Steps in Programme Development

19/03/2020 0 By indiafreenotes

A programmer has to go through the following stages to develop a computer program:

  1. Defining and Analyzing the Problem

In this step, a programmer studies the problem. He decides the best way to solve these problems. Studying a problem is also necessary because it helps a programmer to decide about the following things:

  • The facts and figures which are necessary for developing the program.
  • The way in which the program will be designed
  • Also, the language in which the program will be most suitable.
  • What is the desired output and in which form it is needed, etc
  1. Designing the Algorithm

An algorithm is a sequence of steps that must be carried out before a programmer starts preparing his program. The programmer designs an algorithm to help visual possible alternatives in a program also.

  1. Coding or Writing the Program

The next step after designing the algorithm is to write the program in a high-level language. This process is known as coding.

  1. Test Execution

The process of executing the program to find out errors or bugs is called test execution. It helps a programmer to check the logic of the program. It also ensures that the program is error-free and workable.

  1. Debugging

Debugging is a process of detecting, locating and correcting the bugs in a program. It is performed by running the program again and again.

  1. Final Documentation

When the program is finalized, its documentation is prepared. Final documentation is provided to the user. It guides the user how to use the program in the most efficient way.

Furthermore, another purpose of documentation is to allow other programmers to modify the code if necessary. Documentation should also be done in each step during the development of the program.