEW
Test of Hypothesis VIEW
Attitude Measurement and Scales VIEW
Unit 3 Data presentation and analysis: {Book}
Data preparation & preliminary analysis VIEW
Statistical Analysis & Interpretation of data, Non parametric Tests VIEW
Multivariate Analysis of Data VIEW
Model Building & Decision Making VIEW
Additional Statistical Methods VIEW
Unit 4 Report writing & Presentation:{Book}
Writing & formatting of Reports VIEW
Presenting your research reports & talks VIEW
Graphical Presentation
Frequency Table VIEW
Bar Diagram, Histogram VIEW
Pie chart VIEW
Ogives VIEW