Industrial Law University of Mumbai BMS 2nd Sem Notes

Last updated on 07/04/2023 1 By indiafreenotes
Unit 1 Industrial Relations and Industrial Disputes {Book}
Industrial Dispute Act 1947 Definition, Authorities VIEW
Industrial Dispute Act 1947 Awards, Settlement VIEW
Industrial Dispute Act 1947 Strikes, Lockout VIEW
Industrial Dispute Act 1947 Lay off, Retrenchment and Closure VIEW
The Trade Union Act 1926 VIEW


Unit 2 Laws Related to Health, Safety and Welfare {Book}
The Factories Act 1948 VIEW
The Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923 Provisions: VIEW
Introduction: VIEW
The Doctrine of Assumed Risk
The Doctrine of common Employment
The Doctrine of Contributory Negligence
Employers liability for Compensation (Sec 3 to 13) VIEW
Rules as to Compensation (Sec 4 to 9) (Sec 14A & 17) VIEW


Unit 3 Social Legislation {Book}
Employee State Insurance Act 1948 VIEW
Employee Provident Fund VIEW
Miscellaneous Provision Act 1948: Schemes, Administration and Determination of Dues VIEW


Unit 4 Laws Related to Compensation Management {Book}
The payment of Minimum Wages Act 1948 Objectives, Definition, Authorized Deductions VIEW
The payment of Wages Act 1936 VIEW
Payment of Bonus Act 1965 VIEW
The Payment of Gratuity Act 1972 VIEW