Equity & Debt Market University of Mumbai BMS 3rd Sem Notes

Last updated on 07/04/2023 1 By indiafreenotes
Unit 1 Introduction to Financial Market {Book}
Equity Market: Meaning & Definition of equity share VIEW
Growth of corporate sector & simultaneous growth of equity shareholders VIEW
Divorce between ownership and management in companies VIEW
Development of Equity culture in India & current position VIEW
Debt Market: Evolution of debt market in India VIEW
Money market in India VIEW
Debt market in India VIEW
Regulatory framework in the Indian Debt Market VIEW


Unit 2 Dynamics of Equity Market {Book}
Primary Equity Market VIEW
IPO- Method followed VIEW
Book building VIEW
Role of merchant bankers in fixing the price VIEW
Red herring prospectus: Unique features VIEW
Numerical on sweat equity VIEW
Employee stock ownership Plan (ESOP) VIEW
Right issues of Shares VIEW
Secondary Equity Market VIEW
Definitions & function of stock exchanges VIEW
Evolution & Growth of stock exchanges VIEW
NSE, BSE OTCEI & overseas stock exchanges VIEW
Recent development in Stock exchanges VIEW
Stock market indices VIEW


Unit 3 Players in debt markets {Book}
Govt. Securities VIEW
Public sector bonds & Corporate Bonds VIEW
Open market operations VIEW
Security Trading corp. of India VIEW
Primary Dealers in Govt. Securities VIEW
Features of Bonds VIEW
Types of Bonds VIEW


Unit 4 Valuation of Equity & Bonds {Book}
Balance sheet valuation VIEW
Dividend discount Model (Zero growth, Constant growth, Multiple growth) VIEW
Price earning Model VIEW
Determinants of the value of bonds VIEW
Yield to Maturity VIEW
Interest rate risk VIEW
Determinants of interest rate risk VIEW