Employee’s welfare costs

06/04/2020 1 By indiafreenotes

There are so many expenditures which are incurred in respect of the employees of the business firm which are neither official nor personal; even then these are booked as business expenditure. For example:- Tea and refreshment expenses for the employees, medical expenses for the health of the employees or their family members, uniforms given to employees, concessional foods given to employees, personal accident insurance premium paid for employees etc. For control purpose, the sub heads may be created under staff welfare expense like tea & refreshment expenses, medical expenses, personal accident expenses, uniform expenses etc.

Employee welfare entails everything from services, facilities and benefits that are provided or done by an employer for the advantage or comfort of an employee. It is undertaken in order to motivate employees and raise the productivity levels.

In most cases, employee welfare comes in monetary form, but it doesn’t always bend that way. Other forms of employee welfare include housing, health insurance, stipends, transportation and provision of food. An employer may also cater for employees’ welfare by monitoring their working conditions.

Importance of employee welfare

Employee welfare raises the company’s expenses but if it is done correctly, it has huge benefits for both employer and employee. Under the principles of employee welfare, if an employee feels that the management is concerned and cares for him/her as a person and not just as another employee, he/she will be more committed to his/her work. Other forms of welfare will aid the employee of financial burdens while welfare activities break the monotony of work.

An employee who feels appreciated will be more fulfilled, satisfied and more productive. This will not only lead to higher productivity but also satisfied customers and hence profitability for the company. A satisfied employee will also not go looking for other job opportunities and hence an employer will get to keep the best talents and record lower employee turnover.

During employment, the offered benefits will determine whether an employee commits to an organization or not. As such, good employee welfare enables a company to compete favorably with other employers for the recruitment and retention of quality personnel.