Unit 1 | |
Cost of Capital Meaning and Definition, Significance of Cost of Capital | VIEW |
Types of Capital | VIEW |
Computation of Cost of Capital | VIEW |
Specific Cost | VIEW |
Cost of Debt | VIEW |
Cost of Preference Share Capital | VIEW |
Cost of Equity Share Capital | VIEW |
Weighted Average Cost of Capita | VIEW |
Meaning and Definition Capital Structure | VIEW |
Capital Structure theories, The Net Income Approach, Net Operating Income Approach, Traditional Approach and MM Hypothesis | VIEW |
Unit 2 Risk Analysis in Capital Budgeting | |
Risk Analysis, Types of Risks in Capital Budgeting | VIEW |
Risk and Uncertainty | VIEW |
Techniques of Measuring Risks | VIEW |
Risk adjusted Discount Rate Approach | VIEW |
Certainty Equivalent Approach | VIEW |
Sensitivity Analysis | VIEW |
Probability Approach | VIEW |
Standard Deviation Method | VIEW |
Co-efficient of Variation Method | VIEW |
Decision Tree Analysis | VIEW |
Unit 3 | |
Dividend Decisions, Introduction, Meaning, Types of Dividends | VIEW |
Types of Dividends Polices | VIEW |
Significance of Stable Dividend Policy | VIEW |
Determinants of Dividend Policy | VIEW |
Dividend Theories: | VIEW |
Theories of Relevance: Walter’s Model, Gordon’s Model, The Miller-Modigliani (MM) Hypothesis | VIEW |
Unit 4 Mergers and Acquisitions | |
Meaning, Reasons, Types of Combinations | VIEW |
Types of Mergers, Motives and Benefits of Merger | VIEW |
Financial Evaluation of a Merger | VIEW |
Merger Negotiations | VIEW |
Leverage Buyout | VIEW |
Management Buyout | VIEW |
Meaning and Significance of P/E Ratio | VIEW |
Problems on Exchange Ratios based on Assets Approach | VIEW |
Earnings Approach | VIEW |
Market Value Approach | VIEW |
Impact of Merger on EPS | VIEW |
Market Price and Market capitalization | VIEW |
Unit 5 | |
Introduction to Ethical and Governance Issues: Fundamental Principles | VIEW |
Ethical Issues in Financial Management | VIEW |
Agency Relationship | VIEW |
Transaction Cost Theory | VIEW |
Governance Structures and Policies | VIEW |
Social and Environmental Issues | VIEW |
Purpose and Content of an Integrated Report | VIEW |
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