Ind AS-28: Investments in Associate and Joint Ventures

31/08/2021 0 By indiafreenotes

IAS 28 Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures (as amended in 2011) outlines how to apply, with certain limited exceptions, the equity method to investments in associates and joint ventures. The standard also defines an associate by reference to the concept of “Significant Influence“, which requires power to participate in financial and operating policy decisions of an investee (but not joint control or control of those polices).

Objective of IAS 28

The objective of IAS 28 (as amended in 2011) is to prescribe the accounting for investments in associates and to set out the requirements for the application of the equity method when accounting for investments in associates and joint ventures. [IAS 28(2011).1]

Scope of IAS 28

IAS 28 applies to all entities that are investors with joint control of, or significant influence over, an investee (associate or joint venture). [IAS 28(2011).2]

Important Definition:

Significant influence: The power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee but is not control or joint control of those policies.

Associate: An entity over which the investor has significant influence.

Joint arrangement: An arrangement of which two or more parties have joint control.

Joint venture: A joint arrangement whereby the parties that have joint control of the arrangement have rights to the net assets of the arrangement.

Joint ventures: A party to a joint venture that has joint control of that joint venture.

Equity method: A method of accounting whereby the investment is initially recognised at cost and adjusted thereafter for the post-acquisition change in the investor’s share of the investee’s net assets. The investor’s profit or loss includes its share of the investee’s profit or loss and the investor’s other comprehensive income includes its share of the investee’s other comprehensive income.

Joint control: The contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, which exists only when decisions about the relevant activities require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control.

Significant influence

Where an entity holds 20% or more of the voting power (directly or through subsidiaries) on an investee, it will be presumed the investor has significant influence unless it can be clearly demonstrated that this is not the case. If the holding is less than 20%, the entity will be presumed not to have significant influence unless such influence can be clearly demonstrated. A substantial or majority ownership by another investor does not necessarily preclude an entity from having significant influence. [IAS 28(2011).5]

The existence of significant influence by an entity is usually evidenced in one or more of the following ways: [IAS 28(2011).6]

  • Participation in the policy-making process, including participation in decisions about dividends or other distributions.
  • Representation on the board of directors or equivalent governing body of the investee.
  • Material transactions between the entity and the investee.
  • Provision of essential technical information.
  • Interchange of managerial personnel.

The equity method of accounting

Distributions and other adjustments to carrying amount. The investor’s share of the investee’s profit or loss is recognised in the investor’s profit or loss. Distributions received from an investee reduce the carrying amount of the investment. Adjustments to the carrying amount may also be necessary for changes in the investor’s proportionate interest in the investee arising from changes in the investee’s other comprehensive income (e.g. to account for changes arising from revaluations of property, plant and equipment and foreign currency translations.) [IAS 28(2011).10]

Basic principle. Under the equity method, on initial recognition the investment in an associate or a joint venture is recognised at cost, and the carrying amount is increased or decreased to recognise the investor’s share of the profit or loss of the investee after the date of acquisition. [IAS 28(2011).10]

Potential voting rights. An entity’s interest in an associate or a joint venture is determined solely on the basis of existing ownership interests and, generally, does not reflect the possible exercise or conversion of potential voting rights and other derivative instruments. [IAS 28(2011).12]

Classification as non-current asset. An investment in an associate or a joint venture is generally classified as non-current asset, unless it is classified as held for sale in accordance with IFRS 5 Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations. [IAS 28(2011).15]

Interaction with IFRS 9. IFRS 9 Financial Instruments does not apply to interests in associates and joint ventures that are accounted for using the equity method. An entity applies IFRS 9, including its impairment requirements, to long-term interests in an associate or joint venture that form part of the net investment in the associate or joint venture but to which the equity method is not applied. Instruments containing potential voting rights in an associate or a joint venture are accounted for in accordance with IFRS 9, unless they currently give access to the returns associated with an ownership interest in an associate or a joint venture. [IAS 28(2011).14-14A]

Application of the equity method of accounting

Basic principle. In its consolidated financial statements, an investor uses the equity method of accounting for investments in associates and joint ventures. [IAS 28(2011).16] Many of the procedures that are appropriate for the application of the equity method are similar to the consolidation procedures described in IFRS 10. Furthermore, the concepts underlying the procedures used in accounting for the acquisition of a subsidiary are also adopted in accounting for the acquisition of an investment in an associate or a joint venture. [IAS 28. (2011).26]

Exemptions from applying the equity method. An entity is exempt from applying the equity method if the investment meets one of the following conditions:

The entity is a parent that is exempt from preparing consolidated financial statements under IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements or if all of the following four conditions are met (in which case the entity need not apply the equity method): [IAS 28(2011).17]

  • The entity is a wholly-owned subsidiary, or is a partially-owned subsidiary of another entity and its other owners, including those not otherwise entitled to vote, have been informed about, and do not object to, the investor not applying the equity method
  • The investor or joint venturer’s debt or equity instruments are not traded in a public market
  • The entity did not file, nor is it in the process of filing, its financial statements with a securities commission or other regulatory organisation for the purpose of issuing any class of instruments in a public market
  • The ultimate or any intermediate parent of the parent produces financial statements available for public use that comply with ifrss, in which subsidiaries are consolidated or are measured at fair value through profit or loss in accordance with ifrs 10.

Classification as held for sale. When the investment, or portion of an investment, meets the criteria to be classified as held for sale, the portion so classified is accounted for in accordance with IFRS 5. Any remaining portion is accounted for using the equity method until the time of disposal, at which time the retained investment is accounted under IFRS 9, unless the retained interest continues to be an associate or joint venture. [IAS 28(2011).20]