Delivered pricing – Pricing issues- potential discrimination, quantity discounts, pick up allowances, promotional pricing

24/12/2023 0 By indiafreenotes

Delivered pricing is a strategic approach where the seller includes transportation costs in the product’s overall price. While this method simplifies transactions, various pricing issues can arise. Delivered pricing, while offering simplicity and predictability, introduces specific challenges that need careful consideration. Addressing potential discrimination concerns, navigating quantity discounts, pick-up allowances, and managing promotional pricing requires a strategic and transparent approach. Successful pricing strategies not only consider cost structures but also align with fairness, customer expectations, and market dynamics. By proactively addressing these challenges, businesses can optimize their pricing models, enhance customer satisfaction, and maintain a competitive edge in the marketplace.

Delivered Pricing:

Delivered pricing, also known as “freight-in pricing,” involves the seller covering shipping costs, and the total cost to the buyer includes both the product cost and transportation expenses.


  • Simplicity:

Streamlines transactions by presenting an all-inclusive price.

  • Predictability:

Provides buyers with a clear understanding of the total cost upfront.


  • Potential Discrimination:

Delivered pricing may inadvertently lead to discrimination if certain customers or regions consistently face higher transportation costs. Sellers must ensure fairness and transparency.

  • Quantity Discounts:

Offering quantity discounts can be challenging with delivered pricing, as shipping costs per unit may decrease with larger orders. Sellers need to carefully structure discounts to maintain profitability.

  • Pick-Up Allowances:

Providing allowances for customers who arrange their own transportation can be complicated under delivered pricing. Sellers need to establish fair and consistent policies.

  • Promotional Pricing:

Introducing promotional pricing, such as free shipping, requires careful consideration of how it impacts overall costs and profitability.

Potential Discrimination:

Potential discrimination occurs when certain customers or regions face higher total costs under delivered pricing, leading to perceived or actual unfairness.

Mitigation Strategies:

  • Transparent Pricing Policies:

Clearly communicate how transportation costs are determined.

  • Consistent Application:

Apply pricing consistently across customer segments to avoid favoritism.

  • Regular Reviews:

Periodically review pricing structures to identify and rectify potential discriminatory practices.

Quantity Discounts:

Quantity discounts involve reducing the unit price as the order volume increases, encouraging larger purchases.

Challenges with Delivered Pricing:

Determining how to factor in transportation costs when offering quantity discounts can be complex.

Mitigation Strategies:

  • Tiered Discount Structures:

Implement tiered discount structures where the discount increases at predetermined order quantity thresholds.

  • Separate Transportation Costs:

Clearly define transportation costs separately to maintain transparency.

  • Pick-Up Allowances:

Pick-up allowances involve providing discounts to customers who arrange their own transportation.

Challenges with Delivered Pricing:

Delivered pricing may not easily accommodate pick-up allowances, potentially affecting the perceived fairness of pricing.

Mitigation Strategies:

  • Establish Clear Policies:

Clearly outline pick-up allowance policies, specifying criteria and eligibility.

  • Flexibility in Pricing:

Allow for flexibility in pricing structures to accommodate various customer preferences.

  • Promotional Pricing:

Promotional pricing includes temporary reductions in prices, often used for marketing purposes.

Challenges with Delivered Pricing:

Offering promotions, such as free shipping, can impact overall profitability under delivered pricing.

Mitigation Strategies:

  • Calculate True Cost:

Understand the true cost implications of promotional pricing, factoring in shipping costs.

  • Limited-Time Offers:

Introduce time-limited promotions to manage the impact on overall costs.