SAP Fiori Elements: Accelerating App Development

10/03/2024 0 By indiafreenotes

SAP Fiori is a user experience design approach and set of design principles implemented in SAP applications. It aims to enhance the usability and visual appeal of SAP software by providing a responsive, intuitive, and consistent user interface across various devices. Fiori simplifies complex business processes, improving user engagement and productivity within the SAP ecosystem.

SAP Fiori Elements is a framework provided by SAP to simplify and accelerate the development of SAP Fiori applications. Fiori Elements follows the Fiori design principles, providing a consistent and intuitive user experience across various SAP applications. Fiori Elements abstracts much of the UI development process, allowing developers to focus on business logic rather than UI design.

SAP Fiori Elements streamlines the development of Fiori applications, allowing developers to create consistent, responsive, and user-friendly interfaces without extensive manual coding. The framework is an integral part of SAP’s broader Fiori design philosophy, contributing to a cohesive and enjoyable user experience across the SAP ecosystem.

Key Aspects related to SAP Fiori Elements:

  • UI Design Principles:

SAP Fiori Elements follows SAP Fiori design principles, emphasizing simplicity, responsiveness, and a role-based approach to user interaction.

Types of Fiori Elements:

  • List Report (LR):

Displays a list of items and allows users to navigate to detailed information.

  • Object Page (OP):

Presents detailed information about a single object or entity.

  • Overview Page (OVP):

Offers a summarized, personalized view of key performance indicators and critical information.

  • Analytical List Page (ALP):

Integrates analytical capabilities into a list report.

Key Features:

  • Adaptability:

Fiori Elements applications are adaptable and responsive, providing a consistent user experience across various devices.

  • Smart Templates:

Fiori Elements includes smart templates that automatically generate UIs based on metadata and annotations, reducing the need for manual UI development.

Data-driven Applications:

  • Annotations:

Fiori Elements relies heavily on annotations in OData services. These annotations define how the UI should be generated based on the underlying data model.

  • OData Services:

Fiori Elements applications typically consume OData services, and the annotations within these services drive the UI generation.

List Report (LR):

  • List and Object Pages:

LR applications consist of list pages for displaying multiple records and object pages for detailed information about a single record.

  • Smart Tables:

Tables in LR applications are often “smart,” meaning they automatically handle features like sorting, filtering, and grouping.

Object Page (OP):

  • Sections and Subsections:

OP applications are structured into sections and subsections, providing a clear and organized way to present detailed information.

  • Smart Fields:

Like smart tables in LR, smart fields in OP applications provide intelligent handling of data.

Overview Page (OVP):

  • Cards:

OVP applications use cards to display key information. Cards can represent various types of content, such as tables, charts, or process flows.

  • Personalization:

Users can personalize the content on the OVP to tailor it to their specific needs.

Analytical List Page (ALP):

  • Integration with Smart Business Service:

ALP applications integrate with the Smart Business service, providing analytical capabilities and KPIs within the context of a list report.

  • Drilldown Capabilities:

Users can drill down into data for more detailed analysis.


  • Customization and Adaptation:

Fiori Elements applications can be extended and adapted to meet specific business requirements.

  • Side-by-Side Extensibility:

Developers can add custom fields, logic, or entire sections to Fiori Elements applications without modifying the standard code.

SAP Fiori Elements for SAP S/4HANA:

  • SAP S/4HANA Integration:

Fiori Elements is extensively used in SAP S/4HANA, providing a consistent and streamlined user experience for various business processes.

  • Role-based Applications:

Applications built with Fiori Elements align with specific user roles and tasks within SAP S/4HANA.

Lifecycle Management:

  • App Building Tools:

Fiori Elements is integrated with SAP Web IDE and SAP Business Application Studio, providing developers with tools for building, testing, and deploying Fiori Elements applications.

  • Transport Management:

Applications built using Fiori Elements can be transported across different systems using SAP’s transport management system.

UI Annotations:

  • Annotations Language:

Fiori Elements relies on the Annotations for UI (UI5 Annotations) specification, which provides a standard way to describe how OData services should be rendered in a UI.

  • Metadata-driven UI:

Annotations drive the creation of UI elements, making the UI metadata-driven and reducing the need for manual coding.

Integration with Fiori Launchpad:

  • Fiori Launchpad:

Fiori Elements applications seamlessly integrate with the Fiori Launchpad, providing users with a unified entry point for various Fiori apps.

  • Role-based Access:

The Fiori Launchpad ensures that users only see the apps and features relevant to their roles.

Future Directions:

  • Continuous Improvement:

SAP continues to enhance Fiori Elements, introducing new features and improvements based on user feedback and evolving design principles.

  • Integration with New Technologies:

Fiori Elements is expected to integrate with emerging technologies like SAP Fiori 3, SAP Fiori Tools, and SAP Fiori Elements version 3.