Types of Interview

Last updated on 02/06/2020 1 By indiafreenotes
  1. Formal Interview and Informal Interview

Formal Interview

It is a planned and well-arranged interview. It is conducted in a formal atmosphere in a fixed venue, time and through a panel of interviewers. All the formalities and procedures are followed in this type of interview. Even questions to be asked are decided well in advance.

Informal Interview

It is an un-planned and un-scheduled interview and may take place anywhere. Venue and time is not fixed. Questions are not prepared well in advance. Whenever staff is required, this kind of interview is conducted by asking simple questions like name, age, qualification birth place etc., if candidates approach employer.

  1. Structured or Patterned Interview and Un-Structured or Non-Directed Interview

Structured or Patterned Interview

It is a fully planned interview and questions to be asked are already structured well in advance on the basis of an analysis of job specification. The time to be allowed to each candidate and the information to be collected is also predefined. The interviewer is carefully selected and he has no or little scope for deviation. Thus, a standardized pattern is adopted to conduct the interview.

Un-Structured or Non-Directed Interview

It is an un-planned and un­structured interview where questions to be asked, time to be allowed and response to be collected are not thought in advance. Broad general questions are asked to the candidate and candidate is allowed to speak his mind freely without any restrictions. Therefore, better assessment of candidate becomes possible.

Pros and Cons of Structured Interviews & Unstructured Interviews

Structured interviews are generally more reliable and valid as all can­didates are asked same questions. Secondly, structured interviews can be conducted by less experienced managers also as everything is clearly written and standardized. This also increases the consistency across candidates and reduces overall subjectively. Lastly, such interviews are able to withstand any legal challenges.

However, the major limitation of structured interview is that it cannot pursue points of interest as it develops, which an unstructured inter­view can do. An unstructured interview also allows you to go deep with the specialized area of knowledge with some very skilful and talented interviewees.

  1. Stress Interview

It is a deliberate attempt to create tension and pressure to observe how an applicant responds under stress and strain. Interviewer puts the candidate by putting him under stress and strain by interrupting the applicant from answering, criticizing his opinion, asking questions in rapid succession and keeping silent for unduly long period of time etc. This kind of interview is conducted just to find out how a candidate behaves in stressful situation.

  1. Group Interview

In this type of interview, group of individuals are interviewed. For this purpose, a problem is given to a group of candidates for discussion. The candidates are carefully observed as to who will lead the group, who is active and who is in-active, who will dominate and who will keep silence. Actions and reactions of the members in the group are also observed and potential candidate is selected.

  1. Depth Interview

Depth interview is conducted to test the candidates in depth knowledge in a special area of interest and to get true picture of the candidate in such area or subject. Experts in the concerned area of subject ask the question to test the candidate’s capacity in the concerned subject. Thus, candidate is examined thoroughly before he is selected for a particular post.

  1. Panel or Board Interview

It is an interview conducted by a panel or group of interviewers. Panels of experts interview each candidate, judge each candidates performance and prepare the list of candidate in order of merit. Here group judgment is involved in the selection of candidates as it seeks to pool the collective judgment of several interviewers.

  1. Exit Interview

Exit interview is conducted for those who leave or quit the organization. The main purpose of conducting this interview is to know the feelings of the outgoing employees towards organization, fellow workers, policy and rules of the organization and also to know the reason for quitting the job so that any defect associated with the organization can be rectified.

  1. Walk-in-lnterview

Recently many companies have started to hold walk-in-interview. Here candidates are to appear for interview directly without sending their application in advance. At the time of interview candidates are asked to submit application and testimonials in support of their qualification. Questions are asked in the area of candidate’s specialization in accordance with job requirement.