Hadoop Distributed File System, Features of HDFS

27/11/2023 0 By indiafreenotes

Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is a distributed file storage system designed to scale horizontally across large clusters of commodity hardware. It is a fundamental component of the Apache Hadoop framework, which is an open-source framework for distributed storage and processing of large datasets.

The Hadoop Distributed File System is a cornerstone of the Hadoop ecosystem, providing a scalable and fault-tolerant storage solution for big data processing. Its architecture and features make it suitable for handling the unique challenges associated with storing and managing massive datasets across distributed computing environments.

Distributed Storage:

  • Architecture:

HDFS follows a master/slave architecture. The main components include a single NameNode (master) that manages metadata and multiple DataNodes (slaves) that store the actual data blocks.

File System Namespace:

  • Namespace:

HDFS has a hierarchical file system namespace similar to traditional file systems. It uses directories and files to organize and store data.

Data Blocks:

  • Block Size:

HDFS divides large files into fixed-size blocks (typically 128 MB or 256 MB). These blocks are distributed across the DataNodes in the cluster.

  • Replication:

Each data block is replicated across multiple DataNodes to ensure fault tolerance and data reliability. The default replication factor is three, but it can be configured.


  • Responsibility:

The NameNode is the master server that manages metadata, including the file system namespace, file-to-block mapping, and replication information.

  • Single Point of Failure:

The NameNode is a critical component, and its failure can impact the entire file system. To address this, Hadoop 2.x introduced High Availability (HA) configurations with multiple NameNodes.


  • Responsibility:

DataNodes are responsible for storing and managing the actual data blocks. They communicate with the NameNode to report block information and handle read and write requests.

  • Heartbeat and Block Report:

DataNodes send periodic heartbeats and block reports to the NameNode to update their status.

Read and Write Operations:

  • Read Operation:

When a client requests to read a file, the NameNode provides the locations of the data blocks, and the client directly contacts the corresponding DataNodes for retrieval.

  • Write Operation:

When a client wants to write a file, the data is divided into blocks, and the client interacts with the NameNode to determine the DataNodes for block storage. The client then sends the data to the selected DataNodes.

Data Replication and Fault Tolerance:

  • Replication:

HDFS replicates each block to multiple DataNodes. The default replication factor is three, providing fault tolerance in case of node failures.

  • Block Recovery:

In the event of DataNode failure, HDFS replicates the lost blocks to other nodes, ensuring data availability.

Rack Awareness:

  • Rack Concept:

HDFS is rack-aware, considering the network topology of the cluster. It tries to place replicas on different racks to enhance fault tolerance and reduce network traffic.

HDFS Federation:

  • Federation Concept:

Introduced in Hadoop 2.x, federation allows multiple independent NameNodes to manage separate namespaces within the same HDFS cluster. It improves scalability and resource utilization.

HDFS Snapshots:

  • Snapshot Feature:

HDFS supports the creation of snapshots, allowing users to capture a point-in-time image of a directory or an entire file system. This is useful for data recovery and backup purposes.

Security in HDFS:

  • Kerberos Authentication:

HDFS supports Kerberos-based authentication for secure cluster access.

  • Access Control Lists (ACLs):

HDFS provides access control mechanisms to manage file and directory permissions.

Use Cases and Ecosystem Integration:

  • Big Data Processing:

HDFS is a foundational storage layer for Apache Hadoop, facilitating the storage and processing of vast amounts of data.

  • Data Analytics:

HDFS is often used in conjunction with Apache Spark, Apache Hive, and other analytics tools for processing and analyzing large datasets.

Limitations and Considerations:

  • Small File Problem:

HDFS is optimized for handling large files and may face performance challenges with a large number of small files.

  • High Write Latency:

HDFS may have higher write latencies compared to traditional file systems due to replication and block management.

Features of HDFS

Distributed Storage:

  • Scalability:

HDFS scales horizontally by adding more commodity hardware to the cluster, allowing it to handle petabytes of data.

  • Distributed Nature:

Data is distributed across multiple nodes in the cluster, enabling parallel processing and efficient storage.

Fault Tolerance:

  • Replication:

HDFS replicates each data block across multiple DataNodes. The default replication factor is three, providing fault tolerance in case of node failures.

  • Automatic Recovery:

In the event of a DataNode failure, HDFS automatically replicates the lost blocks to other nodes, ensuring data availability.

Data Block Management:

  • Fixed Block Size:

HDFS divides large files into fixed-size blocks (typically 128 MB or 256 MB), promoting efficient storage and retrieval.

  • Block Replication:

Each block is replicated across multiple DataNodes, enhancing both fault tolerance and data reliability.

NameNode and DataNode Architecture:

  • Master/Slave Architecture:

HDFS follows a master/slave architecture. The NameNode serves as the master server, managing metadata, while multiple DataNodes act as slaves, storing actual data blocks.

  • Metadata Management:

The NameNode manages file system namespace, file-to-block mapping, and replication information.

High Availability (HA):

  • HA Configurations:

Hadoop 2.x introduced HA configurations for the NameNode, allowing for multiple active and standby NameNodes. This minimizes the risk of a single point of failure.

  • ZooKeeper Integration:

ZooKeeper is often used to manage the election of an active NameNode in an HA setup.

Rack Awareness:

  • Network Topology Awareness:

HDFS is rack-aware, considering the network topology of the cluster. It attempts to place replicas on different racks to improve fault tolerance and reduce network traffic.

Data Locality:

  • Optimizing Data Access:

HDFS aims to optimize data access by placing computation close to the data. This reduces data transfer time and enhances overall performance.

  • Task Scheduling:

The Hadoop MapReduce framework takes advantage of data locality when scheduling tasks.

Read and Write Operations:

  • Data Retrieval:

When reading data, the client contacts the NameNode to obtain block locations and then directly contacts the corresponding DataNodes for retrieval.

  • Data Write:

During write operations, the data is divided into blocks, and the client interacts with the NameNode to determine DataNodes for block storage.

Security Features:

  • Kerberos Authentication:

HDFS supports Kerberos-based authentication, providing secure access to the cluster.

  • Access Control Lists (ACLs):

HDFS allows the specification of access control lists for files and directories.

Snapshot and Backup:

  • Snapshot Feature:

HDFS supports snapshots, allowing users to capture a point-in-time image of a directory or an entire file system. This aids in data recovery and backup.

  • Secondary NameNode:

While not a backup in the traditional sense, the Secondary NameNode periodically merges the edit log with the FsImage, providing a checkpoint and improving recovery times.

Integration with Hadoop Ecosystem:

  • Compatibility:

HDFS is a core component of the Hadoop ecosystem and integrates seamlessly with other Apache projects like Apache MapReduce, Apache Hive, Apache HBase, and Apache Spark.

  • Storage for Various Data Types:

HDFS can store a variety of data types, including structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data.

Data Replication Management:

  • Replication Factor:

The replication factor for each block can be configured based on the desired level of fault tolerance.

  • Balancing Replicas:

HDFS periodically balances the distribution of replicas across DataNodes to ensure uniform storage utilization.

Ecosystem Flexibility:

  • File System Interface:

HDFS provides a file system interface that is compatible with the Hadoop Distributed FileSystem API, making it easy to interact with data stored in HDFS.

  • Interoperability:

It supports a range of file formats, making it compatible with different data processing and analytics tools.