Service and Industrial Marketing LU BBA 7th Semester NEP Notes

25/01/2022 1 By indiafreenotes
Unit 1 [Book]
Marketing of Services VIEW
Nature, scope, Conceptual framework and special Characteristics of Services VIEW
Classification of Services VIEW
Technological development in Services Marketing VIEW
Consumer Involvement in Services Processes VIEW
The Environment of Industrial Marketing VIEW
Industrial Marketing Perspective VIEW
Dimensions of Organizational Buying VIEW
Organizational Buying Behaviour VIEW
Access marketing opportunities VIEW
Industrial Marketing Planning VIEW


Unit 2 [Book]
Managing the Industrial Product Line VIEW
Industrial Marketing Channels, Channel Participation VIEW
Industrial Advertising VIEW
Industrial Sales Promotions VIEW
Managing the industrial Advertising effort, Supplementary promotion tools, personal selling VIEW
Models for industrial Sales force management VIEW


Unit 3 [Book]
Role of Marketing in Services organizations VIEW
Research Application for Services Marketing VIEW
Internal marketing concept in the area of services marketing VIEW
Targeting consumers VIEW VIEW
Creating Value in competitive markets VIEW
Positioning a Service in Market place VIEW
Managing Relationships and Building loyalties VIEW


Unit 4 [Book]
Marketing of Financial Services VIEW
Marketing of Educational and Consultancy Services VIEW
Marketing of Hospitality and Tourism Services VIEW
Marketing of Health and Insurance Services VIEW