Vision & Mission, Goals of NGO

28/08/2022 0 By indiafreenotes

Vision is the essence of not only a NGO but also any organization, vision of your organization can be considered as answers to your existence as Organization and deepest goal to achieve through your organization.

As far as vision of an NGO, there are different context in which you can set your vision and it mostly depends on in which area you are working as an NGO As this question is too vague to answer specifically, below points can be considered while defining your Vision.


Change you want to see in next 10 years.

Impact you are going to make on society

Long term sustainability

Your organizational values


Your upcoming 5 years plan to accomplish.

Reaching out to maximum beneficiary

Long term resource and sustainability management.


NGOs include promoting the use of appropriate technology and assisting research and development into new technology. This type of NGO may concentrate on problems in agriculture such as crop diseases or harmful insects. NGOs also may research improved agricultural equipment that is appropriate for a region’s particular agricultural conditions.

NGOs involve assisting small businesses in gaining access to credit and finding markets for their produce. These NGOs may, for example, provide microfinance, including loans to small business and savings and insurance products for low-income households. Such NGOs may support economic development by helping households to use any money they earn to accumulate assets and insure themselves against adverse situations.

NGOs concerned with the empowerment of women may include activities on a political or economic level. Such an NGO might be concerned with issues concerning the education and health of women and would help women’s groups to use their united strength to stand up for their rights in the political arena. Some NGOs also are concerned with helping women in business.

Goals of NGOs may include assisting producer groups to come together as pressure groups and find ways to influence policy on matters that concern them. An NGO can make these groups aware of their rights and educate them on ways to demand greater political participation. An example is the work of NGOs involved in fair trade issues. These may help producer groups to negotiate improved terms for selling their produce and may campaign on an international level for fairer world trade.