Re-order Level

15/12/2023 1 By indiafreenotes

Re-order Level (ROL), also known as the reorder point, is a crucial concept in inventory management. It represents the inventory level at which a new order should be placed to replenish stock before it runs out, ensuring that there is enough inventory to meet demand during the lead time for order fulfillment. The reorder level is determined based on factors such as the lead time, demand variability, and safety stock.

The formula for calculating the Reorder Level is as follows:

Reorder Level (ROL) = Demand During Lead Time + Safety Stock


  • Demand During Lead Time:

This is the average demand per unit of time multiplied by the lead time in the same unit of time. It represents the expected quantity of items that will be sold or used during the time it takes to receive a new order.

Demand During Lead Time = Demand Rate × Lead Time

  • Safety Stock:

Safety stock is the extra inventory held to mitigate the risk of stockouts due to unexpected variations in demand or lead time. It acts as a buffer to account for uncertainties.

The Reorder Level ensures that a new order is placed in time to receive goods before the existing stock is depleted, preventing stockouts. It helps maintain a balance between the costs of holding excess inventory and the costs of running out of stock.


Let’s say a business sells an average of 100 units of a product per week, and the lead time for replenishment is 2 weeks. The business decides to maintain a safety stock of 50 units to account for demand variability. The Reorder Level would be calculated as follows:

Demand During Lead Time = 100 units/week × 2 weeks = 200 units

Reorder Level (ROL) = 200 units + 50 units (Safety Stock) = 250 units

When the inventory level reaches 250 units, a new order should be placed to replenish the stock and maintain continuous availability.

It’s important to note that the actual reorder level may be adjusted based on factors such as order cycles, order quantities, and variations in demand and lead time. Regular monitoring and adjustment of the reorder level contribute to effective inventory management.